How to clean the fat from the walls in the kitchen?

Cleaning and washing the kitchen takes a lot of time, especially cleaning the surface of grease. Many women, because of the saturated pace of life, simply do not have time to daily care for the kitchen. Regular cooking operations leave an unpleasant dirty mark on the countertop, walls, stove, sink and household utensils. These moments cannot be avoided, since the appearance of dust, dirt is inevitable. In our article we will try to answer the question of how to clean old fat from the walls in the kitchen. This can be done in several ways, about the recipes of which we will talk today.
to contents ↑How to clean the walls and apron from grease in the kitchen with detergents?
There is the most common and quickest way to solve this problem - the use of special detergents and cleaners. In the modern market they are presented in a large assortment, with different purposes, validity period and pricing policy. Using a purchased detergent, you can quickly and efficiently get rid of annoying fat not only from the surface of furniture, but also from dishes. Modern technology is so modernized that these “helpers” include potent substances that help to perfectly cope with the problem.
General recommendations:
- When using household chemicals, you should first worry about your safety. To use more gentle formulations, you need to use rubber gloves, and for more aggressive ones, use a respirator.
- Also, before starting cleaning, you need to prepare all the necessary materials with which you will clean the surfaces. For this, a set of sponges, brushes, rags for various purposes is perfect.
- It is advisable to carefully study the instructions for the goods offered in the store. It should describe not only the constituent components, but also the purpose, and sometimes the method of use with detailed instructions.
- Do not exceed the permissible concentration of detergent. Otherwise, you risk damaging furniture, expensive dishes and appliances in the kitchen.
- Even before starting cleaning, we recommend opening the window a bit to allow air to enter the room to reduce the influence of the pungent odor on the body.
Surface cleaning:
- Wet the dirty area with clean, warm water.
- We put on a greasy place your chosen remedy.
- We are waiting for the time indicated on the product label.
- After dissolving the plaque, we remove household chemicals from the surface together with the removed dirt layer with a sponge or other device, depending on the place of pollution.
- We rinse with warm water the area where there was previously dirt, in order to achieve maximum and lasting effect.
- Wipe the surface dry.
Such manipulations should be enough to wash off recent and even dried fat. Difficulties may arise only for removing dirt from hard-to-reach places, for example, along the contour of countertops, burners, and so on. It does not hurt to use toothpicks, and after digging out the dirt, you must again pour detergent and repeat all subsequent steps.
Featured Products
The range of modern household chemicals is very wide, but not all of it is so effective that in a matter of minutes to remove a serious plaque. However, there are those that literally before your eyes will corrode all the dirt and deposits, transforming the surface.To quickly and easily clean or wash the greasy panel in the kitchen, from furniture, stoves and other surfaces, we recommend using products of such brands:
- Amway
- "Silite";
- “Comets”;
- “Shumanit”;
- "Seth";
- Ecover.
Folk ways
Greasy stains on the wall can easily be removed using grandma's methods. They have a number of advantages: they are simple, affordable, without chemicals, quickly and efficiently cope with fat, stains and severe impurities. We will tell you how to use them correctly so that the result is noticeable. Below are a few basic recipes, many of which are completely safe and fast-acting.
Mustard powder
You do not know how to wash grease from the walls in the kitchen? To help you come the usual dry kitchen mustard. With it, you can return to its former purity and brilliance on absolutely any surface.
- Wet the contaminated place with water.
- Sprinkle it with mustard powder.
- Wipe the surface with a clean, dry cloth.
- We remove the remains of the substance with a sponge previously moistened in warm water.
Important! Mustard is an excellent fat solvent, and after reading it, it will simply remain on your napkin. In this way, you can quickly and easily wash a sink, stove, refrigerator or kitchen furniture with a protective coating. The only thing you should pay attention to is mustard powder is not suitable for fat loss on a wooden surface.
Soapy soda solution
One of the most effective methods in the fight against fat can be called a combination of soap and soda. To wash your kitchen from dirt with such a solution is nowhere simpler. It is advisable to use a soap-soda composition for cleaning kitchen utensils and household appliances.
Working process:
- We grate a simple laundry soap. These manipulations will allow one piece of soap to quickly dissolve in water.
