How to get rid of mold in the apartment on the walls at home?

Dampness, black spots on the walls and in the corners, putrid odor negatively affect the general aesthetics of the room and greatly harm health. Residents of houses that were built many years ago often complain about the appearance of mold in their apartments. Unfortunately, the fight against microorganisms that settled in poorly ventilated, damp areas is often delayed for many years. Someone is simply trying to paint over these spots or erase a black coating from the wall, but this is a mistake, because you need to act differently. Today we will figure out how to get rid of mold in the apartment on the walls at home in order to forget about it forever and protect our body.

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The main causes of mold

Before choosing what to remove mold from the walls in the apartment, you should find the source of its appearance, otherwise - all work aimed at eliminating it may be useless. It is important to find out why the walls are covered with yellow-green, gray-black, brown coating.

Important! Mold is a toxic fungus that actively populates brick, stones, concrete, plaster, and wooden surfaces. The appearance of such a plaque indicates that the house has a disturbed microclimate, it is too damp or ventilation does not comply with sanitary standards.


Varieties of mold:

  • Mold mushrooms. More often they breed on concrete, painted surfaces, stone.
  • Dangerous blue mushrooms. Appear mainly on wooden surfaces.
  • Putrid mushrooms. Such brown rot can corrode a tree, it is quite difficult to remove.


The reasons for the increase in humidity in the house and, accordingly, the appearance of mold:

  1. Installation in a house or apartment with a low level of air exchange of plastic windows.
  2. Freezing of walls that are not sufficiently insulated.
  3. Low temperature for many years.
  4. Poorly executed brickwork.
  5. Absence, malfunction or improper installation of the ventilation system.
  6. High humidity, over 60%.
  7. Permanently closed indoor windows.
  8. Leaking sewer pipes, causing excessive moisture.
  9. Incorrectly laid between horizontal and vertical foundations of insulating material.


Important! Not everyone reliably knows how dangerous colonies of molds are for health. Microorganisms dry out, turn into dust, then fall to the floor or mix with air, getting into the lungs. These particles are very dangerous because they provoke various pulmonary diseases.

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Where to look for mold?

Ideal conditions for the appearance of the fungus are dampness, a combination of low temperature and the lack of a sufficient influx of fresh air. Mold appears on the wall in the apartment, not only in the rooms, it can be found anywhere. Much more often, it affects areas that are poorly ventilated or places where many housewives do not get during the disinfection and cleaning process.


Fungal localization places:

  • Walls on the inside. This happens due to the lack of insulation or non-compliance with the insulation technology of the house.
  • Angles.
  • Joints of panels.
  • Slopes.
  • Windowsills
  • Wooden frames.
  • Seams in the bathroom between the tiles.
  • Water pipes on which condensation constantly appears.


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The most effective mold control methods

How to remove fungus and mold on the walls forever? Processing infected surfaces with various chemicals or formulations with natural ingredients, disinfection are effective measures only if the cause of the microclimate violation is correctly determined. Keep in mind that even one negative factor can nullify all efforts to combat mold.


Useful tips from specialists will help to avoid a similar problem in the future:

  • Be sure to check the ventilation. If the exhaust system works poorly, it is better to install an additional fan.
  • Improve the air exchange between the street and the apartment. When buying plastic windows, be sure to check whether there are supply and climate window valves in the system.
  • The apartment is recommended to be well insulated. Experts advise maximum emphasis on lining with special heaters on the surfaces of external walls in order to avoid the greenhouse effect.
  • It is necessary to check the quality of the joints between the panels. To eliminate any defect in this area, it is better to call a specialist.
  • It is recommended to periodically ventilate the room (twice a day) if you have done this less often before.
  • Avoid drying clothes inside the room. Excessive evaporation of moisture in large volumes negatively affects the internal microclimate of the house.
  • Provide an influx of sunlight. More often, black patches appear in the most humid, darkened and colder rooms, which are located on the north side.
  • When cooking, it is necessary to use an extract to remove extraneous odors, excess moisture arising from stewing or cooking.
  • Pay attention to indoor plants. Some of them provoke the appearance of fungus and mold.

Woman with cleaning supplies

Important! To prevent the occurrence of mold, it is enough to purchase an antifungal agent for walls and floors, treat them all surfaces twice a month.

Remember, the more provocative factors there are, the more chances there are at your walls to become a home for the growth of colonies of fungal microorganisms. If dark spots have already appeared, do not wait until they increase several times, immediately deal with their elimination. The main thing is that they do not penetrate into the stone or concrete, because then it will be difficult to get rid of them.


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How to remove mold from the walls yourself?

