How to clean up the apartment?

An ideal order in an apartment or a house is always a guarantee of calm and good mood. Every housewife wants everything to be cleaned, but at the same time there is no desire to spend a lot of time and mental energy. How to clean up the apartment so as not to fall after the next cleaning, quietly hating your home? In this article, we will give some practical tips to help you organize the cleaning process and maintain order at home.

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The main rules for order in the house

We advise you to learn 4 rules so that cleaning is not an overwhelming task for you:

  1. Each thing should have its own permanent place.
  2. Get rid of those things that you are not using.
  3. Draw the attention of your household to the things they scatter. Make them all put in place.
  4. Keep in order should all those living in the house.

Important! It’s not difficult to clean the apartment if life is already organized. It is enough to spend 15 minutes daily in order to make a cosmetic order. But in order to organize perfect cleanliness, it is necessary to carry out preparatory work.

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How to clean up the house?

How to clean up the apartment?Before you put things in order in the apartment, do not rush to grab everything at once. You will not achieve anything with this, just disperse your attention, strength and spend a lot of time. Initially, evaluate the amount of upcoming work, take 1 day to achieve perfect cleanliness and proceed to the task in stages.

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Step 1. Get rid of unnecessary things

It is necessary to reduce the number of things that you do not use in order not to waste your valuable time on their maintenance. If you constantly use only 10 cups, then there is nothing to store 50, and even on open surfaces, where they will become just dust collectors.

Develop a plan for how to quickly clean up your apartment, determine which room you will start with.

Putting order on the table

If it is a living room, a study or a room where there is a working area, then start, for example, from the table. This piece of furniture should be a model of order. First, remove all objects from the table and place them in the prepared boxes. You will need 4 boxes, on which leave such marks:

  • “Use it.” Put here all the items that you use more or less regularly, even if you need them no more than 1-2 times a month.
  • "Keep". Things will be stored here that are associated with pleasant memories and which are a pity to throw away.
  • “Give / Sell”. Put things that you no longer need, but will be needed by someone else. For example, an old textbook.
  • “Throw away”. This box will contain items that no one needs.

Important! Remember, the fewer things left for use, the easier it will be to cope with the goal and the question of how to restore order in the house will not seem so difficult to solve. Throw out the box with the words “throw out” immediately. Put the box with the words “store” in the pantry or garage. Items labeled “Give / Sell” can be taken to a charity.

Carefully put the rest of the items in the “Use” box into place:

  1. Allow a separate place for stationery, it should be easily accessible, since you often use these items.
  2. A small cup can be allocated for writing instruments to store pens and pencils. Remember to make sure they are all workers.
  3. For folders, create folders. Put the different folders in order of importance into different mailboxes.
  4. Do not litter the table surface, as you will deprive yourself of the working space.

Important! The ideal way to clean up the room on the table where you often work or do your homework is to purchase an office organizer. So you can keep all items in order. To get rid of trash on the table, install table shelves. They are easy to make even with your own hands.

Cleaning the closets

After you tidy up the table, do other interior items. Order is when everything is in place. In all interior items, including bookshelves, chests of drawers, cabinets, everything should be neatly and logically organized. Following the above principle, go around all the rooms, including the kitchen, and get rid of unnecessary things.

To quickly clean up your room, use your wardrobe space wisely. It is from the fact that different wardrobe items are scattered throughout the rooms, on chairs, armchairs, sofas, most often the impression of a scruffy house is created. Organization rules are simple:

  1. Lay out the remaining items by season and keep them in certain parts of the closet.
  2. If space permits, fold off-season items in the back of the cabinet or select separate sections for them.
  3. You need to hang things by type.
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Step 2. Clean

Start cleaning from the floor:

  1. Clean the carpets thoroughly.
  2. Sweep the floor and wash.
  3. Focus on the entrance hall, living room, as they are most polluted.
  4. Walk in hard-to-reach places under the bed and under the sofa, while the furniture can be moved to wash all areas.

Remove dust

Focus on dust:

  1. You can get rid of it with a vacuum cleaner, but at the same time you need to put it on wet cleaning, so as not to spread the dust throughout the space.
  2. Pay special attention to the surfaces of tables, chairs, window sills, TVs. Here dust most often settles. Wet the cloth and wipe all horizontal surfaces.
  3. Do not forget about the upper ceiling corners. As a rule, there can be found cobwebs. Swipe it and at the same time wipe the dust on the wallpaper.

