How to clean ceramic tiles

The most simple, beautiful and practical material for decorating the bathroom and kitchen is tile. It is very unpretentious in leaving, but nevertheless formation on a surface of a plaque is not completely excluded, therefore it is necessary to know how to clean a ceramic tile correctly.

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How to clean ceramic tiles?

How to clean ceramic tilesSince tile is a material resistant to various types of adverse effects, many means are suitable for washing it:

  • vinegar;
  • soda;
  • lemon acid;
  • dishwashing detergent;
  • special means for cleaning tiles;
  • bleach;
  • steam cleaner;
  • concrete flushing agent.

Note: As soon as you notice the appearance of plaque or yellowing of the tile, take one of the listed funds and start cleaning. The sooner you start cleaning the tiles, the easier it will be to deal with pollution.

Also required:

  • soft rags;
  • sponges;
  • spray gun;
  • medium hard brushes;
  • spatulas.
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How to clean ceramic tiles?

Each cleaning agent is applied using special technology. Read the instructions for use and clearly follow the indicated rules.

Method 1

The simplest option is a concentrate for dishes. This tool is found in every home. Use it as follows:

  1. Take a dishwashing detergent.
  2. Rinse the walls of the ceramic from the shower or wipe with a damp cloth.
  3. Sponge the concentrate.
  4. Handle in a circular motion.
  5. Leave the product on the surface for half an hour, but do not let it dry on the tile.
  6. Rub it again with a sponge until all plaque is completely removed.
  7. Rinse the chemistry with running water.
  8. Wipe the tiles dry.

Method 2

If you want to deal with the problem as quickly as possible, you have to spend money on buying a suitable cleaning product. Apply it according to this scheme:

  1. Take a special gel or cream for cleaning ceramic tiles - they do not contain abrasive particles that can scratch the glaze.
  2. Moisten the walls.
  3. Apply the cream to the sponge and sequentially treat the entire contaminated surface.
  4. Rinse with warm and then cool water.
  5. Wipe with a cotton or microfiber cloth.

Note: such tile cleaners they allow literally 5-10 minutes to remove all types of dirt, including lime deposits and even rust, which can accumulate from old plumbing.

Method 3

Soda is a universal cleaning agent for surfaces made of any materials; it is also suitable for tiles. It should be washed with it as follows:

  1. Take regular baking soda powder.
  2. Wet the sponge in warm water and apply a small amount of soda to it.
  3. Sequentially treat the entire surface decorated with tiles until the plaque is removed.
  4. Wet and dip a sponge in soda as needed.
  5. When rubbing, do not apply much force so as not to scratch the walls with powder.

Method 4

Chlorine will not only clean the walls, but also perform a very effective disinfection. To do this, do this:

  1. Take chlorine powder.
  2. Dilute it with water to make a liquid solution.
  3. Pour the finished tile cleaner into the spray bottle.
  4. Spray on the tile and leave for 10-15 minutes.
  5. Wipe the walls with a sponge to remove dirt.
  6. Wipe clean with a damp cloth to remove chemicals from the walls.

Note: Please note that bleach can cope even with severe contaminants and remove mold deposits, which often occurs in rooms with high humidity.

Method 5

How to clean ceramic tilesLemon and vinegar are also excellent tools for cleaning the house. They are used according to the following technology:

  1. Take citric or acetic acid or prepare the solution yourself, mixed with warm water until the powder is completely dissolved.
  2. Add ceramic tile cleaning fluid to the spray bottle.
  3. Spray onto surface and leave for 20-30 minutes.
  4. Rub the tile with a sponge moistened with water.
  5. Wipe with a damp cloth and then dry.

Note: Such a solution will not only clean the tiles, but also provide for some time a good protection against bacteria and fungi.

Method 6

If you already have a steam cleaner in your house, be sure to use it to save your time and effort. In this case, do the following:

  1. Prepare the steam cleaner for operation, following the instructions from the manufacturer.
  2. Walk the tool over the entire surface - when heated, the dirt will dissolve.
  3. Rub with a damp sponge.
  4. Wipe dry with a wall rag.
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How to clean ceramic tiles from glue after repair?

To remove glue from a tile after its laying, use the checked methods.

Option 1

  1. Treat the surface diagonally with a building grater without wetting the tiles.
  2. Wet dried spots with warm water and rub with a sponge.

Option 2

  1. Take a special construction solvent.
  2. Prepare the mixture following the instructions from the manufacturer.
  3. Apply to areas with cured adhesive.
  4. Wait a little and remove the dissolved glue.
  5. Wipe the walls with a damp tile and then a dry cloth.

Option 3

  1. If solvents and any other suitable cleaning agents are not at hand, use a regular spatula:
  2. Carefully scrape off dried glue with a tool.
  3. Wipe the walls as glue is removed.
  4. Wipe dry at the end of work.

Note: If you decide to remove the adhesive from the tile mechanically, act very carefully, without applying strong pressure, so as not to damage the glaze.

Option 4

If you used cement mortar to fix the tiles to the walls, use special solvent for concrete to remove the glue that has got on the tile itself:

  1. Prepare it according to the instructions on the packaging.
  2. Apply to places of contamination.
  3. Maintain the specified time.
  4. Remove excess glue from the tile.
  5. Wipe with a damp sponge to completely clean the surface of residues.
  6. Wipe dry with a soft cotton cloth.
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Useful Tips

  • Do not use liquid soap to clean the tiles - there is a lot of fat in it, after which it will be very difficult to remove stains from a glossy surface.
  • Do not use abrasive products for glazed glossy tiles to avoid scratching the tiles.
  • Do not use laundry soap for washing - it significantly reduces the wear resistance of the surface.
  • Every week, treat the tiles with special sprays for cleaning mirrors and glasses - they cope well with little dirt, and this procedure will take no more than 5 minutes.
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