How to get rid of the smell of cat urine?

Some people do not want to have cats or cats, because they leave an unpleasant odor, and there is an opinion that the problem of how to get rid of the smell of cat urine is unsolvable. This opinion is erroneous. The main thing in the fight against cat smell is the quick and regular cleaning of the pet's toilet and the cleaning of both himself and his other accessories.

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Is the cat to blame for the bad smell?

The culprits of the smell in the apartment or house are the owners themselves. Every day you need to give your pet a sufficient amount of time and bring the toilet in proper condition. And also see that the cat does not go to different places around the apartment to fulfill their needs. When you notice that you’ve gone somewhere, immediately remove everything, because if you don’t remove it once, an unpleasant special spirit may already appear. In order to get rid of the smell, first find out the reasons why the animal goes exactly to the corner behind the sofa or on the chair, and not in its toilet.

Pet does not like his current toilet

How to get rid of the smell of cat urine?A persistent hostility to the “toilet” in a cat can develop in such cases:

  1. The tray does not fit in size. Choose a suitable restroom so that the length of the tray exceeds the length of the cat itself - at least one and a half times.
  2. Unsuitable place. Install it in a remote and dark place.

Important! Some types of cats cannot tolerate another cat or cat standing next to his toilet.

  1. The most common cause is unsanitary conditions. Cats are very ambitious animals and will not cater to their needs in poorly washed trays. Wash very well and use detergents. Clean up excrement at least 2 times a day and renew sand or hygienic backfill.

Important! If you follow these rules, the problem of how to get rid of the smell of cat urine on furniture will disappear by itself.

Cats can also be offended or have stress

The reasons why animals go "anywhere" can be the following factors:

  1. A frightened cat walks and sprays urine - in this way he calms down. Look after the animal and try to understand what brought him out of balance.
  2. Very often they just avenge their grievances and in revenge leave traces of the apartment in the form of puddles. You need to act as follows: be patient and wipe the puddles immediately.

Important! In no case do not hit or lock your pets, because of this the situation can become even worse.

New smell in the apartment

Someone came to visit, and new shoes appeared in the apartment or bought a new sofa, completely changed the furniture - that’s all your pet doesn’t really like, and he immediately begins to remind him that he is the owner.

Ill pet

An old cat can fulfill his needs past the tray simply because of his age - he simply does not have time to get to it. If you still have a rather young individual, but something is clearly wrong with it - perhaps your pet just got sick and therefore behaves inappropriately. For such a matter, immediately contact a veterinary clinic.

The cat marks the territory

If you see that the cat is marking the territory, one of the most reliable ways for pets will be castration or sterilization. If you do not want to make your pet a “cripple”, you will have to remove all the objects of interest from his field of vision for a certain period and get rid of the smell of urine by the means proposed below.

Important! Do it right away. If you have missed this factor and the cat has already put more than one mark, the situation is almost impossible - the smell can only be masked, and wait for the pet to end this life period.

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How to remove the smell from the cat?

In order to get rid of the smell of urine in the apartment, you will need the following:

  • Chlorine-containing products;
  • Vinegar;
  • Hydrogen peroxide;
  • Potassium permanganate.

Important! The best remedy for the smell of urine is all chlorine-containing substances. They not only eliminate odor, but also kill germs. The negative property is that they can turn the pet away from the toilet, so you will have to use additional funds. In any case, use rubber gloves during cleaning.

Instructions for use:

  1. Wash your floor with famous bleaches.
  2. Remove the pronounced aroma of chlorine with potassium permanganate.

Important! Potassium permanganate has a deodorizing effect, and if you pour it into vinegar, it gives a stunning result. The concentration of vinegar in the solution should not exceed 4%. Vinegar can also be replaced with lemon juice, hydrogen peroxide or iodine solution.

Fresh stains can be removed using laundry soap or alcohol.

Important! Use flavorings is not necessary. Smells of lime, coffee or aromatic oil mix with the smell of urine and the aroma becomes even worse.

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How to get rid of the smell of cat urine on various surfaces?

The above method is good, but not always convenient, and may not be suitable for colored and fleecy surfaces that are unstable to aggressive chemistry. Therefore, we offer you several options for how to get rid of the smell of cat urine on different household items.


How to get rid of the smell of cat urine?The washing machine will not help to get rid of the smell of cat urine from the carpet - it simply does not fit in size. The following substances will help to solve the problem: soda and vinegar. If the urine is fresh, pat the carpet with a paper towel, and then wash the stained area with vinegar and water.

Important! The fibers near the carpet are well saturated with the solution. After a while, remove the residue and leave the coating to dry.

If you cannot get rid of the odor, treat the contamination with soda, and then apply a solution of hydrogen peroxide and dishwashing liquid.

Important! Before you process the pile with peroxide, apply to a small area. After cleaning with soda, vacuum the carpet.


To remove fresh traces of cat dirty trick, you need to do the following:

  1. Laundry soap grate.
  2. Mix with warm water.
  3. Put on the sofa for a few minutes.
  4. Remove the crust with a damp cloth.

Important! For a dark sofa, try a solution of potassium permanganate or iodine.


It is difficult to find pollution from cat urine on the floor, and especially if you just drove into the apartment and the smell remained from the pet of the previous owner. In this case, take an ultraviolet lamp and look for pollution with it. Ultraviolet light will help to find places - they will glow. The spot is marked with a pencil or chalk.

White vinegar will help get rid of the smell of a cat's toilet:

  1. Take vinegar mix it with water.
  2. Apply to the desired area.
  3. Leave to evaporate - the smell should go away with the aroma of vinegar.

Important! Open windows for airing because vinegar has a pungent aroma.


To get rid of the smell of urine in shoes is not so difficult. If the urine is fresh, just wash your shoes with laundry soap or alcohol, but only in warm water.

If you notice your pet’s dirtyness, you don’t immediately - take out the spoiled pair to the balcony or to fresh air, process from the spray bottle with a weak solution of vinegar and leave it to air for several days.

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Useful trick

If the trouble happened in the winter, put your shoes on the balcony - let it freeze. The smell will go away too. If the balcony is well insulated and has a stable plus temperature, put a pair of shoes behind the balcony, but do not forget to tie them with a cord inside so that they do not fall.

Pet shoe stores have products for removing bad odors. You can also use them in order to get rid of the smell of cat urine, if you are ready to spend a certain amount of money on the product.

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With such advice, you can safely get yourself either a cat or a cat - you will not be ashamed of relatives and friends. The unpleasant smell will remain a myth for you, and the animal will remain your favorite pet.

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