How to quickly clean at home

The long-awaited day off came, I want to lie on the couch, read a book, just do nothing, but the inevitable cleaning of the apartment looms more confidently on the horizon. You are left alone with her, and the question is: how to quickly get out of the house, puts you in a stupor? Home, with only one mention of the sanitary day, “evaporate” from the apartment. We have to take everything into our own hands. How to quickly clean the apartment so as not to stretch such a pleasure for the whole day? The main thing is to give yourself a positive attitude, to correctly distribute the time and sequence of your actions. In this article, we will give you some tips on how to tidy your apartment in just 15 minutes.
to contents ↑Where to begin?
And so, firstly, tune yourself to the fact that everything will work out for you, you are the best mistress in the world, turn on your favorite cheerful energetic music. Secondly, draw up a plan of action so that your attention is not scattered. For this:
- Decide on the amount of work.
- Set an estimated cleaning time for yourself.
- Make a “travel route” in the apartment.
- Define similar procedures so that in every room you don’t start from scratch, but do the same thing throughout the apartment.
- Do several things in parallel.
- Choose for cleaning detergents and household items, keep them in a convenient place for yourself.
How to do a quick cleaning in the apartment?
Start cleaning from the far rooms:
- Open windows, windows.
Important! The key to good health is fresh air. Open windows help to clean up the accumulated carbon dioxide, weathering harmful substances, especially if you use chemical cleaners when cleaning the room.
- Put all things in their places.
Important! For the time between cleaning a lot of things accumulate on furniture surfaces, especially chairs “suffer” from clothes accumulated on them. Only those who methodically lay out all things in their places in a timely manner every day do not encounter such a nuisance. But actually there are not many.
- Remove unnecessary items in appropriate lockers or put them in their places.
- Sort things.
- Clean things - hang them in closets, put them on shelves, dirty ones - put them in the laundry basket.
- Vacuum or sweep floors in all rooms.
Important! Vacuum upholstered furniture first and then the floor. Start vacuuming from the far corner of the room, gradually move in the direction of the door. Make long and sweeping movements with your hand, this will greatly speed up the process.
- Wipe off dust on furniture and objects.
- To clean furniture, use soft rags or special dust cloths, they clean dirt from all types of surfaces, and use microfiber cloths that do not leave streaks after wet processing.
- Wipe the furniture from dust in a circular motion, move clockwise. Use special cleaning products.
- Mop the floors.
- To speed up the mopping process, grab a mop with a sponge and telescopic handle. The spin system greatly facilitates the work - it is indispensable if there is an animal in the house.
How to quickly clean the bathroom and toilet?
In this case, do two things in parallel:
- Remove all tubes, bottles, cosmetics in one place.
- Turn on the hot water in the bathroom and close the door - under the influence of steam, dirt will be removed faster.
- While the bath is “steaming”, treat the toilet with special means. For disinfection, use those that contain chlorine, for example, Domestos:
- Apply the product under the toilet visor.
- Carefully walk the toilet brush over its inner surface. Rinse the water several times.
- Wipe the outside of the toilet bowl and the drain tank with a universal cleaning spray and microfiber cloth.
- Apply the cleaning agent to the plumbing and then to the bath.
- While the product acts on dirt, clean the mirror.
- Spray glass cleaner, start wiping the surface from bottom to top. To prevent further mirror sweating, use a solution of water and shaving foam.
- Take a napkin along the walls of the bathroom (shower). To avoid the formation of mold and mildew at the joints of tiles, treat the surface with antibacterial agents.
- Wipe the floor. In order not to deal with dirty stains and wet dust, try to get rid of dirt “dry”.
You managed to quickly and efficiently clean the bathroom! Move on.
How to quickly clean the kitchen?
- If you have accumulated dirty dishes, carefully load them into the sink, close the drain, draw in hot water and add detergent. While the dishes are soaked, clean the surfaces of the kitchen.
- From the kitchen table and countertops, remove all unnecessary items, sweep debris from the surface. If stubborn stains are present, apply detergent to the dirt and leave them “wet”. At this time, wipe off dust and other dirt from surfaces of household appliances with a rubberized sponge.
- Wash dishes and erase soaked stains.
- Sweep and then wash the floor. Begin all actions from the far corner of the room, moving towards the exit.
to contents ↑Important! To clean quickly and efficiently floor pollution in the kitchen, use a cleaning fluid, such as “Mr. Proper”. It does not create foam, launders old stains, does not need to be washed off, has a pleasant fresh smell.
How to clean the room in 5 minutes?
- Estimate the level of pollution in the room.
- Pay attention to objects that are (are) not in their places.
- Involve households in the cleaning up by sharing responsibilities.
- Open the curtains to see dirt on surfaces better.
- Distribute all the little things in their places, if there is no time, just put them in one locker until better times.
- Wipe off dust from all visible areas.
- Wipe glass surfaces with a glass cleaner.
- Vacuum.
- Do wet cleaning.
Useful Tips
- The best way to keep clean is not to litter.
- To save less effort and time for general cleaning, allocate several minutes a day to clean the apartment.
- Remember to use protective equipment when working with chemicals.
- To avoid clogging drains in the kitchen and bathroom, rinse them once a week with hot water.
- Clean up the toilet regularly, do not put it off for a long time, and then cleaning will not turn into an impossible task
- Use a special spray on household appliances that prevents the accumulation of dust by relieving statistical stress.
- Try to get rid of unnecessary things in time.
- Do not litter with small products, souvenirs, toys the space of the room.
- When using cleaning agents, carefully read the instructions for use.
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As you probably already saw, cleaning the apartment, even the general one, is okay. Following our advice, you will quickly cope with the task and can fully relax, enjoying the radiant cleanliness in all rooms.
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