How to get rid of the smell of urine on the couch at home?

The problem of the appearance of spots from urine on any furniture will never cease to be relevant. Urine on upholstered furniture can be of various origins - from a dog, cat, child, old person, but they are united by one thing - an unpleasant smell that does not disappear anywhere. How to get rid of the smell of urine on the couch at home? Depending on its origin, it is necessary to select a means and method of exposure. How to choose it correctly, in order to surely remove urine from the sofa, we will tell in this article.
to contents ↑We use urgent measures
In the event that you notice a spreading puddle on the furniture, do not hesitate in any case - the deeper the liquid penetrates the furniture, the more difficult it will be to get rid of a rather unpleasant aroma as a result. The following substances will help stop the absorption of puddles.
Towels, toilet paper and napkins
Try to get the urine stain wet as soon as possible by soaking it in a layer of paper. Fold the paper in six layers, towels - in four, as too thin a layer may well soak and stain your sofa more.
In no case do not spare the roll, use this method until the towels or napkins are almost dry during application.
Hair Dryer
This device is the fastest able to help eliminate an unwanted stain:
- If you urgently need to bring the furniture to a suitable condition, blow dry the moistened surface.
- Do not hold the hair dryer very close to the material during drying.
- The drying process should not exceed 7 minutes of continuous operation of the device, the hairdryer simply overheats.
Important! For a greater effect, first use the first method of drying with a towel or napkins, and to consolidate the effect, use a hairdryer.
Drying with an iron
If you do not have a hair dryer, you can take advantage of the help of an iron, after covering the stain with a dry cloth. Preheat the iron and iron the wet sheet for 6-7 minutes. Urine rapidly evaporates under the influence of hot steam and air.
to contents ↑Important! Do not use the iron directly on the sofa upholstery; be sure to iron through the fabric. Under no circumstances should you leave your iron on the surface without moving with the thought of drying the stain faster - you will not only not be able to speed up the process, but also risk burning a hole in your couch.
How to eliminate the smell of baby urine?
Children's urine by its smell is not so aggressive, however, with repeated absorption, a rather unpleasant odor appears. In order to prevent damage to your furniture, it is advisable to cover all the furniture on which the child moves with a soft oilcloth, which will prevent liquid from entering the material. But in case this did happen, the smell of urine will help you get rid of a few of the following methods.
Laundry soap
This is a universal and fairly inexpensive tool that will help eliminate the smell of baby urine and a characteristic stain on furniture:
- Soap the soft foam sponge.
- Apply the resulting foam to the stain.
- If the smell of baby urine is persistent and quite old, then soap the sofa with soap without using a sponge.
- After 15-20 minutes, rinse thoroughly with warm water and dry the surface of your furniture.
Manganese solution
This method can be used only if the upholstery of your sofa is dark. How to get rid of the smell of urine on the couch with this tool:
- Dissolve a small amount of potassium permanganate crystals until light pink in warm water.
- Take a clean cloth - you can towel or diaper, soak thoroughly with a solution.
- Squeeze out the wet tissue a little and put on a spot of baby urine.
- After half an hour, repeat this procedure.
- After that, dry the stain.
Lemon juice
Many young mothers claim that freshly squeezed lemon juice often helps get rid of the problem. To remove the smell of urine on the couch, proceed as follows:
- Squeeze 1 lemon completely, pour the juice into any container with a spray.
- Apply a thin layer of spray juice to the surface with the problem.
- After 15-20 minutes, reapply.
- Then rinse with cold water and a cloth, or use a few damp wipes.
to contents ↑Important! Lemon juice can help eliminate odor, and also gives the sofa material a fairly pleasant citrus flavor.
How to eliminate the smell of old urine?
The aroma of the urine of older people is quite heavy, and it is difficult to remove, especially if the urine is constantly absorbed into one surface. Here you will need heavy artillery, and you may even need to sacrifice the upholstery of the sofa in order to completely eliminate the smell of urine.
If, having tried all the methods, the stench still didn’t go away - there are two solutions: a new sofa or dry cleaning.
But first of all, let's try to eliminate the smell of urine using home remedies.
Chlorine solution
Eliminates all kinds of harsh, unpleasant odors and aromas, eliminating the source of their spread, namely bacteria. But instead of the smell of urine, a somewhat specific aroma of bleach will come - be prepared for this.
Features of the procedure:
- For disinfection, as well as processing the sofa, a 0.5% solution of chlorine solution is made.
- Using a sponge or brush, apply to stain, rub thoroughly.
- After half an hour, as far as possible, rinse with water and dry thoroughly.
Alcohol or Vodka:
- Abundantly soak the urine stain with vodka or alcohol. Even suitable ammonia.
- Let it brew for 1-1.5 hours, then rinse with a cloth dampened with water.
- Dry the surface using an iron, after covering the sofa with a thin cloth.
Adopted to all pet owners
The smell of urine of all pets is rather unpleasant. It is necessary not only to try to eliminate it, but also to make sure that the pet no longer wants to change its toilet to a place where members of the whole family prefer to relax. Cat urine has the ability to leave a characteristic white stains, it is for this reason that it is necessary to solve 2 problems at once - get rid of the unpleasant odor and clean the surface of the sofa upholstery from possible stains.
- Apply an acetic solution to the urine stain. Before starting the procedure, wear protective gloves on both hands. For 100 ml of vinegar, take 0.5 l of water, treat the surface with a cloth dampened in the prepared solution.
- Dry using a hairdryer.
- After that, completely dry upholstery of the sofa at the scene of the accident, sprinkle tightly with the most ordinary baking soda.
- In a 1: 1 ratio, prepare a solution that consists of hydrogen peroxide and water. Add a dishwashing detergent or liquid soap in an amount of 0.5 tsp.
- Thoroughly mix all the ingredients and use the spray gun to apply the resulting solution to soda. Before your eyes, the solution will gradually begin to foam, but this reaction will continue for a short time.
- Leave the mixture for about an hour, then clean it with a brush. If necessary, wipe the surface with a wet cloth.
Your sofa is now completely clean, and the smell of cat urine is gone.
to contents ↑Stock footage
Use these tips in practice so that the stinking amber does not hover around your home, then it will become much more comfortable and cozy.
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