How to wash a ceramic plate from soot, fat and sugar

A hob with a glass ceramic surface fits perfectly into the interior of the kitchen, but it requires regular maintenance. Nagar accumulates every day, and there is not always time to remove it immediately. The result is the unsightly appearance of the ceramic plate. You can wash the pollution with the help of household chemicals, as well as improvised means. In order to wipe away fat and food debris well without scratching the material, you need to use each substance correctly and choose the right sponge.

How to wash a ceramic plate

Regular cleaning

If you clean and wash the glass ceramic stove daily, you can easily cope with any dirt. The task becomes more complicated when the care of the equipment is carried out once every 2-3 days, but even in this case home remedies and store products come to the rescue. It must be borne in mind that ceramics are a fragile and delicate material that is easy to scratch or crack.

If you use preparations with abrasive particles for cleaning, the appearance of the glass surface will quickly deteriorate. It is also not recommended to leave pollution for a long time, because it is much more difficult to clean the stove from old stains than from fresh ones.

The best option is to wipe the electrical panel daily with a damp sponge. If a stain appears, it is necessary to remove it immediately, and not when the soot is dry.

Preventive washing and cleaning of the hob is performed in the following order:

 how to wash a glass ceramic stove

  • disconnect the equipment from the power source;
  • until the surface has cooled, burned food is removed with a scraper;
  • wait until the panel becomes warm;
  • prepare a solution of water and detergent;
  • moisten a soft sponge or rag and wipe the stove;
  • rinse the coating with cold water until it is perfectly clean;
  • polished glass cleaner.

Care Accessories

A glass ceramic stove is best washed with microfiber cloths or a regular kitchen sponge, using the soft side. In addition, you will need a homemade or purchased cleanser. Wipe dry with a lint-free cloth that absorbs moisture well. To remove carbon deposits, special scrapers with interchangeable blades are sold. They remove dried particles of sugar, escaped milk and other food.

Melamine Washcloths It is recommended to use for removing old spots from a cermet electric stove. Dip the sponge into the washing solution, squeeze it slightly and wipe the dirtiest parts of the surface. When the stains are dehydrated, wash off the residues with soapy liquid, rinse the surface and wipe dry.

To polish the glass ceramics to a shine, use a soft cloth and a wiper. Use the product as indicated in the instructions.

The use of household chemicals

Purchased solutions do an excellent job with any dirt, but there is a nuance: the composition should not contain abrasive particles that can leave scratches on the glass ceramic.

How to wash ceramic tiles from carbon deposits

When using preparations for washing the hob, you should remember about precautions.

At the time of cleaning, open the window and put on latex gloves.

During the cleaning process, make sure that the powder does not enter the respiratory tract.

Domestic drugs suitable for removing carbon from the surface of glass-ceramic panels:

  • Shumanit;
  • Cilit Bang;
  • Sanita;
  • Comet.

Those who prefer to use imported products should pay attention to Toprens, Heitmann, Miele and Domax.All of these drugs perfectly remove the remaining fat and carbon deposits, as well as dissolve limescale. It is not necessary to rub the stove strongly, just apply the product on the contaminated areas and leave it for as many minutes as indicated in the instructions.

After the set time has elapsed, the stove is washed, rinsed and wiped with a dry cloth. To prevent smudges, polish a dry surface with a wiper.

Tools at hand

The substances that every housewife has will help to do without purchased drugs, but they must be used with caution. For example, baking soda consists of particles that, when undissolved, can scratch the surface. The product is not used in a dry state, but with the addition of water.

 how to clean a glass ceramic plate

A mixture is prepared that resembles liquid sour cream in a consistency, applied to soot and the remaining fat, left for 15 minutes. Wash off the mass, acting with a soft sponge, and rinse well, so that there are no white stains. On spots that could not be cleaned the first time, apply the mixture again. Leave for half an hour, then add lemon juice. A chemical reaction will begin between the acid and soda, and under such conditions, contaminants are better removed.

Liquid ammonia is a good softening agent for burnt milk and old fat from a ceramic panel. Mode of application:

  • pour in a bottle equipped with a spray, 50 ml of ammonia and 250 ml of water;
  • shake for a few seconds;
  • spray onto the hob;
  • leave for 10 minutes;
  • wipe with a sponge or microfiber cloth;
  • dry with a towel.