Important! Coping with the task of how to clean up the apartment, act methodically. Perform one type of work, sequentially moving from one room to another or select another technology - begin to remove the least-visited room from the room, then progressively. As soon as you can completely restore order in one room, proceed without delay in another. Do not leave individual points “for later”.

Bedroom cleanliness

To restore order in the bedroom, first of all, change the bedding, ventilate the room, remove small debris from the bedside table. Pay attention to the cleanliness of the mirrors. Dirty stains from touches or cosmetics may remain there.

Cleanliness in the kitchen

How to clean up the apartment?The next room that needs to be kept clean is the kitchen. The order in the whole house can often be determined by the cleanliness and well-groomed kitchen, so use a few rules so that the room for eating is always in perfect order:

  1. Never leave dirty dishes after eating.
  2. The refrigerator should be clean not only inside, but also outside.
  3. Wipe thoroughly all the handles of cabinets and kitchen appliances, and all household appliances (including the stove) should be in perfect order.
  4. Ventilate the room often to get rid of unnecessary odors.

Important! Cleaning in the kitchen can be combined while cleaning other rooms. For example, pour suitable means onto the surfaces of the countertops, stoves, sinks, put the refrigerator on defrost, soak very dirty dishes in a basin and while everything is “baking off,” go clean other rooms.As soon as you get to the kitchen, it will be much easier to remove all adhering, burnt and dusty places. So - you can clean up the kitchen very quickly.

The cleanliness of the bathroom

When restoring order in the apartment, do not bypass the bathroom, as well as the bathroom:

  1. These rooms should have a pleasant smell and clean floor, as well as cleanliness and shine.
  2. There should be a good drain in the sink so as not to create discomfort for either yourself or the guests.
  3. Towels also hang fresh.
  4. All cosmetics should be neatly placed and the mirrors sparkling clean.
  5. Store all necessary cleaning products in the bedside table under the sink.
  6. Clean the toilet brush with a brush every time after use.

Important! If such a volume of dirt has accumulated that it is impossible to cope with cleaning in 1 day, then “break” the apartment into several sections and clean one at a time. For example, today solve the problem of how to restore order in the guest room, tomorrow in the kitchen, etc. Your task is not to tear the whole apartment to shine, but simply to make it cleaner, more comfortable and more spacious. But, if you are prone to mood trends and are not sure that you can clearly adhere to such a schedule in the next few days, it may still be better to overpower yourself and manage in 1 day.

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Step 3. Keeping order

Once you have successfully completed the task of how to restore order in the apartment, do not let things go on! Accustom yourself to clean up the house at least 15-20 minutes, but every day, then you do not have to spend tedious hours on this all weekend.

We offer you small tricks and recommendations, following which you can easily cope with how to quickly restore order in the house:

  1. Once a month, put in a box from 20 to 30 things that you are not particularly expensive. Take this box, for example, to a garage or basement, so that the apartment does not turn into a dump.
  2. Do not hang clothes on doors, chairs and other interior items. Accustom yourself and your household to order, then you won’t have to bring it up.
  3. In the hallway, be sure to make room for the keys, get a shoe rack, put a convenient hanger for outerwear, where you can put hats.
  4. Keep gloves with standard clothespins to prevent them from getting lost.
  5. In the nursery for toys, highlight different boxes, boxes and baskets so that the child himself can clean up his room. Under the constructor, select a separate container.
  6. In the office, set up a special wastebasket in which you will throw away everything unnecessary.
  7. To put things in order in books, CDs, arrange them alphabetically, it will be easier to navigate.
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How to quickly restore order if guests are on the doorstep?

The main thing is without panic, do everything in sequence:

  1. Run into the bathroom and the bathroom. “Pour” them with some kind of fragrant chemistry, replace dirty towels with fresh ones. Remove all unnecessary in the laundry basket. Wipe the mirror.
  2. Open the windows in the apartment to ventilate it, while correcting all the curtains.
  3. With a trash basket, go around the house, collect all the pieces of paper, bits, glasses. In general, everything that your household has generously scattered.
  4. In a large package, put all the toys that are lying on the floor, tables throughout the apartment. Take this package to the nursery, then take it apart.
  5. Hide your clothes in a closet. If there are many things scattered around the apartment and you do not have time, then take a large bag, put everything there and take it to the balcony.
  6. Put all dirty dishes in the sink and wash if possible.
  7. Wipe the tables in the kitchen, sweep the floor, replace the kitchen towel.
  8. Even if you can’t bring perfect order in minutes, put yourself in order to meet guests fresh and beautiful.
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We hope that with our tips and tricks, cleaning will not take you much time, but at the same time your house will always be clean, cozy, comfortable and welcoming.