- Pour the formed chips with warm water so that in the end we get a cloudy solution. Make sure that the water slightly covers the soap, otherwise it may result in a weak concentration of detergent.
- The resulting mixture wipe the contaminated surface.
- Without waiting for the soapy solution to dry completely, pour baking soda on the sponge, and then wipe it with moist areas that are still treated with soap.
- We stand for about 20 minutes.
- We wash the surface first with a damp, and then with a dry rag.
With this soapy soda solution, even heavily soiled pans can be cleaned. Soda is an excellent abrasive, and soap will not only help get rid of fat, but also serve as a disinfection of treated areas.
Important! Remember one caveat: the recipe can only be used to clean tiles, stoves and other metal elements. To remove grease from a glossy or varnish coating, soda is categorically not suitable, since it can scratch such a delicate coating.
Oil and Soda
The combination of oil and soda is pretty good, and most importantly, an effective tool to combat contaminated sites.
Important! It is with the help of such a composition that you can delicately clean a wooden set.
Usage Technology:
- We mix the usual vegetable oil with soda in a ratio of 1 to 2. We got a rather thick mixture, similar in texture to sour cream.
- We apply a homemade mixture to problem areas.
- We walk along the surface with a soft brush, thereby removing residual dirt and grease. Do not rub too vigorously so as not to damage the tree.
- Leave the gruel to act, waiting a period of 10-15 minutes.
- Wash off the applied composition with a damp cloth.
Alcoholic vinegar solution
If you want to clean kitchen furniture in one fell swoop and disinfect it, then this method is for you. It can be safely used to wash the kitchen, utensils and various household appliances.
Work Stages:
- We mix table vinegar with alcohol in a ratio of 1: 1. Alcohol can be replaced with ordinary vodka, it also perfectly disinfects.
- Add two parts of water to the resulting solution.
- Pour ⅓ teaspoon of essential oil into the liquid.To do this, we took tea tree oil, which is used as a cleaner not only of the skin, but also of other surfaces, including kitchen appliances.
- Pour a homemade product into the spray gun. Now we spray them all the contaminated sites.
- We give the solution time to absorb, for this it will be enough 10-15 minutes.
- We clean the kitchen furniture from grease with a damp sponge or cloth.
Important! Essential oil will not only perfectly cope with problematic greasy areas in the kitchen, but also leave a pleasant light aroma.
Here is another effective way to resolve the issue of how to remove greasy stains from the wall. Ammonia can be found in any medicine cabinet, so the tool is very affordable.
Important! Before starting all subsequent actions with this substance, we recommend immediately opening the window, since the smell will be very intense.
The recipe for the production and application of ammonia on a greasy surface:
- We mix together a tablespoon of ammonia with one liter of water.
- We wet the sponge in the liquid, and then we go through it through all the greasy places in the kitchen.
- We stand the solution for 5 minutes, and then remove it with a damp cloth.
Using this simple method, you can easily wash kitchen furniture and household appliances.
Hydrogen peroxide
It is with this substance that you can wash the oven and baking sheet to a shine. Not only a gas stove, household appliances, but also frequently used utensils suffer from everyday cooking.
Working process:
- Add soda to a small amount of hydrogen peroxide to get a sour cream consistency.
- We apply the resulting mixture to a baking sheet, which we leave to dry for half an hour.
- Remove the remaining fat with a brush.
- Rinse the pan with warm water.
Steam cleaning
It will be great if you have in your house steam cleanerwhich in two counts will cope with absolutely any pollution. Using hot steam, you not only clean the dirty surface well, but also disinfect it perfectly.
The steam cleaner will save you from the following problems:
- Cleans walls, household appliances, headsets from scale and other contaminants.
- It will remove residues of scale, oil and carbon deposits on dishes.
- It will restore its former shine to glass and stainless steel surfaces.
- Destroys fungal formations, bacteria, unpleasant odors in the kitchen.
Stock footage
A variety of options were presented to your attention, how to remove greasy stains from the wall in the kitchen. As you can see, cleaning the kitchen can take a minimal amount of time, and the result will be simply stunning. Let cleanliness and order always reign in your kitchen!
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