How to get rid of the smell of urine on the carpet?

In every house where young children live who have not yet learned how to control their natural needs, or who can forget about them, being carried away by the game, sooner or later the question arises of how to get rid of the smell of urine on the carpet. In this article we will share with young mothers and grandmothers effective ways to solve this situation. Just the main thing, do not panic, everything can be fixed.

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How to get rid of the fresh smell of urine?

It is easiest to clean the carpet from children's urine if you notice a stain immediately after the occurrence of an “accident”. Try to remove moisture from the carpet surface as soon as possible with a rag or paper towel. If the puddle has managed to dry out somewhat, it is best to soak it with plenty of water and remove moisture as described above.

After this procedure, the smell of fresh urine will not be very saturated and the following bactericidal agents will help get rid of it:

  • concentrated solution of table soda, which should look like a thick slurry;
  • laundry soap;
  • alcohol-containing products;
  • rinsing liquid, which is designed to clean the oral cavity.

Important! The use of various flavoring substances does not have the desired effect, since it does not remove, but only masks an unpleasant aroma for a while. Essential oils, coffee beans, or parsley are usually used as flavoring agents.

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How to remove the smell of urine from the carpet at home?

You can get rid of the smell on the carpet from urine using various means of household chemicals or alternative methods. Given that for most mothers, the child who caused the trouble is the most valuable thing in life, then most prefer the use of alternative cleaning methods.

Folk methods

If you are looking for a way to clean the carpet from the smell of urine at home, then choose the most suitable method for yourself from the time-tested folk remedies:

  1. Baking soda. White powder available in almost every kitchen helps to neutralize most of the unpleasant odors, and therefore it can easily cope with the smell of baby urine, which is less stable than amber from cat's vital products. Prepare a thick slurry by mixing soda with water, and using a brush, rub it into the surface of the carpet pile. After 10-15 minutes, vacuum or knock out the carpet.
  2. Acetic acid. This tool will help eliminate obsolete and persistent odors of urine. The best result is achieved by combining detergent and wine vinegar. The cleaning composition is prepared by adding a teaspoon of each substance per liter of water. Using the resulting solution, treat all “fragrant” areas on the carpet, then be sure to rinse off the remaining reagents with clean water.
  3. Lemon juice and hydrogen peroxide. A quality solution to the problem of how to clean the carpet from the smell of urine in a child is to treat the contaminated area with a mixture of active substances in a 1: 1 ratio.

Important! These chemical compounds do not mask the smell, but enter into a chemical reaction with salts of uric acid. The result of this interaction is the splitting of urine into water-soluble components, which are subsequently easily removed by washing in ordinary water.

Multi-stage cleaning method

To achieve the most effective result in removing the smell of baby urine, it is better to use a comprehensive cleaning method:

  • In a special container, dilute water with vinegar in a ratio of 4: 1 and soak the contamination zone with this composition, after processing wait for the chemical reaction to pass, the result of which is the splitting of uric acid salts.
  • Dry the area with a cloth and sprinkle the area with baking soda.
  • While the chemical reaction is taking place, prepare a solution of hydrogen peroxide with a tablespoon of liquid dishwashing detergent.

Important! Check to see if the peroxide will spoil the color of your carpet, for which treat an inconspicuous area of ​​the product. If everything is normal with color, then feel free to treat the area of ​​contamination with the composition, using a clothes brush for this purpose.

  • Final clean the carpet with a washing vacuum cleaner or a brush with warm water.

After carrying out all these cleansing procedures, there will be no trace of the unpleasant odor of cat or children's urine.

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Useful Tips

When cleaning carpet, follow these hygiene procedures:

  • Using aggressive chemicals, be sure to use rubber gloves that protect your skin from irritation and allergic reactions.
  • After cleaning, it is best to move the carpet to fresh air, which will allow it to dry and become saturated with fresh air.
  • If you perform cleaning in winter and the snow is outside, then cleaning the carpet with it will not leave unpleasant odors any chance.
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In this article, we shared with you the most effective and effective ways to remove the smell of baby urine from the carpet at home, and we sincerely hope that your apartment will be filled with pleasant aromas and freshness, and there will be no trace of past problems.

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