How to get rid of the smell of dog urine?

The fact that the dog is a person’s best friend is indisputable. A dog is an example of fidelity and devotion, strength and kindness, unlimited trust. But it should be remembered that buying a puppy, you get not only joy, but also a lot of problems that you will have to deal with patiently. One of them is unpleasant odors in the apartment. A dog is a very neat animal, if you have trained it to walk, hygiene, keep an eye on nutrition and regimen. Sometimes unpleasant moments still happen when the pet for one reason or another relieves the need for an apartment. In this case, the edge raises the question of how to get rid of the smell of dog urine.
to contents ↑Why does the dog shit in the apartment
Do not scream or hit the dog if you find a puddle in the wrong place. There are reasons for everything:
- Your puppy is still small enough. Be patient and teach him to go to the tray or ask to go outside.
- Track your pet, maybe he is sick with something. In this case, do not self-medicate, but consult your veterinarian.
- Manifestation of protest. The dog may be dissatisfied with his food, bedding, toys, corner, which he was given in the house.
- This may be a reaction to rudeness, injustice, perhaps some unpleasant event happened in front of the dog. Dogs, like small children, thus react to resentment, stress, fear.
- If a new person or new objects of furniture have appeared in your house, they can be regarded by the dog as a threat to its peace and life. Therefore, the dog will regularly “take revenge”, defecating in places of greatest accumulation of “evil”. Accordingly, the problem arises of how to get rid of the smell of dog urine on the carpet.
- "Who is the head in this house?". If you have not yet decided on this issue, the dog will quickly demonstrate who will command in this house, putting his marks throughout the apartment.
Ways to get rid of the smell of dog urine on the floor
With the reasons sorted out. But what to do with the consequences, how to remove the smell of dog urine?
The easiest way is to rinse with water with the addition of chlorine-containing substances. But it is worth remembering that the smell of bleach is very harmful and poorly weathered. May harm you and your dog.
Potassium permanganate
It is used as a deodorant. Dissolve crystals of potassium permanganate in water, then rinse the place with spots of urine. It is undesirable to treat light surfaces with a concentrated solution, as staining may occur. If you decide to solve the problem with such a tool, how to get rid of the smell of dog urine on a laminate or linoleum, first check the effect of the solution on an inconspicuous area.
Another great tool from the first aid kit will help you deal with trouble. Add 15 drops of iodine to one liter of water. Use this product to treat the place marked with the dog.
to contents ↑Important! This solution is best suited for natural wood surfaces.
Ways to remove odor on the carpet
The easiest way to get rid of spots of urine on smooth surfaces (linoleum, parquet, tile). But how to clean the carpet from dog urine?
Hydrogen peroxide
Urine, in addition to an unpleasant odor, stains surfaces in a tan color. You can try to remove them with such a means from a home medicine cabinet, as hydrogen peroxide:
- Abundantly treat the stain with peroxide.
- Let it stand for about an hour, then rinse with cold water.
Important! To improve the effect, you can mix soda with hydrogen peroxide to a mushy state. Apply this mixture evenly on the stain. After time, rinse it with cold water.
An alternative to this method will be such options:
- In the same way, you can prepare a solution with freshly squeezed lemon juice or citric acid. An acidic medium neutralizes ammonia and urea salts in the dog’s urine.
- To enhance the effect, you can mix vinegar or lemon juice with salt and apply this pulp to an unpleasantly smelling place on the carpet. Rinse off better with warm water.
Important! On a small area of the carpet, check to see if it sheds. If the paint is resistant, you can safely use this method.
If the carpet fades, make slurry of soda and water, apply evenly on the front side. Pour dry soda abundantly under the carpet. This tool absorbs unpleasant odors and prevents the stain from becoming brown.
Another effective soda-based mixture that will help remove the smell of dog urine from the carpet:
- Mix 2 tablespoons of soda, 20 ml of hydrogen peroxide, one tablespoon of your favorite dishwashing detergent.
- Apply the entire mixture to the carpet at the spot.
- Leave for a few hours.
- Rinse thoroughly with warm water.
Important! If the urine stain is large, increase the amount of the mixture 2–3 times.
Boric acid
Boric acid diluted with water in a 1: 1 ratio will help get rid of the smell of dog urine on the carpet. To do this, wipe the stain with a rag or brush dampened with plenty of solution.
Laundry soap
It is in every home and is a lifesaver in many cases, as a powerful detergent and disinfectant. In order to remove the smell of dog urine:
- Dampen the carpet abundantly in this place.
- Rub well with a damp bar of soap.
- Let stand for 20-30 minutes and rinse thoroughly with hot water.
Important! If the carpet is long pile, it is better to rub the soap on a fine grater and make a thick soapy solution with water.
Since vodka is an alcohol-containing substance, it easily dissolves chemicals in the composition of urine: ammonia, urea, uric acid. From all the breadth of the soul, without sparing, pour vodka on the carpet. After an hour from the smell of urine and stains on the carpet there will be no trace.
If you want to get rid of the smell of urine on any surface, dilute turpentine in water and spray with a spray bottle. This procedure must be carried out after cleaning by any of the above methods.
Important! When cleaning, it is necessary to work with gloves so as not to damage the skin of the hands.
Smells that dogs don't like
To avoid relapse of “unauthorized” bowel movements in the apartment, you can treat the surface with substances that are unpleasant for the dog:
- Ethanol.
- Ammonia.
- Camphor alcohol.
- Vinegar.
- Tobacco.
- Hot peppers.
- Citrus fruits: orange lemon.
- Essential oils of cinnamon, eucalyptus, cloves, anise.
How to remove the smell of a dog in an apartment?
The cause of unpleasant odors in the apartment can be not only dog urine. Owners of such animals should understand that the dog in the apartment is an additional source of smell and dirt. Therefore, only the state of your home will depend on you.
To remove the smell of dogs in the apartment, you must adhere to the following rules:
- Take your dog out for regular walks so that she meets her natural needs outside the home.
- Follow the diet and diet of the animal, depending on what breed of dog. Never feed your dog what you eat. Add special supplements to your food as recommended by your veterinarian: vitamins, minerals, dietary supplements.
- Thoroughly wash the dishes the dog eats and drinks from. Shake and wash the bedding on which she sleeps.
- Do not forget about the rules of hygiene:
- Longhair dogs need to be combed every day.
- After a walk, be sure to wash your paws.
- Periodically, the pet needs to be bathed using special shampoos for animals.
- After each bowel movement, wipe the area under the tail with a damp cloth to remove any stool from the coat and skin.
- It is advisable to brush the dog’s teeth every two days with a special or baby toothpaste to avoid the unpleasant smell from the mouth.
- Wet clean two to three times a week. Pay special attention to corners, places under sofas, as unpleasantly smelling wool and dust accumulate there.
- If possible, air several times a day in the apartment.
to contents ↑Stock footage
Following our advice, you will make your life more comfortable, and communication with your pet will bring you only joy and pleasure.
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