How to clean the grate on a gas stove at home?

How to clean the grill on a gas stove at home is a question that quite often raises an edge in front of most housewives. In this article you will learn by what means and methods you can clean the grate on a gas stove.
to contents ↑When to clean the grill?
Have you ever wondered why gas stove grilles are black? Most likely, this was done so that the soot, which eventually appears on them, is not immediately apparent. It is the black color that makes the housewives less alert, because for the time being it seems to them that the lattice is in a clean state.
In fact, the dirt daily accumulates gradually, so it is advisable to wash it regularly. But, as practice shows, few people adhere to this rule. We begin to clean the grate on the gas stove when the rods become rough to the touch, and carbon deposits are clearly visible.
At this stage, many housewives have difficulties, because it is quite problematic to restore the original purity and initial shine. We bring to your attention several simple methods by which you can quickly clean the grate on a gas stove at home.
to contents ↑What material is the gas stove grill made of?
Before cleaning the gas stove grill, determine what material the rods are made of. You can find this information in the instructions that came with the cooking equipment, you can turn to your husband for advice, or in extreme cases, to a profile specialist who sells or repairs stoves. This is an incredibly important point, because for each of the materials there are different methods for cleaning from accumulated fat.
As a rule, bars of gratings are:
Having found out what material the grate is made of, which is installed on your gas stove, feel free to start the cleaning process. Observe these rules.
to contents ↑How to clean enameled rods?
Enamel is incredibly easy to scratch, which is why iron brushes are not allowed. This grill is best cleaned in a dishwasher, unless, of course, you have one.
For this:
- Place your enamel plate grill in the compartment that is designed for dirty dishes.
- Pour in detergent and turn on the machine.
- At the end of the process, remove the part, and then dry it properly.
Enamel is perfectly cleaned with mustard powder:
- Wipe the moistened surface with dry mustard.
- Leave her alone for several hours without rinsing.
- Rinse under plain running water.
- Dry thoroughly.
to contents ↑Important! Instead of mustard, you can use soda or vinegar: they also excellently manage fat and help you quickly clean the grate on a gas stove at home.
We clean the steel bars
Steel is a material that is not afraid of either abrasives or chemicals, and that is why incredibly many options can be listed.We will give the simplest and most effective ones so that you can clean the grate on the gas stove in a few minutes of your own work:
- A dishwasher is a universal way. Pour a sufficiently large amount of detergent and turn on the machine. Dry the part thoroughly at the end of the procedure.
- Use the pre-soak method. Dissolve any dishwashing detergent in water, soak the wire rack in this solution overnight. Rinse your grate in the morning. In case there is such a need, scrape off the remnants of soot with a knife or hard abrasives.
- Using a metal brush, thoroughly clean the surface with sand or soda. Rinse with running water and dry thoroughly.
Important! At the end of the cleaning process, apply the following mixture to the washed fixture:
- soda ash - 6 tbsp. l .;
- washing powder - 1 tbsp. l .;
- clerical glue (transparent) - 2 tbsp. l
After application, let the resulting mixture dry. The next time you need to wash the wire again, simply rinse it in warm water. Sludge and grease will come off very easily along with your protective layer. Repeat this procedure regularly - this will help to carry out the cleaning process much easier and faster.
to contents ↑How to clean the cast iron surface of the grilles?
The cast-iron component requires careful handling. You can not wash it in the dishwasher and scrape with sharp objects, or strike. It is possible to clean the cast-iron grate of a gas stove from the following methods:
- In the country or in nature, make a fire, and then carefully singe the rods. During heating, pieces of grease and dirt will disappear. After this procedure, wipe the grate with a damp cloth and then dry.
- If it is not possible to ignite it over an open fire, use burners on a gas stove. At full power, turn on, open the windows, and then calcine the rods until fat is completely burned. After completing the procedure, wipe and then dry. Please note that during this process a large amount of very corrosive smoke will be emitted.
- You can clean the gas stove grill with a car engine wash fluid. Thoroughly process the cast iron, then rinse and then dry.
- You can clean the cast iron from soot with a metal brush. But it is absolutely necessary to do this, adhering to safety rules, because together with the fat, particles of metal can be scraped off, and as a result, the rods become thinner over time.
- Preheat the oven, put a heat-resistant container with water at the bottom, which will almost completely cover the bottom. Put a cast-iron part on top. Under the influence of steam, pieces of fat will begin to fall off over time.
to contents ↑Important! Try to limit as much as possible the contact of the cast-iron grate with water, it is allowed only at the end of absolutely any procedure to wipe it with a damp cloth.
General rules for the care of gas stove grills:
- Try to wash the wire rack every time you finish cooking, especially if you have fried something without a lid.
- During the cleaning procedure, be sure to use protective rubber gloves, even if you use only home remedies - vinegar, soda, mustard powder.
- Enameled as well as steel parts will be much easier to wash if they are pre-soaked for 1 night in acetic or soda solution.
to contents ↑Stock footage
We are confident that in this article you have found for yourself a volume of comprehensive information on how to clean the grate on a gas stove at home. And so that in the future you do not have to spend time on such an unpleasant job, do not allow the accumulation of fat and soot - it is easier to take 5 minutes after cooking than to rack your brains and scrape a thick layer of burning.
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