How to clean the ceramic plate from carbon deposits?

A plate with a glass-ceramic surface is becoming increasingly popular. She looks perfect, heats up quickly, and is not particularly demanding in care. But still, over time, such a hob is covered with soot, which requires specific cleaning. “How to clean the ceramic plate from soot and burnt food debris?” - This question worries many housewives, since the surface of the panel requires a delicate attitude. A list of suitable tools and the easiest ways to solve such a problem can be found in this article.

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Features of caring for a glass-ceramic hob

How to clean the ceramic plate from carbon deposits?Glass-ceramic surfaces can be on both electric stoves and traditional gas equipment. No matter how you try to be as neat as possible, when cooking, the panel is still contaminated even by drops of salt water boiling on the burner, wet pots, sprayed fat and other contaminants. In the process of active use on the glass-ceramic coating invariably occurs soot, which is formed as a result of combustion. If you do not wonder in a timely manner how to clean the ceramic plate from soot, then it will be quite difficult to remove the layer of caked fat without damage.

Important! For all its popularity, glass ceramics are fragile and vulnerable. It is very sensitive to cleaning products with abrasive spots, metal sponges. So - you need to choose the right tool for glass ceramics. These can be both options from the “folk” group and special household chemicals.

But before you start the cleaning process, read the general rules for caring for such a hob. The main requirements are as follows:

  1. Do not clean the panel until it has cooled. Firstly, this can lead to burns on the hands, and secondly, from the temperature difference, the glass-ceramic panel can simply crack. Watch for cooling using the residual heat sensors installed on the panel.
  2. You can not scrape the surface with a knife, use hard brushes and metal washcloths.
  3. Do not use cookware that has an uneven, rough bottom that can scratch the surface.
  4. When buying a glass-ceramic stove, immediately purchase special scrapers with removable metal blades and cleaning paste-like products. Companies producing this household appliance themselves produce such funds.

Important! Do not buy scrapers made of plastic. They cannot be used on hot surfaces, but on cooled surfaces they are extremely inefficient.

  1. It is not recommended to use sponges with which you wash glasses, dishes and household rags to wash hobs. When applied, unaesthetic stains appear on an ideal surface, which are especially noticeable with a lamp burning above the stove.

Glass Ceramic Cleaner

What cleaning products you will use - choose for yourself. We offer some of the most popular options for glass ceramics:

  • Means of any well-known manufacturer (Comet, Cif, etc.) effectively cope with scale, grease, burnt dirt and do not form scratches. They are designed for the delicate care of panels.After applying them to the hob, a protective film of silicone appears, which protects the surface from damage and contamination. Also, these tools guarantee faster cleaning of the surface in the future. The product protects glass ceramics from liquids with a high concentration of sugar, removes unpleasant odors and spreads a pleasant aroma.
  • If at your fingertips you do not have a suitable cleaner for glass-ceramic plates, then use the universal assistant - soda. Gently apply a saturated soda solution to the dirt and leave the surface for half an hour, and then rinse thoroughly. But do not use it dry.
  • Remove grease, water marks, and limescale from steel products.
  • Limescale is also removed with a weak solution of vinegar.
  • A melamine sponge will help you clean the panel without the hassle. Just moisten it with water and thoroughly wipe all contaminated areas. You don’t need to make efforts at all, the melamine sponge will effectively cope with all the problems without it. After the procedure, rinse the panel thoroughly with water and wipe it dry with a towel.

Important! When buying any products, pay attention to the instructions, which should indicate whether it is possible to wash glass ceramics with them. When working with chemicals, do not forget to protect your skin with rubber gloves.

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How to wash a glass-ceramic plate from carbon deposits?

How to clean the ceramic plate from carbon deposits?The surest and easiest way to clean the ceramic stove from soot is to wash it immediately after cooking, because fresh stains are removed much easier. In this case, follow these instructions:

  1. Disconnect the panel from the network.
  2. Wait for the stove to cool completely.
  3. Wipe the surface with a soft sponge.
  4. Apply a little liquid cream or paste to clean the stove.
  5. Wipe the surface with a separate sponge or rag, paying particular attention to contaminated areas.
  6. If the panel cannot be cleaned, use a special scraper to remove burnt residue.
  7. Wipe the ceramic panel with a clean sponge or rag.
  8. Dry with a glass-ceramic surface with a soft cloth.

Important! If the panel cannot be cleaned the first time, apply the product again for half an hour, and then rinse.

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Helpful hints:

  1. Remove detergents with plenty of clean water so that they do not subsequently produce a corrosive effect.
  2. Do not use oven sprays or stain removers to clean glass ceramics.
  3. Glass cleaning ceramics are not bad cleaned.
  4. Clean the glass ceramics around the burners with a soft cloth and soapy water.
  5. Make sure that no grains of sand get on the hob, for example, after peeling vegetables, as this can ruin it.
  6. The bottom of the pots and burners must be dry, as water can damage the panel.
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If you bought a delicate glass-ceramic panel, then you should be prepared for regular and accurate care of it. We hope that our advice and quality specialized tools will help you keep your stove clean and this wonderful kitchen technique will serve you for a long time.

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