How to clean the carpet from wool?

Everyone who has pets knows what it is - wool on outerwear, inside shoes, on furniture, on the floor, on the carpet, even on the kitchen table. She is everywhere! It remains only to be surprised - how? Owners of long-haired animals are especially affected. And when cleaning begins, how to clean the carpet from wool is the main question, because the covers can be shaken out, the surfaces washed, the clothes cleaned, but the wool “bites” the death into the carpet or carpet and holds on to the pile as if glued. Our wonderful pets are not to blame, it is only their nature, however, it’s not particularly pleasant to breathe wool at home. In this article we will talk about how to clean your decor from cat hair.
to contents ↑Prevention
Of course, in this matter there are certain preventive actions, namely combing the pet’s hair in one place in the apartment, followed by cleaning of this place. Then the hairs from the animal in the apartment will fall significantly less. True, this does not save much during seasonal molting, and practical knowledge on how to remove cat hair from the carpet is still needed.
And a few more tips on how to reduce the number of hairs on your floor decor:
- when there is a desire to pet the cat, do it with a wet hand - pick up some wool, which could be in another place, possibly on the palace;
- bathe the animal more often;
- where the cat loves to sleep most, lay the bedding;
- feed the animal correctly - cats often molt from a lack of some vitamins and minerals;
- vacuum the carpet once every two to three days, regularly (if there is no vacuum cleaner, use the methods for cleaning the floor decor without its help, described below).
Important! The cat litter also needs to be periodically, and often cleaned, otherwise - an excess of hairs on it will contribute to their distribution throughout the apartment.
After learning about how to prevent a problem, it's time to understand how to clean the carpet from the cat’s hair if it has already arisen.
to contents ↑Total cleaning
Of course, when there is a vacuum cleaner, cleaning the carpet from the hairline of animals is not a problem. Especially if it is equipped with a washing function. But often even such an instrument does not cope with the task, and when there are small children in the house, it is necessary to clean very well, even after such a professional assistant.
In addition, sometimes the vacuum cleaner is simply not available for free, and then you need to use other options. This review contains all the known and affordable ways of how to clean the carpet from cat hair - both with and without a vacuum cleaner.
Option 1
You will need rubber gloves, a rubber brush, an adhesive roller or tape. And to act in order to clean the carpet from wool, you need this way:
- Brush the pile with a sweeping motion in one direction.
- After the hairs are gathered in one lump, collect them with gloves in your hands, and the remainder with duct tape or a roller.
Important! Disadvantage: the whole process takes a lot of time and effort.
Option 2
One of the most interesting ways to clean the carpet from the cat’s hair. If in childhood you had fun by rubbing a balloon on someone's or your hair and then sticking it to the walls or ceiling, then you can easily cope:
- Just rub something rubber on the carpet, and this item will attract the hairs to itself.
- After collecting enough hairs on an object, clean it, and get down to business again.
Important! The disadvantage of this method is the same as in the first embodiment.
Option 3
Suitable for owners of long-haired animals. Just put on rubber gloves, moisten them a little and collect all the hairs and hair lumps with your hands. This method is slightly faster than the previous two.
Important! Disadvantage: wool from the depths of the carpet, firmly clogged in the pile, thus can not be collected.
Option 4:
- Sweep the carpet with a damp broom.
- Vacuum the remaining coat with a vacuum cleaner.
Option 5:
- Type in a basin of warm water.
- Dampen a stiff brush in it.
- Clean a small area of decor.
- Rinse the brush in the basin and do the same again.
Important! Work on sites: having cleaned one properly, start cleaning the next. In one call, you can’t clean the entire coverage area. The disadvantage of this method is that it is extremely painstaking and long, albeit effective.
Option 6:
- Dilute the shampoo or conditioner for the carpet with water in equal proportions.
- Pour this solution into a spray bottle.
- Spread the solution throughout the coating.
- Vacuum.
Option 7
This method is perhaps the most popular method, how to clean the carpet from wool. Pour on it, and be sure to distribute the used wet tea leaves tea leaves over the entire coating. Then sweep the decor with a broom.
to contents ↑More ways
If in some way you were not able to qualitatively clean your palace of hairs using the previous methods, then here you will find several more working options, how to clean the carpet from cat hair.
Option 1
Most suitable for owners of short-haired coatings:
- Vacuum the coating.
- Walk with a mop with a soft absorbent nozzle again, wetting the nozzle in water before doing this.
- Collect wool into a lump by hand or with a vacuum cleaner.
Important! If there is only an ordinary mop in the house, it does not matter - wrap it with rags and for the cause.
Option 2
Soda is a great helper. Using it, you will be surprised at the result:
- Spread the baking soda evenly on the carpet.
- After a quarter of an hour, use a vacuum cleaner to remove all soda. The wool is also removed with it.
Option 3
- Conventional or double-sided tape or a roller cleaner for clothes will come to your aid. How to clean the carpet from cat hair with these items: Glue to the pile and immediately peel off the adhesive tape, the wool will peel along with the tape.
- Work with a roller cleaner just as you do when cleaning clothes.
Option 4
to contents ↑Stock footage
A brush for combing wool in animals or a mitten for the same purpose - these devices will cope with the pile of the carpet.
Now, with such knowledge, the wool on the carpet is not so scary. We wish you to have perfect cleanliness and beauty in your home!
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