Good and inexpensive counterparts Vanisha

Planting a stain on a fabric is as easy as shelling pear, but removing it is much harder. It’s especially a shame if the stain ruined an expensive or just a favorite thing. However, the most persistent pollution can be defeated, and not at the expense of the fabric at all. Stain removers come to the rescue. They are usually associated with the widely publicized Vanish. However, there are good and inexpensive analogues of Vanish, which we will talk about in this article.

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There are 3 varieties of stain removers:

  • Pencils (hard).
  • Powdery.
  • Liquid.

These funds differ in their composition. Products with active oxygen in the composition are intended for colored linen, with bleaching elements - for white things. Today’s rating includes budget funds that collected the most positive reviews.

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Universal stain removers

They can be used for both color and white things.


A good and inexpensive analogue of “Vanisha”. Release form: cardboard packing on 0,5 kg. The powder is well established for different types of linen. Colored items retain their color, whites acquire an optical whiteness.

Important! The instructions say that the tool is effective at low temperatures, but practice shows that the best result is obtained in hot water. Works great when mixed with machine washable detergent.


  • Low cost.
  • Soft stain removal, the ability to use for delicate things.
  • Nice smell.

The disadvantage of ACE OXI MAGIC is that the tool is slightly less effective than other stain removers, but this is not critical. Moreover, the lack is fully compensated by less aggressiveness to tissues.

Udalix oxi ultra

Available in banks of 0.6 kg. This stain remover combines high volume and low price. In addition, with its help it is possible to derive quite complex spots. For example, from greens or tar grease.

Important! Stains are removed by soaking things in a hot solution (temperature more than degrees). The tool is universal. It can be used for cleaning surfaces or for washing. It has a highly effective chemical formula: bleach with active oxygen enzymes and nonionic surfactants.


  • Low cost.
  • Efficiency.
  • Economical spending.
  • Convenient release (plastic jar). There is also a cheaper option - in a plastic bag.


  • Means works only in hot water.
  • Not always on sale.

Sarma Active 5 in 1

This washing activator combines excellent performance with low cost. You have a chance to return to color and white things an originally attractive look. The powder contains enzymes, due to which it ensures successful stain removal.

Important! “Sarma” works especially well when soaking for a long time or starting a full wash cycle in an automated mode.

This is an inexpensive and good analogue of the Vanish stain remover for old stains.


  • It works even at low (from degrees) temperatures.
  • A possibility of application for all types of linen.
  • Removing complex stains.
  • The presence of a whitening effect.


  • Long action.
  • Not good dissolution in water.

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For white linen

A feature of these stain removers is a pronounced whitening effect.

Bos plus Maximum

Release form - cardboard boxes of 250 g.

Important! It can be used as a stain remover and washing activator. The gray and yellowed linen becomes white again, but it is impossible to use for colored linen. Clothing may shed.


  • Effective stain removal.
  • High-quality whitening.
  • Pleasant “fresh” smell.
  • Action at a water temperature of 40 degrees.
  • Low cost.

Less: it is better not to use it for colored things, despite the fact that the manufacturing company does not prohibit this.

Laundry soap for children Eared Nannies

This Russian-made soap has a good whitening effect. It helps to cope with stains from drinks, food, watercolors, etc. The manufacturing company is positioning Eared Nannies as a safe stain remover for children's things, but you can use soap to clean any items and even textile upholstery of upholstered furniture.

Important! Abuse this soap when washing colored things should not be: they can shed.


  • Reasonable cost.
  • Pleasant aroma.
  • Great stain removal efficiency.
  • Well pronounced whitening effect.
  • Hypoallergenic, gentle effect on the skin of the hands.


  • Significant expense.
  • For colored things - a pronounced brightening effect.

Important! Bleach of this brand is also available in powder form. Hypoallergenic composition allows you to use it even for washing infants.

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Convenience and speed

This list contains the most convenient stain removers.

Faberlic (Edelstar)

This is a 35 gram pencil containing active oxygen. Thanks to its convenient shape, the stain remover is convenient to use outside the home. It is enough to wet the problem area, rub with a pencil and leave for 10-15 minutes.

Important! The tool copes well with fresh contaminants from brilliant green, coffee, tea, a ballpoint pen. With old spots, it copes much worse. In all likelihood, several stain-removing sessions will be needed.


  • Reasonable cost.
  • Convenient use.
  • Spot effect on the spot.
  • Good result.


  • Swelling paper wrapper.
  • Not guaranteed result.

COTICO BABY - one of the best stain removers for children's things

This stain remover is great for cleaning children’s dirt. It combines good effect and hypoallergenicity. Its composition is completely natural, so COTICO BABY can be considered completely safe. Available in liquid form with a spray, so it is convenient to apply to things.

Important! Can be used to clean furniture, bedding and soft toys. Reviews on stain remover for baby clothes are the best.

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Stock footage

As you can see, good and effective stain removers are more than enough, and you should not get hung up on the traditional “Vanish”.


