How to quickly clean the house?

Cleaning the house is one of the main and most important activities of any housewife. But besides this, there are many other worries: washing, ironing, cooking, caring for children and pets, and this is not the whole list of woman's household chores. In addition, the girls go to the robot and come home completely tired. And the most unpleasant thing happens when in the evening they find out that guests will come in an hour. Having looked around, the woman realizes that people should not be allowed into such a house or apartment, she begins to quickly clean everything in a bustle, at the same time she cooks something in the kitchen, and ultimately nothing happens. And then the question arises, how to quickly clean the house? To give the room a clean, without spending a lot of time and effort, you need to know a few rules and nuances, which will be described in this article.

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Preparation for cleaning

It is very important to properly prepare for the cleaning, because if you do not do this, do not tune in, do not come up with an action plan, then this cleaning can immediately be called a failure. The basic rules by which to start cleaning are:

  • determining the right time;
  • development of a house cleaning plan;
  • household involvement.

Each of these items we will consider separately.


Determining the right time for cleaning the house

Each person is individual and each has its own concept of purity, a vision of the organization of life and habits. To quickly clean the house and this process did not differ from your ideas, you need to decide how it will be more convenient for you to clean the house. All methods of maintaining cleanliness are classified into such options:

  1. Daily cleaning. Some women like to clean up a little daily, allocating half an hour of their time.
  2. Cleaning once a week. Others prefer to clean once a week, and for the next 6-7 days, forget about the vacuum cleaner, rag and mop.

So before you start cleaning, determine which type of woman you are. Once you come to a specific decision, stick to your chosen tactics every day. But sometimes you can neglect it, because when the guests are on their way, and the general cleaning is planned only for tomorrow, you can wipe the dust and vacuum the floors today, it will not get any worse.

Develop a house cleaning plan

After you have decided on the time for cleaning the house, proceed with the development of an action plan. If it’s convenient for you to clean once a week, then the cleaning should be divided into several stages. That is, you need to clean the entire apartment at once, and not separately each room. Here is a sample action plan:

  • To get started, collect garbage in all rooms and put the scattered things in their places, in general, put the apartment in order.
  • Next, you need to wipe the dust from all surfaces, wipe the furniture.
  • Then take up the mop.
  • At the end, vacuum the carpets in each room.

By acting in an organized manner, you will be able to quickly clean the house.

What is the main difference between daily cleaning and house cleaning once a week? If you clean the house once a week, then you definitely need to wash the floors in the entire apartment immediately, it also repeats itself with dusting, vacuuming, etc.

Important! If you turn on the vacuum cleaner only once and vacuum it the whole apartment, instead of turning it on 3-4 times for each room, you will save a lot of time. This applies to all other actions for cleaning the apartment. This is easy to verify.For example, in one week, clean the entire apartment in one day, and in the next - each room separately (1 day - 1 room). Summing up the time spent cleaning, you yourself will see the result.

Mistresses who prefer to clean their homes daily should note that one day should be devoted to one room, allocating about half an hour of their time.

Important! It is worth noting that this method of cleaning is extremely inconvenient, because the amount of time spent will exceed the time of cleaning the entire apartment at a time.

Engaging households before cleaning the house

It is much more convenient and faster to clean the room with the whole family. Talk to your family, tell how to clean at home and determine what kind of work they like best. That is, you should not force your husband to mop the floor if he likes vacuuming more. As you already understood, each member of the family must perform a certain part of the work.

For instance:

  • You can ask your son to pack things and toys.
  • Let the daughter wipe the dust.
  • You will wash the floors.
  • And the husband - to vacuum.

In this way, you can not only quickly clean the house, but also easier, more fun.

Of course, there is another way to distribute responsibilities. The following should be considered here:

  1. Everyone can clean their room. Its advantage is that children will litter much less, knowing that they will have to clean up after themselves.
  2. The common rooms, such as: corridor, kitchen, toilet, bathroom and living room, will not be distributed. Naturally, all these duties will pass to you, as to the main mistress of the family.

Therefore, it will be easier and more profitable for you if each household will fulfill its specific duties.

