How to wash floors with salt to clean the house

Very often it happens that strange things begin to happen in your house: you constantly quarrel among yourself for no apparent reason, you are ill, luck turns away from you and you think you are jinxed, you have a black line and you don’t know what to do. Perhaps something happened to the energy of your home. There is a very simple ritual that will help bring you peace and good fortune to your home. To do this, you will need ordinary salt, which is in every kitchen. In order to get rid of all the bad, you need to wash the floors with salt. Whether washing the floors will help, how to wash them correctly, and why it is with this tool, we will tell you in detail in this article.

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Why wash floors with salt?

Since ancient times, this product is indispensable in the kitchen, it is the easiest way to remove all negativity, as well as protect your home. Once it was a symbol of luxury, and only rich people could buy it, now it is in the access zone of all segments of the population, so no one will have problems with the purchase and use.

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Useful Tips

Before you begin to cleanse your home from negative energy, read our recommendations:

  • Before you clean your house of negative energy, it would be nice to clean it of debris as well - do the cleaning, wipe the dust.
  • Cleansing is best done when your household is not at home.
  • Carry out the cleansing procedure in a good mood - this is important, think about a good one, discard all the negative.
  • The window must be ajar so that negative energy can leave your home.
  • After you finish the ritual, you must remove the remains of garbage, bathe and wash the clothes in which you performed the cleaning.

Important! It is best to perform a ceremony with a waning moon.

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How to cleanse?

There is absolutely nothing complicated about this:

  • Prepare a saline solution. Use salt purchased specifically for this purpose.

Important! The amount of salt is not critical.

  • Dissolve the salt in water and wash the floors of the apartment or house with this solution.
  • There is another version of the ritual, how to clean floors with salt:
  • To do this, you need to sprinkle salt in small bags.

Important! The number of bags should be equal to the number of corners in your home.

  • Spread in the corners of the bag of salt, leaving them open.
  • Three days later, collect the bags and throw them in the trash.
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The beneficial properties of salt

Besides the fact that you can wash floors with salt, there are many more ways to use it at home:

  • If you add a pinch of salt to the flower vase, this will help keep the flowers fresh longer.
  • If you throw salt into the fire, the flame goes out.
  • It repels ants - you just need to sprinkle it near the windows or under the door.
  • If you throw a handful of salt into the water at the last rinse, the clothes will dry faster, and will not freeze in winter.
  • If the wicker furniture is treated with salt with a damp brush, and then allowed to dry in the sun, this will protect it from yellowness.
  • If you soak a sponge or washcloth in salt water after use, this will extend its service life.
  • Salt can be put inside the shoe instead of deodorant - it absorbs moisture and all unpleasant odors.
  • With this useful product, you can easily remove all dirt and grease from dishes, pans, pots and other kitchen utensils.
  • Stains from grease, wine, rust have long been removed with this tool.
  • If white spots appeared on a wooden surface from wet glasses or other objects, then apply a layer of vegetable oil and pour a handful of salt, leave for an hour, and then wipe.
  • This useful substance will help get rid of unpleasant odors in different glass or plastic containers. Just pour one tablespoon of salt into the bowl for a few minutes, and then wash with a dishwashing detergent.
  • It will give shine to tarnished items made of bronze, tin, silver and copper. True, for this it will be necessary to make a mixture of vinegar, flour and salt in equal proportions.
  • It will help to keep saturated colors on your clothes, and also save you from blood stains, sweat marks.
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Now you know why to wash floors with salt, how to do it correctly and how else you can use such an affordable product so that only a positive atmosphere and comfort reigned in your home.


