Do cleaning companies clean well?

Everyone wants to live clean. But not everyone has time to constantly keep their housing in order - work, hobbies, children's activities, trips are constantly distracting from pressing affairs. But is it really necessary to do everything yourself? In any more or less large city, there are a dozen or two companies ready to wash the windows, tidy upholstered furniture and everything else. But are cleaning companies cleaning well, in what cases is it better to use their services, and when is it not worth it? Let's talk about it.

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Brand Cleaning Benefits

There are many advantages to professional cleaning, and for this reason the heads of large offices usually do not hesitate, and instead of hiring a cleaner, they simply conclude an agreement with such a company. And if it comes to cleaning the apartment - what to do in this case? Let's see what good proven cleaning companies with an established reputation are:

  1. Modern equipment is used - nobody will look for a mop with a telescopic handle, there are vacuum cleaners, brushes, and window scrapers, so no improvised tools are needed.
  2. Quality detergents are used.
  3. Experienced employees know which surfaces to clean.
  4. A self-respecting cleaning company has enough supplies, so you don’t have to think about what old t-shirt to put on rags.
  5. Good companies employ experienced employees who are not the first to clean, so they take much less time than you do.
  6. If the company is verified and values ​​its reputation, the customer can not be afraid for his property - after cleaning, he will find both money and jewelry in their places.
  7. A reputable company will pay compensation for damaged property without any claims or court decisions.
  8. When filling out an application, the manager immediately estimates the amount of work and sends the right number of employees, so that everything happens very quickly.
  9. As a rule, large companies enter into agreements with municipal services involved in the disposal of municipal solid waste - this is especially important if you want to clean up your cottage or in the cottage.
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Are there any disadvantages?

Perhaps the most important drawback of professional apartment cleaning is its price. Quality work costs money, which is why apartment owners often prefer not to get involved. It's a shame to spend substantial sums on some kind of cleaning there. But there are other disadvantages:

  1. Not in every village there is a company that provides such services.
  2. Despite the fact that cleaning companies have been operating successfully for a long time, the fear of stumbling on unscrupulous employees still remains - there is a risk of losing part of the property and not finding traces later.


Therefore, the company for cleaning must be chosen very carefully. This segment of the service sector is not always suitable and not for everyone.

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When to refuse branded cleaning?

Of course, if you live in a tiny apartment, there is no point in contacting a cleaning company about regular weekly cleaning. Costs may be too substantial for a small amount of work.You yourself can easily cope with this if you can reach each item by taking just a few steps.


It makes no sense to contact a cleaning company even if there are too many things in the apartment and you do not want to part with them. Or you will need to clearly indicate what needs to be put in order and what is not. But such a truncated cleaning option is unlikely to suit you. But if you are not averse to parting with trash, but you lack the spirit - a better way out than contacting a specialized company, and you can imagine.


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When can you do without a cleaning company?

There are several situations where even the most inveterate stingy person is better off contacting a company that will tear his apartment to shine. For example, if the inhabitants of the apartment themselves are physically unable to do a high-quality cleaning, but at the same time they have sufficient funds to pay for it. Unfortunately, this is not such a common situation. Older people and people with disabilities can’t always afford this, and in this case social services come to the rescue, which provide the same services, but much cheaper, or even completely free.


But no social service, naturally, will come to the able-bodied owner of a large country house, and he does not need it. At the same time, the house needs constant care. A great opportunity is to contact a cleaning company. You can order a general cleaning, or you can generally conclude a contract for a long period so that employees periodically appear in the house and do what you want from them.

Important! The cleaning company can also provide very significant assistance to the owner of a large city apartment. Especially if the apartment has a lot of free space and several bathrooms. If you do everything yourself, there’s simply no time left for anything else. And professionals will figure it out quickly.


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If the apartment is small

There are cases when not very wealthy owners of small apartments make sense to contact a professional company.


Separate services

It is not necessary to order a full cleaning - companies also provide individual services:

  • washing windows;
  • cleaning of bathrooms;
  • cleaning upholstered furniture;
  • washing dishes;
  • mopping.



