How to clean the tiles?

Tile today is the best and most common option for covering the bathroom and kitchen. It would seem that such a coating is unpretentious and does not require special care. But every housewife should know how to clean the tile so that it retains its appearance and sparkles with cleanliness, because in reality everything is not so simple. In this article, we will tell you how to wash a tile immediately after laying it, and tell you how to care for this coating.
to contents ↑How to clean the tiles after laying?
Cleaning the tiles in the bathroom or kitchen after repair is the main task of every housewife, because it’s not easy to figure out how and how to wash it from dust, mortars, glue and other building materials. Consider ways to clean it.
Remove grout and glue
With accurate and correct filling of joints, problems with cleaning glue and grout do not arise. Once the aggregate has partially hardened, the grout is washed with foam and water. Immediately after drying, residues formed on the surface of the coating must be removed with a dry, hard cloth.
Problems can arise with a rough surface. To clean it completely, you need to use a special cleaner, which the market provides a lot. Some of the most popular ones are:
- Mapei Kerapoxy Cleaner - looks like a white powder. Easy to use. To remove the remnants of grout and glue, use a rather stiff brush with a cleaner to rub the surface - dirt will disappear. What is important - this tool does not change the color of the seam.
- Keranet. The basis of this tool is an organic acid that does not emit toxic fumes. On sale there is a 15% solution with a capacity of 1 liter and 10 liter.
- Santri is a hydrochloric acid based product. It removes plaque well from the tile, but at the same time the colored seams turn white. It is better to use with enhanced ventilation, as the solution emits toxic fumes.
We clear the traces of tape
Often in stores, the broken packaging of tiles is sealed with tape. Traces of it remain even after its installation. To remove traces of staying tape you can use a solvent for nail polish. You can also use the solvent “Petrol Kalosh”.
Remove cement
The remains of cement mortar on the tile causes great difficulties in its cleaning after repair. How to wash the solution from the tile? Before answering this question, remember - the solution may be fresh or hardened. It depends on which tool to choose:
- If the cement mass has not yet completely frozen, and the quality of the mortar itself is not very high, you can use the following method. Use a spatula to remove any residue that you can and use a simple cleaning agent to remove any dirt until it disappears.
- If the cement is strong and has long been on the surface, try using a toilet cleaner. It contains strong acids that corrode pollution. In order to wash the tiles from cement, wet the rag with this product and put it on the dirt for several hours, while periodically wetting it.
Important! It can also be cleaned with special preparations, such as “SZOP”, “Metalin OF-C”.
Welding marks
A similar situation occurs when a weld or grinder is used near the tile floor. Spatter of hot metal does not just remain on the tile, but also burns in its surface recesses.To avoid this, before starting work, it is recommended to close all possible areas of damage with drywall or wet cardboard. Adherent metal can be removed with concentrated acid.
Important! Use caution when handling acid - rubber gloves, room ventilation, and a respirator are required. Unfortunately, acid only removes frozen metal drops; dents will remain on the tile.
Traces of aluminum
Such traces most often occur during styling. The aluminum rule checked by the surface leaves gray streaks that are especially noticeable on light tiles. The same traces can leave the stairs.
As in the previous case, pollution from aluminum is easier to prevent than to clean. Concentrated acid or a rust solvent will help you remove such traces.
to contents ↑Tile Care
The surfaces covered with tiles in the bathroom and in the kitchen are especially susceptible to all kinds of pollution - soap deposits, grease and much more. The modern market offers many chemical cleaners to clean the tiles from this kind of dirt. There are also long-tested folk methods with which the problem of how to wash tiles is solved quite easily. Which ones to give preference to - decide for yourself after reading the principle of their application and price.
Household chemicals
In hardware stores you will find a huge selection of cleaning products for tiles. Their release form is different - from powders to creamy and liquid products.
Recommendations in choosing tools:
- To gently clean the tiles, we recommend using cream and liquid, since powdered cleaners can damage the surface, leaving scratches on it.
To clean up more serious contaminants, chlorine-based products can be used; they have an additional disinfecting effect. - If, at your fingertips, it wasn’t suitable for the tile products, you can use a window cleaner.
to contents ↑Important! It is better to wash the tile from the top, and to wipe, vice versa from the bottom.
Folk remedies
There may be many reasons why you cannot use household cleaning products at home, but the result is always the same - you have to look for an alternative. And here time-tested, folk remedies will come to the rescue. Consider a few “recipes” for such options.
- Prepare a solution of ammonia, taking into account 2 liters of water and 1 tbsp. l ammonia.
- Take a spray bottle or just wet a rag.
- Apply this solution to the tile.
- After 5 minutes, wipe the surface with a damp cloth and wipe dry.
Important! Your cover will shine again. As a replacement for ammonia, you can use vinegar.
Lemon juice
Good limescale remover:
- Wet the sponge with juice and apply it on the stains.
- Leave on for a few minutes.
- After time, wipe until the stain disappears.
Important! Instead of lemon juice, you can use heated vinegar.
Great for removing stains of fat. The procedure is as follows:
- Add half a glass of soda to make a mushy substance.
- Use a sponge to clean the dirt with the paste.
- Wash off any remaining soda with plenty of water and a soft cloth.
- Dry the tile.
Tile cleaning in the bathroom
Particular attention should be paid to the question “how to clean the tiles in the bathroom?”. After all, this room has the most direct relation to our hygiene. For your bath to shine with cleanliness and freshness, you need to regularly clean it there.
To do this, prepare: rubber gloves, a soap solution, a solution of ammonia or vinegar, a cloth with wool or felt, any anti-mildew, a soft sponge and a toothbrush.
Next step by step follow these steps:
- Start cleaning the lining with a soap solution.If the surface is very dirty, you should wipe it with a sponge moistened in a solution of ammonia.
- Degrease the seams from soap suds - use ammonia for this.
- Apply a disinfectant to the cleaned joints. To do this, dissolve a small amount of the drug in water and treat the space between the tiles. Make yourself easy with a toothbrush.
- Clean the floor with a vacuum cleaner and detergents. Do this as often as possible, because on this surface the most dirt accumulates.
- Wipe the tile dry with a wool or felt napkin.
As you can see, cleaning tiles in the bathroom is not such a difficult task, especially if you do it regularly.
to contents ↑Helpful hints:
- Use household chemicals as little as possible, as the components contained in them can permanently damage your coating.
- In household chemical stores you can always get a special brush for cleaning seams.
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With the help of our simple tips and methods you can give freshness and shine to your tile and the question of how to wash the tile from complex dirt will not affect you anymore.
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