Important! To make family cleaning at home more pleasant and fun, turn on rhythmic music. But the main thing in this matter is motivation. At the end of cleaning, you can prepare a delicious family dinner, and thus thank your husband and children.

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We clean the house by zones

If your relatives refused for some reason or cannot help you, you need to take all the initiative into your own hands. It will be more convenient to clean it by this method. It will be much more efficient to divide the apartment into four equal conditional sectors.

You can do this like this:

  • Living room;
  • Kitchen and bathroom;
  • Corridor;
  • Bedroom.

This method is suitable not only to quickly clean the house, but also for a more thorough, even general cleaning. We will devote one zone to a whole week. To do this, take a sheet of paper and a pen, paint tasks for the next 7 days. For example, if you decide to remove the living room, then:

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  1. remove the web in one day;
  2. in the other, remove the curtains and wash them;
  3. then put all the things in the cabinets and drawers;
  4. wash floors, furniture, window sills, batteries, a door well, wipe windows and mirrors.

Important! Do not forget that in 1 day 1-2 tasks are completed. This is how you can quickly clean the house. But for this, everything will need to be pre-painted. To speed up all tasks, set a timer for 15-20 minutes. During this time, you will have to complete 1-2 tasks from your list. This will help you quickly tune in to cleaning, and not stretch it, because there is a specific time limit.

You will also need to create a separate list in which to write down those cases that are difficult to complete in 15-20 minutes a day. They should be performed separately.

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How to quickly clean the house?

The biggest problem arises when guests are on their way and the apartment is in a complete mess. Then you are wondering how to get home clean quickly in 15 minutes.

Important! The main thing in this situation is not to panic, but to quickly gather your thoughts and immediately get down to business.

In this process, we can distinguish such features:

  1. For such a quick cleaning, two hands are not enough, so it is worth attracting your household to it - let them help you.
  2. Naturally, before the arrival of the guests there is no need to carry out a general cleaning, just remove the most noticeable garbage and put everything in its place.
  3. Give each member of your family certain tasks, for example: one of them - to put things in their places, the other - to vacuum paths and carpets, and you yourself can wipe the dust in the most noticeable areas.
  4. This method will take you about 20 minutes to clean.
  5. It is also worth taking a little time to prepare treats and putting yourself in order.

Important! The main thing is if you conduct such an express cleaning, which is limited in time, set a timer for the time you need, then you definitely will not spend more than the allotted 15-20 minutes.

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Basic house cleaning tips

How to quickly tidy up at home? - The question is very relevant, because cleaning is not the most pleasant activity for any woman. It will be much more interesting to devote time to yourself or spend it with your family and friends. Cleaning is not the fastest process, but there are several tips that will facilitate and accelerate it:

  1. If a table clock, figurines, photographs and other trinkets are on top of your furniture, it would be better to put them in a box before cleaning. After you wipe all the surfaces, wipe the contents of the box, and then put them in their places. So it will be much more convenient than constantly rearranging all the small paraphernalia during cleaning.
  2. When you clean the room, you need to move in one specific direction. Most often this is done clockwise. Wipe all the furniture under the walls, and then proceed to cleaning the central part of the room. Thus, you will not forget about any detail and remove everything efficiently and quickly.
  3. When you clean the kitchen, bathroom or toilet, first apply detergents to the tile, sink, toilet bowl and bathtub, and leave everything as it is for 10-15 minutes. While the chemical will act, you can remove the rest of the surface. This way you can save a lot of time and not wait in vain for the detergent to work.
  4. If you sweep the floors, then you need to do this for how you wipe the dust. The fact is that when you sweep floors, dust rises into the air and settles on shelves and other surfaces. If you previously wiped them, then after sweeping you will have to do it again. Finally, you can wash the floors with a special solution or detergent.
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The most important rule of cleanliness in the house is not timely cleaning, but maintaining order throughout the entire time. Try to litter less, put all things on the shelves and eat only in the kitchen. Then it will be much easier and faster to clean, and the phrase “I am cleaning my home” will not be so painful for perception. But if it came to cleaning, the most important thing is the mood. Energize yourself, turn on fun music and dance your house in order.