Now we will consider in detail how to remove mold and fungus from the walls in a house or apartment on our own. Correct this problem using the following procedure:

  1. Identify all areas populated by the fungus.
  2. Prepare chemical or natural formulations to combat mold.
  3. Wear special long-sleeved clothing, a mask or a respirator, gloves.
  4. Open the window or window so that fresh air always enters the apartment throughout the entire time the fungus is removed.
  5. If there is wallpaper on the wall, carefully remove them.
  6. With a metal brush, remove fungal deposits, carefully scrape off the old finish, remove the layer of old plaster. To remove all spores, it is necessary to clean the surface to blocks, bricks or concrete.
  7. Then apply a new layer of waterproofing, wait a bit for the surface to dry.
  8. Seal all pits and cracks with sealant.
  9. With a waterproofing layer, plaster the walls again.
  10. If the presence of fungus is no longer observed on the wall, treat it with a fungicide.
  11. Then coat all surfaces with a primer with an antifungal and antibacterial effect to prevent the appearance of yellow-green and black spots.


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The use of mold removal chemicals

It is not difficult to find how to treat the wall from fungus and mold; such industrial compounds are sold in hardware stores, construction supermarkets, and in the market. It is better to consult with a specialist who has the necessary knowledge.

When choosing a quality product, it is necessary to take into account such moments:

  • The material and condition of the walls.
  • Area of ​​intended processing.
  • The degree of infection with fungus and mold.
  • Type of mold.
  • The effectiveness of other compounds that were previously used for disinfection, but for some reason did not suit the owners.


The most effective drugs for mold removal include:

  • Anti fungus.
  • Biostop.
  • Fongifluid Alpa.
  • Neomid Bio.
  • Biotope spray.
  • Capatox.
  • Olympus mold stop.
  • Dali.
  • Bio Repair.

Important! The ideal form of the composition to combat fungus is spray in the spray can. But this option is suitable for areas not very infected with mold. Larger problem areas are best treated with solutions.


Apply the selected product at least three times with a washcloth or brush. Compounds that are more familiar to everyone in everyday life also help to clear the surface of walls from dark spots:

  • Boric acid.
  • Copper sulfate.
  • Ammonia.
  • Creosote.
  • Solutions with sodium fluoride.
  • Bleach.
  • Potassium permanganate.
  • Compounds containing chlorine.


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Folk remedies for mold control

In this section, we will tell you how to remove mold from the wall in an apartment using folk remedies. It is important to note that they are suitable only for areas of small damage, stone and concrete surfaces, partially populated by a fungus. Of course, industrial mixtures work more efficiently, but sometimes even the simplest home formulations can achieve an elegant result.


The best folk remedies for removing mold:

  1. Tea tree oil. It is enough to add 10 drops of this ether in 500 ml of warm water. If you apply this natural antiseptic several times on the walls, the effect will be quite noticeable. Moreover, it is not necessary to wash off such a tool.
  2. Table vinegar. It is necessary to pour the undiluted product into the spray gun, treat it with the wall several times.
  3. Three percent hydrogen peroxide. Such a composition can process only small areas. It is enough to wipe the moldy areas a couple of times, and then wash off the composition.
  4. Soda solution. Dissolve a teaspoon of sodium bicarbonate in 500 ml of water and treat the wall. After 15 minutes, it is necessary to scrape it with a metal brush, then rub it with a washcloth, then dry the wall.


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Mildew Prevention

Agree that it is much easier to prevent the growth of dangerous fungi in the corners and on the walls, rather than trying to unsuccessfully remove them for a long time. The most important thing is to eliminate the cause of the formation of dark spots, that is, a source of high humidity.

To maintain a normal microclimate in your home, observe the following prevention rules:

  • Ventilate residential and utility rooms regularly.
  • Take care of waterproofing problem areas of the room.
  • Monitor the condition of the pipes.
  • Insulate the walls.
  • Check how well ventilation works.
  • To prevent dampness, avoid shading the room.
  • Use a moderate amount of plants.
  • Dry only on the street or on the balcony.
  • Be sure to use a cooker hood.


Be sure to use one of the following formulations for prevention:

  • Latex emulsion Milk ill.
  • Acryl Grundierung Deep Penetration Composition.
  • Composition of a wide spectrum of action Mixonit GR 43.
  • Schimmelstopp Dufa fungicidal additive.
  • Long-acting mixture of Ceresit CT 99.
  • Abedis 06.
  • Universal antiseptic Dali.
  • An agent for the treatment and prevention of Fongifluid Alpa.
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Now you know what formulations and how the walls should be treated against mold and fungus in the apartment, what preventive measures are recommended to be followed in order not to encounter this problem. Remember that to prevent the development of mold on various surfaces is best able to optimal thermal and air conditions.

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