How to whiten a bath at home?

The bathroom is a temple of purity in any house and I want everything to shine and sparkle here. But over time, a gray coating and unpleasant rusty spots leave a stable and unsightly mark on the snow-white surfaces of any plumbing. And every housewife is faced with the problem of how to whiten the bath at home, what means to use in order to return the coating to its pristine cleanliness.

To cope with this task, modern household chemicals help, which have a disinfecting effect and effectively eliminate bacteria. But you need to choose a tool taking into account the coating and the nature of the pollution.

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How to whiten a bath at home?

How to whiten a bath at home?The experience of generations often helps to find the right way out in the most difficult life situations. But do not forget that proven solutions do not always fit modern realities. For example, recommended homemade recipes for cleaning based on soda or other abrasives are not suitable for acrylic coatings - they can not be mechanically cleaned. Enamel on many inexpensive models does not withstand such a procedure. The cleaning powders are also useless in case of impurities arising on damaged coatings, since dirt is clogged in microcracks and it is not possible to erase it.

Choosing the right way to whiten your bath at home, answer two questions:

  1. What material is the top layer of the bathtub made of?
  2. What is the nature and cause of the pollution?

Based on this, make a choice of a means by which you will solve the problem of how to whiten a bath at home:

  • For any cast-iron and enamel bowls practically any means are suitable, including those containing aggressive chemical compositions based on acids and alkalis.
  • For acrylic bathtubs, use only special household chemicals or dishwashing detergent.
  • It is also easy to wash the polymer coating with water.

Household chemicals

Various widely advertised cleaning powders, gels, sprays quickly remove plaque, disinfect and for some time protect against new contaminants. All these products are notable for their effectiveness, but even household chemicals can not cope with some types of pollution, so we recommend using it in combination with folk remedies.

The most popular household products are:

  • “Sarma”;
  • “Cif”;
  • “Cillit”;
  • “Domestos”;
  • “Comet”;
  • “Sanox.”

Rules for the use of household chemicals

When using them, adhere to the following rules:

  1. Work only with rubber gloves.
  2. Strictly follow the instructions when using the substance.
  3. Do not hold the product for too long and do not use it more than once a week.
  4. Clean the bathroom very carefully in a circular motion; use force only in places of deep pollution.
  5. Wash household chemicals with warm but not hot water.

Important! For acrylic bathtubs, we recommend using special products of the following brands: "SanKlin", "RAVAK", "Triton".

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Folk remedies for whitening baths

Even with the most accurate cleaning, household chemicals eventually destroy plumbing, so to preserve its integrity for as long as possible, from time to time use folk remedies to bleach the bath.

Benefits of folk remedies:

  • Safety for skin and respiratory system;
  • Availability and low price;
  • Gentle gentle effect on enamel;
  • Efficiency.

Important! Each product has its own secrets of the struggle for cleanliness. We recommend using the following formulations.

Composition number 1. Soda

This is a very active substance that is part of many cleansers.It has a strong, but at the same time mild effect. To whiten the bath to a shine, follow these steps:

  1. Soda ash mix with food in a ratio of 1: 1.
  2. Moisten the bath cover.
  3. Apply the composition to the surface.
  4. Leave the bathroom for half an hour.
  5. Moisten a sponge in food vinegar and wipe the bath (without washing off the soda).
  6. After 30-40 minutes, rinse the mixture with warm water.
  7. Wipe the bath.

Important! The recipe described will help get rid of old calcareous deposits, as well as from stubborn rust. If the bathtub is new or the pollution is not very strong, then use only familiar baking soda.

Composition number 2. Vinegar

How to whiten a bath at home?Another effective and safe way to defeat rust and dirt is to clean it with vinegar. Use tableware 9% composition. Apply it as follows:

  1. Dampen a large amount of paper tissue with vinegar.
  2. Place moistened paper or tissue throughout the surface of the bath.
  3. Leave the cleanser for 3-5 hours.
  4. After time, remove the napkins.
  5. Rinse thoroughly with water.

Important! This method is suitable for any coating, but is most effective for bleaching a cast-iron bath.

Composition number 3. Lemon acid

Citric acid is known for all of its whitening properties. Use this tool if rust and limescale have become quite firm.

Follow this instruction:

  1. Dissolve 2 sachets of citric acid in 0.5 l of water.
  2. Apply to a soft sponge.
  3. Walk over the entire surface of the bath.
  4. After 20-25 minutes, gently wipe the coating with a clean sponge.
  5. Wash off any remaining product with plenty of water.

