How to get rid of cat hair?

Pets bring to the house not only warmth and comfort, but also the problem of wool, especially if your pet is long-nosed. How to get rid of cat hair in an apartment, you think every time after you find it on your clothes or upholstered furniture. We will help you deal with this problem as quickly as possible and tell you how to prevent this phenomenon.

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Where to begin?

How to get rid of cat hair?Before you get rid of cat hair, pay attention to such important points:

  1. Proper feeding of the animal.
  2. Thorough cleaning of the house.
  3. Special pet content during molting.

Do you adhere to these rules of care? To make sure that all these steps are necessary for your quiet stay in your own home, read the following information:

  1. No matter how clean your cat is, it will not be able to clean its body of old wool. If you decide to get a pet, then come to terms with the fact that you constantly have to clean up after it. In some domestic cats, molting stretches for the whole year, in others, hair loss is associated with seasonal molting, but if your pet suddenly began to lose shreds of wool, this may be the cause of any disease, which means that you should immediately contact your veterinarian to find out the reason and treatment appointments.
  2. Seasonal molting occurs mainly in spring and autumn. This is a natural phenomenon. Just an animal updates its coat. This period will pass, but still you have to fight a little with a pile and decide how to remove wool from clothes and other household items - carpets, upholstered furniture, linoleum. Do not rush to cut the four-legged head and swimming is also useless. During this period, you need to take more care of the animal's hair and monitor the cleanliness in the apartment.
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Prevention of the appearance of wool in the apartment

To prevent a large accumulation of pile and a permanent solution to the problem of how to get rid of cat hair on clothes and in the whole apartment, we will consider the basic methods of dealing with pet villi.

Proper care

This method involves daily combing of animal hair with special hairbrushes:

  • metal comb;
  • a brush glove;
  • koltunorezom;
  • brush-stitch;
  • a furminator that removes not only the undercoat, but also dead hair.

Important! By combing it, you will not only get rid of excess wool on carpets and furniture, but also ensure that the animal is properly cared for, and at the same time rid its coat of tangles.

How to act:

  1. It’s a must to accustom a kitten to a brush from childhood.
  2. Start with a daily 5 minutes combing.
  3. After washing, the pet also needs to be thoroughly combed. Wet hair does not scatter throughout the apartment.
  4. Choose special cat shampoos for bathing your pet.

Important! The microclimate of the apartment is very important for maintaining the health of the cat. If a pet likes to sleep in warm places or in your apartment it is too dry and hot, then he will also begin to actively molt. Solve this problem by humidification. You can use suitable flowers for this purpose, which will additionally add originality and variety to the interior of the house.

A haircut

This is a good method to solve the problem of how to get rid of cat hair in all the most frequent places of its appearance - on floors, carpets, upholstered furniture and clothes. You can cut the animal yourself, but it’s better to contact a specialist who will make a model out of your pet.

Important! Before cutting the animal, make sure that the molting is not a consequence of any disease, otherwise the veterinarian will not identify the cause of the molting.

Proper nutrition

Often, hair loss in pets is associated with a lack of fatty acids in the feed, such as Omega 3 and 6. When feeding a pet, follow the basic rules:

  • do not mix 2 types of food (feed and natural products);
  • calculate the diet separately for your pet, and be sure to include beef, vegetables, offal, mineral supplements and vitamins in natural products;
  • Do not use cheap options for finished feed, as they do more harm than good;
  • Choose “Premium” feed if funds allow you.

Important! In addition to proper nutrition during molting, provide the animal with various dressings that will strengthen your pet's coat. In additional preparations, brewer's yeast and sulfur elements must be present. It is better to consult a veterinarian regarding the choice of a complex of vitamins. In this case, the dropping out pile will be much smaller in volume, and, accordingly, the problem of how to get rid of cat hair will not be so difficult.

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How to get rid of wool with a vacuum cleaner?

If a pet lives in the house, then you need to clean the apartment constantly. It is necessary to monitor not only the cleanliness of carpets and upholstered furniture, but also to remove wool from clothing.

Animal hair is static and attracted to all electrical appliances and synthetic materials, so adhere to the following rules when cleaning:

  1. Use a humidifier or use a conventional flower sprayer during harvesting.
  2. Before vacuuming the room, be sure to spray water around the room.
  3. Always start cleaning with miracle technology from top to bottom.
  4. First remove dust and lint from shelves, window sills, furniture, and then from the floor.
  5. It is better to use a vacuum cleaner with a turbo brush. If it does not come in the kit, then purchase additionally. A feature of the turbo brush in its structure: it will provide additional power, but the brush itself will have to be cleaned regularly.

Important! If the vacuum cleaner is not intended for wet cleaning, first wipe all surfaces with a wet towel and then vacuum cleane.

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How to clean the carpet from wool?

How to get rid of cat hair?It is good to clean the carpet or carpet from villi using ordinary baking soda. Pre-sprinkle a small layer of the product, and the coat will become softer. You can easily get rid of it using a vacuum cleaner.

Important! This method is the simplest and most effective, so we suggest that you try it, and not any others, to get rid of cat hair.

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How to get rid of wool on upholstered furniture?

You can use the same vacuum cleaner to clean the sofa and chairs, but from the beginning they need to be moistened. We recommend using rubber that has high static properties to combat wool. Get a special rubber roller and walk on upholstered furniture. With it, you will effectively get rid of wool.

Important! For the same purpose, you can use ordinary household gloves or an inflated rubber ball, which will cost somewhat cheaper.

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How to remove wool from clothes?

If nasty villi have accumulated on your home or street clothes, then the easiest way to solve the problem is how to get rid of cat hair on clothes using plain water:

  1. Wet your hand and run over a dirty surface.
  2. Wool rolls, and you can easily wash it off under running water or throw it in the trash.
  3. Wet your hand periodically and remove the lint from it until it remains clean during the next manipulation.

Important! For the same purpose, you can use a wet brush for clothes or a sponge. So the process will go even faster.

Other ways to remove wool from clothing are discussed below. Choose the most suitable for you in terms of cleaning speed and convenience, and get to work to always look attractive.

Solution 1

The next method of cleaning clothes involves the use of a vacuum cleaner with a special brush nozzle. Such devices are included with the device, but can be purchased separately. Just vacuum your clothes with such a brush, and you will clean your clothes of wool.

Decision 2

For more complex cases, use special sticky strips and rollers. They are sold at any hardware store. The roller has an adhesive surface, and therefore effectively captures and collects wool, after which it loses its stickiness, therefore, the main drawback of the roller is rapid contamination.

Important! Instead of using a roller, use a regular or masking tape as a budget option. The peculiarity of the adhesive tape is to hold onto the surface all small particles, including villi, while there are no traces or spots on the surface of the product.

Decision 3

Special brushes for cleaning clothes from wool can be purchased at the store. We suggest making such a comb as follows:

  1. Get some scallops with rare teeth and tie them together.
  2. Moisten the teeth with water and proceed to the processing of the product.
  3. You can also collect the pile on the back of the comb.
  4. The principle of action is static electricity. Wools adhere well to combs under the influence of current.

Important! With the help of such an inexpensive and convenient device, you can easily solve the problem of how to clean clothes from wool.

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Useful Tips:

Store the most expensive and favorite things in clothing covers. Your cat will definitely not get there and the products will remain clean.

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Animals in the house are always cosiness, warmth, affection and love. So let them please you with their presence for many years, and our advice and recommendations will help you with wool.

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