Wash the glass ceramic hob

If the pollution is small, vinegar diluted in half with water will help to cope with it. The solution is poured into a spray bottle, shaken and sprayed onto a glass ceramic plate. Leave for 2 minutes, then wash and wipe, as usual.

Bring out big old dirt that stuck, help olive oil. The product is heated, the fabric is moistened in it and applied for half an hour to the contaminated area. The softened substance is removed with a special scraper, then the panel is washed with a solution with the addition of soap or detergent. Rinse, wipe with a cloth soaked in olive oil until shine. In the future, it will be easier to wash the glass-ceramic plate, since the oil film will prevent the adhesion of soot and food debris.

Fight against soot and fat

Some products work especially well with certain types of stains. So, a lot of trouble for the housewives is pollution caused by solidified fat. If they are not removed immediately, the removal process will become more complicated later on.

First, you can try to wash the ceramic plate from carbon deposits with a warm compress and a cloth. Resistant soot is additionally coated with a paste-like cleaner that does not contain hard particles. After a few minutes, the mass is removed, helping yourself with a scraper.

  how to wash glass ceramics

Old dirt is best removed with a soft first applying the product that contains the alkali. The drug is left for half an hour, then perform the cleaning procedure in the usual manner. Soda also helps to remove old greasy stains. She fights with the unpleasant odor that remains after frying fish or cooking dishes with garlic.

The disadvantage of soda is that you usually have to apply it several times.

Lemon juice helps to speed up softening of the stain. Pollution is washed until there is no trace of them.

Removing old stains

Sometimes pollution appears on the stove, the origin of which is unknown, then you have to act at random. A suitable remedy in this situation is vegetable oil. It is applied to the problem area and left for 30 minutes, maybe for an hour. Usually this time is enough for the spots to succumb.

Do-it-yourself effective paste for removing old stainsusing dry mustard, vinegar, citric acid and soda. Mustard powder is diluted with water in a ratio of 1: 1.In another embodiment, soda is used, but the cleaning principle is the same. Vinegar and citric acid are not added at first. The mustard mass is evenly distributed over the dirty glass-ceramic surface, left for half an hour and washed off.

 how to wash a glass ceramic stove

Particles of carbon that have not dissolved are treated with citric acid or table vinegar and left for some time. Care must be taken that the mixture does not dry out during cleaning. If the mass begins to harden, add a little water.

Liquid ammonia helps to remove a burnt layer of milk or a stain from salt water. It does not damage glass ceramics and does not leave streaks. 5 parts of water are added to 1 part of ammonia, the resulting composition is copiously applied to a dirty surface. After 15 minutes, everything is removed, the hob is polished with a paper towel or lint-free cloth.

Housewives, who often make sweets and other desserts, know how difficult it is to remove frozen sugar. You can moisten the rest of the product with water and wait until the spots dissolve, but it takes a very long time. It’s easier to take a plastic scraper, turn it at an angle of 30 degrees to the ceramic surface and carefully remove the main layer.

All that remains is easy to clean with a cleaning agent and a sponge. It will be easier to get rid of a thick layer of frozen caramel if you first turn on the stove and hold it at low power. When heated, the sugar melts, and you need to quickly remove it until the glass ceramics have cooled.

Recommendations for use

Before cooking or boiling water, you need to inspect the stove and make sure that it does not have burnt particles, spilled liquid or drops of fat. Detected dirt is best removed immediately. If this is not done, each time the stove is next turned on, the spots will burn out, so it will take more effort to combat them.

Timely washing of the hob saves time and detergents. If you immediately wipe the surface with a damp cloth or cloth, the stove will always be clean. However, do not rush to clean up immediately after shutting down. Be sure to wait until the hob is dry, otherwise it will crack from a sharp temperature drop.

How to clean a glass ceramic plate

Do not use metal sponges, brushes, foil-coated products, knives, various solid objects to clean the glass ceramic plate. Careless handling of the panel will cause it to deteriorate quickly. In addition, you need to know what utensils are allowed to use. Do not put aluminum and copper pots on a glass-ceramic coating unless they are coated with a special compound.

During cooking, you should not allow accidental blows on the hob, especially point ones, because from them the tempered glass can shatter. Finally, after each wash, the panel should be wiped to a shine so that there are no ugly stains left.

Particular attention must be paid to the induction surface., which quickly deteriorates from sugar, syrup and jam. If the product accidentally gets on the touch panel, you need to turn it off and wipe it until the stain has frozen. Subject to these recommendations, the stove will last a long time and will always look like new.