Important! The advantage of citric acid is that it is great even for solving the problem of how to whiten an acrylic bath at home.

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Gentle non-trivial cleaning method

This method is ideal for housewives who do not want to burden themselves with the cleaning process. To bleach a bath from rust:

  1. Get a full bath of hot water.
  2. Add any oxygen laundry bleach. The concentration of the product should be at least 2 times higher than when bleaching things.

Important! The cleaning procedure is best done at night.

  1. Leave the solution for several hours, and preferably until the morning.
  2. Drain the water and you will see perfectly shining plumbing.
  3. So that no smudges remain on the surface, go through the bathroom with a soft sponge, dampening the coating with water from the shower - so you remove the residue of plaque.

Important! Instead of oxygen bleach, you can use citric acid, but you will need about 30 sachets for 1 time.

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Effective cleaning of complex dirt

Remove rusty smudges and lime deposits on new enamel with oxalic acid:

  1. Dilute in water until a thick slurry forms.
  2. Apply the mixture to contaminated areas.
  3. Rinse with warm water and a soft sponge.
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How to whiten a cast-iron bath at home?

If in the house an old cast-iron bathtub was covered with a network of small cracks and a dense layer of plaque, then, by and large, there is nothing to lose. Therefore, feel free to use any cleaning powders. To make the effect more noticeable, use a metal sponge, which easily penetrates into all cracks.

How to whiten a bath at home?Before bleaching a cast-iron bath with your choice, do the following:

  1. Warm the bathroom with steam or hot water.
  2. Wait for the metal to heat up.

Then clean the bowl like this:

  1. Treat all areas with limescale and rust with a brush.
  2. Rinse plumbing with water.
  3. After removing especially difficult stains, cover the surface of the bath with a solution of bleach or any product with active chlorine (this can be either “White” or “Domestos”).
  4. After a few hours, rinse the plumbing thoroughly with warm water.
  5. Repeat if necessary.

Important! Perform all operations with gloves and with the door open, since chlorine vapor can lead to irritation of the respiratory system. After the procedure, ventilate the apartment.

If, after all the above procedures and treatments, the gray spots on the bottom of the bathtub do not disappear, and the small black mesh remains, then it is not a matter of dirt. Just the enamel of the bath became unusable. In this case, restoration is necessary.

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How to restore a cast-iron bath at home?

If you do not want to change your solid cast-iron bath just because of the loss of external beauty and smoothness, then restore the enamel.

Benefits of restoration:

  • Lack of black spots, roughness, unpleasant odor;
  • Warm to the touch surface of the coating;
  • The polymer will hide all surface defects.

Specialists can make a finished acrylic liner. This is one of the fastest types of restoration, but it is not suitable for all models and is too expensive. We suggest doing it yourself and at home.

You will need:

  • drill;
  • 2 grinding nozzles: face and flat;
  • 1 sheet of fine-grained sandpaper;
  • for a flat nozzle 5-7 pieces of sandpaper with a grain size of 40-60;
  • brush;
  • solvent: acetone or any of those recommended by the manufacturer;
  • 100-150 g of oxalic acid;
  • measuring cup;
  • enamel, and for color coating - tinting paste;

Step-by-step instruction - method 1:

  1. Sandpaper the surface of the bath with the nozzles.
  2. Remove dust from the surface.
  3. Rinse the bath with oxalic acid.
  4. Rinse the surface by collecting and draining the bathroom completely.
  5. Blot the surface with rags.
  6. Let the plumbing dry completely.
  7. Apply enamel with a regular brush to the surface. Do it in several layers.

Important! For coating, you can use enamel in cans, but it is the least durable and without the experience of such work it is extremely difficult to apply.

  1. The bath is ready for use after 7 days.

Step-by-step instruction - method 2:

A newer solution is an acrylic coating by uniformly pouring onto the walls. The thick composition of acrylic forms an even and fairly thick layer of acrylic, and plumbing can be operated after 4 days.

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Bath care

To keep your bath enamel smooth for many years, take good care of it. Follow simple rules:

  1. After each use, rinse the plumbing and wipe dry so that prolonged contact with water does not lead to plaque and microcracks.
  2. Try to avoid sudden changes in temperature. Do not pour hot water into the cooled bath and vice versa.
  3. When spots and smudges of water form around the drain, use folk remedies to remove them.
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We hope that our recommendations and tips will turn your plumbing into a model of cleanliness and order, and after the listed bleaching procedures, the radiant beauty will return to the bath.

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