How to clean the bathroom mirror from plaque?

Mirrors reflect us, our beauty, flaws, all the surrounding space. Therefore, you probably would not want to see yourself distorted, dirty, stained, or any other way. Glasses get dirty from time to time, accumulate everything that has ever hit them, and, of course, they become worthless over time. And in order to extend their service time, you need to know the rules of care and recommendations on how to clean the bathroom mirror from lime and white coating. You will find this information in this article.

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Key wishes for placing mirrors:

  1. Mirrors are often placed close to the light source. This is one of the main mistakes - only reflected objects should be illuminated. If direct rays hit the surface, it is likely that the mirror may fade.
  2. Also, under the influence of high temperatures, an amalgam cracks. Its destruction begins with the edges of the spot, which can be masked using glued foil to the back of the surface.

Important! You can also paint the back of the product with oil paint. This is a fairly effective way to restore mirror coverage.

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The main sources of dirt on glass

Before you wash a mirror from a raid, you need to understand what you can deal with. Most often, the main sources of pollution are:

  • dust;
  • cigarette smoke;
  • fingerprints of hands;
  • condensate;
  • divorces;
  • limescale from water.
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Cleaning steps

Standard mirror care procedures are:

  1. Remove dust with a soft cloth.
  2. Spraying a cleaning agent.
  3. Polishing with a rag or paper.

Important! If you perform these procedures once a day or two, you will not need to use any specific cleaning products.

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Preparing to clean the mirror

Before you do a good cleaning of the mirror, you need to prepare the glass, that is, clean from the remnants of grease, traces, dirt. Here is a good example of preparing glass for cleaning:

  1. The sponge is moistened with water, dishwashing detergent is applied and foamed.
  2. The mirror is wiped with the back of the sponge (do not use abrasive elements - they can damage the glass).
  3. Detergent is removed with a sponge or microfiber cloth.

Important! If suddenly there are dried up drops of fat on the glass or any other ingrained dirt, then it can be carefully removed with a sharp razor blade or knife. After - the surface must be wiped with a soft cloth.

In case of extensive contamination, dishwashing powder or paste is ideal. The product is applied to the sponge and moisturized until a paste is formed.

Important! If you don’t have a cleaning agent at hand, then boiled water and ammonia. The solution is placed in a spray bottle, applied to a mirror, and then wiped with a rag.

After you have removed everything, you need to apply warm water to the mirror - ideally boiled water, applied with a rag or sponge.

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Mirror care and cleaning

Since you already know that glass surface problems can have a different nature of origin, we will deal with each of them separately.

Misted glass

What needs to be done so that the window fogs less, consider an example:

  1. Cover the front side of the mirror with a gelatin solution in the proportions of 1 teaspoon in 50 ml of water.
  2. Allow the solution to swell and warm in a water bath.
  3. Cool.

That's the whole way to protect the glass from fogging.

Important! Alternatively, you can use a special tool for car windows, which, in turn, helps to prevent fogging.

Chemistry replacement

Many people wonder how not to leave stains. It is not so difficult to clean the mirror in the bathroom from plaque and not leave stains.spetsialnye-salfetki-ne-ostavlyayut-razvodov

Most glass care products contain many chemical elements that can damage glass. Here is the substitution of popular chemicals:

  • Black tea;
  • warm water with the addition of blue;
  • alcohol diluted in water;
  • ammonia diluted with water.

Remove stains

No matter how strange it may seem, the spots can “eat” even with a perfectly smooth glass surface. To clean the mirror in the bathroom from plaque, regardless of whether it is lime from water or something else, use the following improvised means:

  • With stubborn stains, onions help a lot. It is necessary to wipe the surface with a bulb, rinse it with hot water and wipe it with a soft and dry rag.
  • Also be sure to try using a solution of vinegar and chalk. This requires diluting in proportions 1 to 1 vinegar and chalk in 500 ml of hot water. Allow the liquid to brew slightly and wipe the mirror with a soft cloth.
  • Lemon juice - the mirror will just shine. You need to sprinkle it and leave it for 10 minutes. Then rub the surface thoroughly with a cloth.

Important! Citric acid powder, diluted in water, will easily wash out old, poorly rinse off streaks.

  • An ordinary potato will do an excellent job. Take half the raw potatoes and rub it with a mirror. Then you need to rinse with water and wipe dry.
  • At the end of the procedure, you need to give the surface a radiance and shine. An excellent remedy is milk. It moistens the cotton fabric and polishes the mirror.
  • You can restore the mirror surface to its original shine with blue. They make a weak solution by slightly moistening a rag in it, which should be moist, not wet, and wipe the mirror. All that remains is to wipe it thoroughly with a dry cloth.
  • Alcohol-containing solutions cope well with this task - here we will use vodka. Try the following solution: add 10 teaspoons of water to 1 teaspoon of water, wipe the mirror with this solution using a soft, lint-free cloth.

Important! In order not to leave streaks, it is better to wipe the surface dry with a crumpled newspaper.

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Stock footage

Forgetting to look after mirrors, you put off problems in a long box. In addition to the main interior, do not forget about glass, because dirty glass will look ugly against a background of a perfectly clean apartment. Yes, and who wants ahead of time is spent on any thing, if with proper care it still lasts a sufficient amount of time. Most importantly, do not forget that this needs to be done cyclically, and by applying all these simplest methods, you will achieve perfect reflection in the glass.


