How to clean the bath of yellow plaque at home?

A bath is one of the most comfortable places in the house, and hardly anyone will argue with this. It does not matter whether it is cast-iron, acrylic or steel, when it becomes dirty or becomes covered with yellow spots, you can forget about pleasant water procedures. Long time to soak in warm water inside such plumbing is not so desirable. How to clean the bath of yellow plaque at home, to rejuvenate yourself with a pleasant morning shower and relax in the evening foam bath - you will learn about this from this article.
to contents ↑How to clean a cast iron bathtub from unpleasant yellowness?
If we talk about a cast-iron bath, the following methods are most effective.
Baking soda
This tool effectively whitens any surface. For work you need:
- take a sponge or a rag;
- moisten it in hot water;
- sprinkle the surface of the bowl with soda;
- rub it all mercilessly until the plaque leaves the surface.
Important! The smallest crystals of soda perfectly remove yellow plaque, but despite this, they can damage the enamel. Therefore, you must be extremely careful with this component. The application in the form of a paste will be more delicate - for this, just mix the powder with warm water first.
Lemon acid
Citric acid is exactly the same universal substance as the soda described above. It is necessary to work with it in rubber gloves to protect your hands from caustic acid.
The way to use this product in order to clean the bath of yellow plaque at home:
- Dilute a bag of acid in 300 ml of warm water.
- Wet your sponge with a solution, treat it with yellow spots.
- After 15-30 minutes, wash the bath with warm water, you can optionally use the usual cleaning agent.
- Thoroughly rinse the surface of the bathtub with cold water to eliminate all chemical elements that remain after washing.
Peroxide + ammonia
A solution of hydrogen peroxide, as well as ammonia, excellently eliminates rust spots on the surface of a cast-iron bath. To make this solution, connect in a glass container:
- 100 ml of ammonia;
- 50 ml of hydrogen peroxide.
Apply the resulting solution to a dry rag or sponge, which you will begin to process stains. After 15 minutes, rinse the entire surface with a shower.
Salt, Wine Vinegar
Salt and wine vinegar also help to cope with the difficult question of how to clean the bath of yellow spots at home. To prepare the solution you will need 2 tbsp. l salt, 100 ml of wine vinegar.
The mixture is applied as follows:
- Mix these components in a glass container.
- Microwave to 65 ° C.
- Apply the finished solution with a sponge to areas that are covered with yellowness.
- Rinse the surface with water after 20 minutes after the cleaning procedure.
Dry bleach
Dry bleach will help to keep the bath completely clean, and its condition will be like new. To do this, take 3 tbsp. l dry bleach and exactly the same amount of ordinary water. You should have a porridge that you apply to the rusty as well as the yellow parts of the bath.
After application, wait until it dries. After it dries, rinse with cold running water.
to contents ↑What is not allowed to clean a cast iron and steel bath?
In no case should be used as a cleaning agent for enamel coating:
- a metal brush;
- toilet detergent.
to contents ↑Important! The components that make up the latter are acids or chlorine, which can damage the enameled surface. Of course, you can succeed in washing the bath to white at home using these tools, but as a result of the appearance of microcracks, pollution will stick more often and in greater quantities. Accordingly, you will spend more time and energy on washing plumbing, and over time, it will simply not be washed.
How to clean the acrylic bath from yellow plaque on the surface of the bath?
All of the above methods are effective for cast iron as well as steel baths. But today, most people in homes and apartments have installed acrylic models. And they require even more attention and delicate care.
Important! So that your acrylic bath does not become covered with plaque and does not turn yellow, it must be thoroughly washed with hot water after each use.
Means that are not dangerous for acrylic:
- Lemon juice.
- 9% table vinegar.
- Oxalic acid, which was diluted with water in a suitable proportion.
- Special detergents for acrylic surfaces.
Application Rules:
- All of these solutions are applied to the surface of the bath with a soft cloth or sponge.
- Before applying the solution to the surface, the detergent composition must be heated, but not brought to a boil.
- After you have finished eliminating yellowness, rinse the bath with a good pressure of running water.
to contents ↑Important! Strong chemical methods cannot be used because they can destroy a glossy acrylic surface.
How to wash an old bath?
Quite often during repairs it is difficult to get rid of an already old bathtub. This phenomenon is associated with most reasons.
The main ones are:
- no funds for the purchase of a new acrylic bath;
- unwillingness to get rid of a convenient and already familiar design;
- the inability to take out the old bath model due to its too large weight, dimensions, and also due to the tile.
All this makes most owners of old plumbing look for options on how to wash an old bath from yellow spots.
Folk methods
Their use can lead to permanent damage to the coating, but if all of the above methods did not help you, it makes sense to try the following methods:
- Pour the bath with undiluted vinegar and then leave overnight. In the morning, rinse it with water and clean with a sponge.
- You can act differently: collect a bath of hot water and pour 1 liter of table vinegar into it. In this form, leave everything overnight, and in the morning drain, wipe the surface and thoroughly rinse the bath.
- Dilute the bleach with water in the same proportion as for bleaching things, rinse the entire surface of the bath with this solution.
- Use a toilet cleaner that contains chlorine. It can very well cope with absolutely any spots.
We use household chemicals
The best tool for washing the bath is one that does not require a lot of application, as well as rinsing, does not damage the surface of the bath and is safe for pets as well as for people.
The most effective and at the same time gentle surface are the following:
- Cillit Bang - suitable for regular washing, but with complex dirt, such as limescale and rust, can not cope.
- Cif is preferably in the form of a gel. A particularly effective series is Ultra White.
- Comet in the form of a gel is a universal remedy for all kinds of plumbing, as well as kitchen surfaces.It can handle complex pollution. But for baths, the “7 days of purity” series is best suited - with its help, the effect lasts much longer.
- Domestos (liquid or gel) is suitable for regular care, and also copes with stains of any age and complexity. Its disadvantage is the pungent smell of chlorine.
To clean or restore?
The first thing to do is find out how much the bath should be bleached. In this case, there are two options:
- The first is bath cleaning.
- The second is the restoration of the bath.
You can figure it out like this:
- If an acrylic or cast-iron bathtub has lost its pristine whiteness due to improper care of it, you can get by with the intensive use of household chemicals.
- If the bathtub is completely dirty and rusty from old age, it is better to make a restoration with the installation of an acrylic liner.
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The key to the snow-white bath was and still is regular, timely care. Every time after using the bath, do not be too lazy to rinse the surface with warm water. After that, wipe it dry with a soft cloth or sponge. Then with the problem of how to clean the bath of yellow plaque at home, you will have to face much less.
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