How to wash cat urine

In every second house there is a pet, so the question: how to wash cat or dog urine is very important for many. Cats and dogs are very cute creatures, especially when they are small. But it’s difficult for them to adapt to the new situation, because you need to learn the rules of the house through experience. And to accustom an animal to a toilet and a regimen is a problem for the owner. While you are doing this, it will not be possible to avoid the stained floor and furniture, and accordingly, you just need to know in advance how to remove urine stains.

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How to wash cat urine?

 How to wash cat urineTo wash the urine of an animal, several tools that are at hand in any house are suitable - these are:

  • regular lemon;
  • potassium permanganate solution;
  • food vinegar;
  • vodka;
  • bleach;
  • baking soda;
  • tea leaves;
  • iodine;
  • special tools;
  • any detergent;
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How to wash cat urine?

It is possible to quickly and permanently remove the smell of cat or dog urine, even from upholstered furniture. Use the effective washing methods suggested below, and you will forget about the problem without spending a lot of time.

Option number 1

  1. Squeeze the lemon juice.
  2. Sip a sponge or rag with squeezed juice.
  3. Wipe the area thoroughly.

Note: the advantage of this option is that cats do not tolerate the smell of citrus and are unlikely to choose this place again.

Option number 2

  1. Make a solution of potassium permanganate light pink.
  2. Blot the place.
  3. Wait for it to dry.

Option number 3

Wipe the place with vinegar. The smell of vinegar will quickly disappear along with the smell of urine.

Option number 4

  1. Dilute the vinegar with water in a ratio of 1: 4.
  2. Put the mixture in place.
  3. Collect excess fluid.
  4. For 100 ml of peroxide, add a spoonful of detergent.
  5. Apply the resulting mixture onto the stain with soda.
  6. Wipe off with a rag, rubbing the product and collecting excess.

Note: This method works well with obsolete stains.

Option number 5

  1. Dissolve iodine with water in a proportion of 10-20 drops per 1 liter.
  2. Wipe the floor or carpet with this solution.
  3. Wipe dry with a clean cloth.

Option number 6

  1. Buy a product with enzymes in the pet store to remove stains and smell of urine.
  2. Read the instructions.

Option number 7

Another way is to use ordinary chlorine powder. For this:

  1. Remove urine from the floor.
  2. Add bleach powder to this place.
  3. Wait 20-30 minutes.
  4. Remove the powder.
  5. Wipe the area with a damp cloth.

Note: Please note that the smell of bleach itself is also quite corrosive, and the active chemical is aggressive. Therefore, do not use this method for colored and delicate surfaces - you can damage them permanently. After applying bleach, be sure to ventilate the room so that you yourself are pleased to be in it.

How to wash cat urineWhatever method you choose, do not forget to shame your pet. He will understand that in this place you can’t do your dirty deeds.

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How to quickly train a cat to the toilet so that there is no smell of urine in the apartment?

  1. To train a cat to a toilet, the most important thing is to buy a tray and a filler. As soon as you notice that the cat begins to fuss and look for a place, take it to the tray.
  2. The most common mistake: do not poke his face in the tray, because of this your pet will be afraid to even approach him.
  3. Cats consider it their duty to sniff everything and find out in the house, but far from all the smells they like, well, take advantage of this. To protect a place behind a cupboard or in a far corner, several repellents can be placed there.Just cotton balls sprinkled with essential oils of cinnamon, rosemary, orange or lemon grass, and your cat will be the rarest visitor to this place. But we do not recommend buying repellents in the store, as some substances cause allergies in cats.
  4. To protect furniture, sprinkle it with a simple decoction: boil for five minutes lavender or rosemary.
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Teach your pet to use the tray correctly and you will quickly forget about the smell of urine. If it still does not succeed, and the cat continues to stain carpets, floors and furniture, choose the method of washing that is suitable for you and regularly use it, following our tips. In this case, you do not have to put up with the constant unpleasant aroma in your own home.

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