In addition, owners of small apartments also periodically decide on repairs. And in this case, the help of professionals is very useful, even if everything else - from concrete screed to painting window frames, you did with your own hands.

Cleaning company employees can:

  • clean the window panes of paint and whitewash;
  • tidy up the flooring;
  • clean the plumbing, if you could not do without stains of glue and paint;
  • take out the trash.


Old apartment as a legacy

It makes sense to contact a cleaning company and order a professional apartment cleaning if you unexpectedly find yourself the owner of an old apartment with a lot of things with which you do not know what to do. You do not need them, throwing out is troublesome - you begin to sort through all these mountains of rags and pieces of wood, and you understand that life has ended here, you will never get out of this trash. An excellent occasion to experience first hand what it is - a cleaning company. You will not have time to blink an eye, when you find yourself in a pristine clean apartment, where there are no blockages, and all usable items have been cleaned and brought back to their original form.


Home holidays

And if you intend to celebrate the anniversary at home? Hassle is enough without cleaning, so why not give yourself a break? You are doing other things, at this time your apartment is being cleaned, and in a way that you never succeeded.


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Part with legends!

So what prevents people who are neat, quite wealthy, and value comfort and time from contacting specialized firms for cleaning? There are several reasons:

  • fear of gossip;
  • unwillingness to allow strangers to their things;
  • fear that everything will be redone not the way you like.


This is often a fear of public condemnation. It is believed that a good housewife does not need helpers, she manages to do everything herself and very high quality. But is it really so? A good housewife is always clean, but who and how to put things in order is not so important.

Not everyone likes when someone else touches things in the house. But this is just quite easy to handle. By calling professional cleaners, you can indicate what things you can’t touch. Do not worry, no one will make unnecessary movements.

There is one more concern - people who come to the house will rearrange everything the way they like, and then you will not immediately find the things you need. This is also a legend - if the company is really decent, nothing like this will happen. Everything will be done as accurately as possible and according to your desire.


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Where to look for professional cleaners?

In any case, turning to a cleaning company so that its employees clean well, you allow strangers into the house. Therefore, the choice of a company must be taken very responsibly, otherwise, any of the legends can become true. There are several ways to find the right people:

  1. The most reliable option is through acquaintances who have already used the services of some company and were satisfied.
  2. You can contact the company that cleans your company - it is possible that they accept applications for cleaning apartments.
  3. In principle, any company wants to be known about it, so such companies usually give advertising too. But any advertising should be treated with caution - do not be too lazy to go into the company and see what the office looks like, what impression the manager makes, if there are any necessary documents.
  4. In every more or less large city there is a directory of companies that work in a particular area. And if the town is small, it’s even better, because you can always find those who have already used the services.
  5. Of course, it’s worth reading the reviews on the company’s website, but trusting them is not really worth it - not a single company will keep comments that discredit its good name and business reputation. Better type the name in the search engine and see what they write there.

Important! Do not forget to compare several price lists - of course, it’s nice when you can pay less for the same service, but keep in mind that quality work cannot be priced too cheaply.


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You have found a company ...

So, you made a difficult decision to contact a cleaning company so that she did a good general cleaning, understood in detail what you need from her, even found a suitable company, but have not yet completely eliminated fears. What to do? First, try to make a simple order for any one type of work - for example, tidy up the bathroom:

  1. Make a request - always in writing, for the first time it is very important.
  2. Settle a time when they will come to you; you need to be at home without fail.
  3. If any family member is allergic, do not forget to indicate this.
  4. Discuss the scope of work, all services should be specified specifically.
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Stock footage

And then you just have to wait until you put things in order. If everything suits you - why not become a regular customer of this company? Employees of a company that you fully trust can be allowed into the apartment, even when no one is at home. But trust is not formed immediately, so no one will condemn you if you are at home the first few times while your apartment is transformed from a trash can into something sterile clean and magnificent.


