How to remove a lizun from clothes 🥝 how to remove dried, how to remove traces

Especially popular among children is a toy lizun (slime) - a viscous substance resembling mucus. Lizun comes in all kinds of colors; various sparkles are sometimes added to it. A slime can be fluid and fluid, and there may also be a dense slime that does not have such strong fluidity and sticks well to surfaces. This toy is able to relieve emotional stress and relax, in other words, it is an anti-stress. Children are very fond of playing with the popular anti-stress toy, it spreads, sticks and stretches in an extraordinary way. But they do not always have time to timely remove it from the surface, and sometimes they completely forget it. As a result, the slime leaves dirty spots, small particles of a jelly-like substance, and sometimes even dries to the surface. In this article you will learn how to clean a slime from furniture and walls.

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How to remove a slice from upholstered furniture, sofa or carpet?

If it so happens that the dirt was not on the clothes, but on the furniture or carpet, then it will be a little more difficult to remove or wash them. Wash these items will not succeed, you have to clean the dirt with other available methods.


Here are some basic guidelines for removing slime from furniture or carpet:

  • First you need to mechanically remove the remnants of the lizun from the surface of the palace or furniture. If it has not dried up yet, then using a large piece of slime, try to collect small residues from the contaminated surface. It is necessary to press the sticky mass to the contaminated surface and with sharp movements remove small particles from the furniture or carpet. Usually small pieces of sticky mucus stick to a large lick and are removed.
  • If the lizun has already dried up, then you need to try to scrape off the residues from the surface as much as possible.


After removing the remains of the slime, you need to start removing the stain from it. For this:

  1. You can rub the stain with a rag dipped in alcohol.
  2. Since the lizun leaves a greasy stain behind it, to remove it from the upholstery of upholstered furniture, you need to take starch and sprinkle them abundantly on the desired area. Starch should absorb fat.
  3. Perfectly copes with such traces of edible salt. She needs to fill up the stain. Its actions are similar to those of starch.
  4. Cope well with a stain from a lizun on furniture ammonia. It is applied to a cleaning cloth and rubs the place of contamination with it.
  5. Perfectly removes stain a mixture of ammonia, salt and lemon juice. This slurry should be applied to the contamination and left for 10-15 minutes. After that, remove the remnants of the product and wipe this area with a damp, clean cloth.
  6. If the stain is on the carpet, then after the mechanical removal of the residual lizun, it is necessary to clean the contaminated area with a carpet cleaner. As a rule, such products are added to water and whipped into foam. The resulting foam is applied to the area to be cleaned. After that, the carpet is rubbed with a brush and wiped with a damp cloth, or wet cleaning is carried out with a vacuum cleaner.

As you can see, it is not so difficult to remove the slime from the upholstered furniture or carpet. It is enough to be patient and carefully remove dirt.

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Removing lizun from wooden furniture

It so happens that your favorite child leaves a slime on a chest of drawers, a chair, a table or even clings to a cabinet and leaves it there. Despite the fact that the surface of wooden furniture is smooth and dense, sometimes ugly spots remain on it. And sometimes a slime mercilessly dries to a wooden surface.

Apa itu slime

How to remove a lizun from wooden furniture? Here are some tips for getting rid of stains:

  • First of all, remove all jelly-like particles from the furniture. If the slime has not dried up yet, then you can remove the particles with a large piece of an anti-stress toy. Small particles should stick to a larger piece. If the mucus has dried to the surface, then carefully scrape it off, but do this with extreme care so as not to damage the furniture.
  • After removing the slime particles, oily stains may remain on wooden furniture or particleboard and MDF products. It perfectly removes grease stains of drying oil from natural wooden furniture. Dampen a piece of cloth with it and rub the desired area. Next - wipe the furniture with a microfiber cloth.
  • In one liter of water, it is necessary to dissolve a teaspoon of ammonia and two teaspoons of lemon juice. Such a solution breaks down fat well. Having moistened a piece of soft natural fabric in such a solution, you can get rid of the stain.
  • Ordinary laundry soap can do a good job of dealing with dirt on furniture made from MDF or particleboard. Rub the soft part of the wet sponge on the soap, then clean the surface from contamination.
  • It well removes dirt and stains from any surface melamine sponge. However, use it carefully, do not make much effort. A melamine sponge can scratch the surface of furniture.
  • Some housewives advise trying to remove stains from lizun from wooden furniture with a rag soaked in vinegar.
  • In some cases, the stain may remove the solvent. However, be careful - if your furniture is varnished, do not use a solvent, because it can remove the varnish.
  • Modern dishwashing detergents break down fats very well. Therefore, if you want to get rid of traces of oily mass on the surface of furniture that appeared from contact with the slime, then try to treat the problem area with dishwashing liquid. Apply the product on the dishwashing sponge using a soft part. Rub the area of ​​contamination, and then rinse the surface with a well wrung out damp cloth.

Important! Whichever method you choose, before applying the substance to furniture, do a simple test. Rub a small invisible area of ​​furniture with a cloth dampened in the selected product or solution. If there are no reactions on the furniture that spoil the surface, then you can safely use the selected method.

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Removing lizun from the walls

The most unpleasant pollution is a stain from a lizun on a wall or a ceiling. Here are the main tips of the hostesses who encountered the same problem:

  • If your walls are covered with paper wallpaper, then, alas, you will not be able to get rid of the greasy stain on them. You can try the methods with starch diluted with water, but here it all depends on the quality of the coating itself. The only thing that will save in this situation is to glue the damaged area with a piece of the same wallpaper. Well, if you are thrifty owners and you have the remains of wallpaper. Otherwise, you will have to decorate the wall with something, or even worse, re-stick the wallpaper in the whole room.

Important! If you are not ready to repair because of such a small defect, but also to put up with pollution is also not your option, try to remove a greasy trace with an iron. Heat it to a warm state, attach a clean white napkin over the damaged area of ​​the wallpaper, iron it several times. The essence of this method is that when exposed to temperature, the melted fat will transfer to a napkin.

  • If you are the owner of wallpaper for painting, then you probably have the remains of the right paint in stocks. It will be enough to paint over the contaminated area, and your walls will become like new.
  • How to remove a slime from a wall if your walls are painted? If the paint on the walls is washing, then you can try to wipe it with a damp cloth. Some housewives advise rubbing the stain with a rag soaked in hydrogen peroxide or in alcohol. If these manipulations did not help, it remains only to paint the walls. It’s good if you chose a paint that allows the possibility of painting certain areas and is not layered.
  • If your walls are lined with wood, then gasoline will help to cope with a greasy stain. It is necessary to take a clean piece of rags and moisten it in refined gasoline. Next you need to rub the problem area with a damp cloth. After this manipulation, it will decrease or completely disappear.
  • Perfectly removes such traces from a tree cut in half potatoes. It is enough just to rub it with a slice of the area with a stain. Potatoes, like starch, absorb fat.
  • If your walls are covered with plastic panels, then you can remove dirt and stains with a cleaning cloth dipped in alcohol or ammonia.
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As you can see, the most difficult variant of pollution is the stain on the wallpaper. The stain from a lizun on clothes is much easier to remove, but on the walls it is not always possible to get rid of the stain. It’s best to prevent such troubles in advance.

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