How to clean the bath to white?

Shining white sanitary ware in your bathroom will give it a cozy and even festive look. Many housewives wonder: how to clean the bath to white, while not harming it? Unfortunately, the initial whiteness of plumbing fades after several times of use, because quite often we use the bath not only for its intended purpose, but also for other purposes, for example, bathing animals, washing, washing large items, etc. In this article we will try to reveal the most effective and effective means for cleaning home plumbing and giving it its original cleanliness.

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What tools can I use?

On the shelves of hardware stores and supermarkets today there is a huge amount of specialized cleaning products for bathtubs from various materials. However, often they do not give the desired result, or, on the contrary, act too strongly. Therefore, when choosing a product, you must carefully read the instructions for its use. Also pay attention to the following characteristics of the proposed chemical mixtures.

Composition and intended purpose

If your bath has not been cleaned for a long time and its enamel has begun to darken with time, then a simple cleaning agent is unlikely to help you. In this case, you should give preference to potent cleaning agents, which include any acid. It is best to choose a gel or liquid detergent.

However, if your plumbing is kept clean and just needs regular cleaning, then you can do with less potent agents.

Correspondence of action and coverage

Cleaning the bathroom from rust deposits requires quite a lot of effort. However, it is extremely important not to overdo it with the use of potent compounds. If you are looking for how to wash an enameled bath from rust, then do not take a potent agent and leave it on the surface for a long time.

For example, the tool "Sanox" has a fairly quick action. But together with the removal of all rust spots, it can also remove part of the enamel layer, thereby exposing the unsightly metal layer. It is better to spend more effort and thoroughly clean the surface than to buy and install a new bath or to restore the enamel covering it.


We should never forget about safety - especially for those in whose house small children live, allergies and just people with increased skin sensitivity.

Taking a bath with chemicals that aren’t completely washed off can cause serious health problems.

Important! To wash off the detergent from the surface of the bath, use a soft and clean rag or sponge. Also, do not regret a large amount of water for re-rinsing the bath.

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Household chemicals for bath cleaning

The best products used to clean bathtubs are those that do not require much effort to apply and rinse. It is also important that the substance does not harm the surface and is as safe as possible for people and pets.

When choosing how to wash a bath, pay attention to household cleaning products from reliable and trusted manufacturers:

  1. Cillit Bang - this tool is suitable for regular cleaning, but it is unlikely that you can remove difficult contaminants, such as rust or limescale.
  2. Cif is preferably used as a gel. Especially effective is the use of the Ultra White series.
  3. Comet in the form of a gel is a universal tool for cleaning any plumbing and kitchen surfaces, which will help remove complex dirt. The series “7 days of cleanliness” is best suited for cleaning bathtubs, because with its use the whiteness effect will last longer.
  4. The use of Domestos liquid or gel products is suitable for regular care. This chemical will help get rid of spots of medium complexity, as well as to remove not very neglected cases of pollution. The disadvantage of this composition is the strong smell of chlorine.
  5. Means “Pemolux” is perfect for cleaning an enameled bath, as it contains soda. Although the cleaning powder may leave minor scratches on the surface, it can still be used to regularly clean newer bathtubs.
  6. It is impossible to carry out high-quality cleaning of hydromassage bathtubs with an acrylic coating without the use of “Mr. Cister”, “Triton” or “Sun Wedge” products. Acrylic is a very fragile material, for the cleaning of which only special products that are free of acids and other potent substances are suitable.

Important! All these funds have passed laboratory tests, dermatological tests. Nevertheless, they should be handled with care.

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Folk bath cleaners

If for some reason you do not want to use special cleaning products to clean the bathroom, long-tried folk remedies will help restore its whiteness and attractiveness. The most popular among them are the following.


Our grandmothers and mothers always used soda to clean the bathtub. This tool is universal, budget and reliable.

To achieve the desired result, use baking soda according to the following instructions:

  1. In equal proportions, mix calcined and baking soda.
  2. Gently and evenly apply this composition to the surface of a moistened bath.
  3. Leave the product on the surface of the bowl for 7-10 minutes.
  4. On top of the soda, apply a mixture of vinegar and bleach, which is prepared from equal proportions of the active ingredients.

Important! A small bleach bag is enough to clean a regular home bath.

  1. Rinse the entire mixture thoroughly with running water.912-1024x512


If soda is used in most cases for cleaning old bathtubs, then for new plumbing, which has recently lost its luster, you can use a weaker remedy - vinegar.

Important! Cleaning the container with vinegar may take several hours, as this product cannot be overexposed.

In order not to suffer with the manufacture of solutions, and not to come up with a way to clean the contaminated walls, it is better to proceed according to the following instructions:

  1. Dampen paper towels or towels with vinegar.
  2. Cover the entire surface of the bathtub with products.
  3. Leave the bath in this position to soak.
  4. Remove the wipes from the surface of the bowl and rinse off the remaining vinegar with running water.

Important! Vinegar is a wonderful tool for cleaning not only plastic and enameled, but also cast-iron bathtubs.

Lemon acid

To remove unwanted yellowness from the surface of an old bath, you can use a solution of ordinary citric acid itself:

  1. Prepare the cleaning composition by dissolving one sachet of acid in a glass of clean water.
  2. Apply such a solution with a soft sponge to the entire surface of the bath.
  3. Leave the container to soak for 15-20 minutes.
  4. Rinse the acid solution under running water.
  5. If necessary, clean the problem areas with soda.

Important! All procedures with citric acid should be carried out in protective gloves, because such a solution is safe for the enamel surface, but it has a detrimental effect on the delicate skin of the hands.

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We clean the bath of limescale

Often a situation may arise when simply removing the yellowness is not enough. If you had to deal with the removal of limescale, which remains on the walls of the plumbing after the water has dried, then for such a case, the following remedies are best:

  • Prepare a solution at the rate of three tablespoons ammonia into a glass of water. Soak the coating with the mixture. After waiting 10-15 minutes, remove contamination with a stream of clean water.
  • Apply a concentrated solution of citric acid or lemon juice to plated plumbing areas. After 10-15 minutes, the contamination is easily washed off the surface.
  • If the plaque on the bathroom is old or very strong, a mixture of vinegar and salt will help get rid of it. These substances are mixed in a 1: 1 ratio and the resulting product is used to clean up problem areas.
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Helpful hints:

In order not to harm the coating of the bathtub, especially if it is new and expensive, you need to know at least the basic rules for choosing cleaning products:

  1. To clean acrylic bathtubs, never use the following items and products:
    • abrasive paste;
    • washing powder;
    • emulsions and any other means for alcohol;
    • acetone;
    • petrol;
    • chlorine.
  2. Do not use objects such as fiberglass sponges and metal brushes to clean enameled bathtubs.
  3. When cleaning the bath, always use rubber gloves that protect your skin from contamination.
  4. You should never use a stiff brush to rub the bath with a strong tool.
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You need to remember that your whole family used the bathroom more than one day, and not one week. Therefore, do not try to give it its original pristine appearance in a day. It is better to clean the plumbing little by little, and this process should begin with the most polluted and difficult areas. Then the result will be clearly noticeable, and additional motivation for work will arise.

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