How to wash soot and cinder after a fire?

Fire is a terrible event in the life of every person. It leaves tar, carbon and soot on the walls, which eat into the smallest cracks, and it is very difficult to wash soot. Fire extinguishing methods are quite effective, and room tanning is most often eliminated quite quickly. In any case, to one degree or another, the housing is still very affected, and the owners of the affected apartments will have to clean up after the fire. No matter how you try to wash everything on your own, but this will not always succeed. If you had a small fire at home, then you can do the cleaning yourself, but you will have to face some problems.

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Problems cleaning the apartment

The first thing you have to face is emotions. After all, an apartment is your property and its appearance after this event is very ugly. What you see, you will be shocked, because the stinky soot on the surface of your dear things and everywhere there is a pungent smell. Do not panic and do not despair!

After you have mastered your emotions, it's time to think about how to wash the soot and soot. It is necessary to quickly remove from the apartment or house all the things that absorb odor and soot. Therefore, cleaning will begin with cleaning the premises.

Important! You will have to throw away the damaged things, and first of all the books, because they absorb the smell of burning very well, which cannot be washed from them.

But with the furniture, of course, you do not need to part. It is better to give it to special firms, so that they can be restored, they have methods for cleaning and restoring any type of furniture. If this is not possible, you will have to cope on your own.

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How to remove the smell of burning?

The sooner cleaning starts, the less things this pungent odor will have. So - cleaning will be more efficient. How to make it like this and wash the soot as quickly as possible? Proceed as follows:

  1. Immediately take all the things out so that only the bare walls remain.
  2. Clean all surfaces with a very powerful vacuum cleaner, preferably using a washing unit. If it is not available, and the current budget does not allow you to buy, rent it.
  3. To wash off the soot from the surfaces, you can try an alkaline solution. Apply a solution of bleach or a special tool. Wait until everything dries well, then apply a deep penetration primer.

Important! During normal cleaning, the remains of the burns can be absorbed into the middle, and then it becomes very difficult to remove it.

Soot Remedies

How to wash soot and cinder after a fire?If the vacuum cleaner did not work out, there are other means to clean the cinder from different surfaces. It’s better to act like this:

  1. Remove the maximum amount of plaque from all surfaces with a broom.
  2. Take a liquid soap or concentrated dishwashing detergent. Dissolve it in a proportion of 1 tbsp. l 5-7 liters of warm water.
  3. Wash away the remaining soot with this solution with a soft cloth. Periodically change the soap solution to a new one, so as not to smear the greasy cinder on the walls and floors.
  4. From porous surfaces, first remove black deposits with alcohol or acetone.
  5. To wash whitewashed or water-based surfaces, use medical or industrial alcohol.

Important! If your problem is smaller and you just burned the pan out of oversight or forgetfulness, fill it inside with soda, salt or mustard. Add some water and leave it overnight.In the morning, wash the pan as usual - with detergent. For greater effect, you can pre-boil this mixture. This is the easiest way to clean the cinder.

The smell of burning

Apply chemical methods to remove any odor. For this you need the following ingredients:

  • Glassware;
  • Soda: it needs to be taken 40 grams;
  • Ammonium chloride 10% - 40 ml;
  • Hydrochloric acid - 40 ml;
  • Protective equipment.

Instructions for use of this tool:

  1. Take a glass container.
  2. Sprinkle baking soda.
  3. Add ammonia.
  4. Stir everything very carefully.
  5. After all, add hydrochloric acid.

Important! Ammonium chloride may form in the form of dense white smoke. This tool removes the unpleasant smell of burning.

  1. Leave it like this for a few days.
  2. Open all the windows well so that the room is ventilated.

Important! If there is such an opportunity, rent an air ozonizer, it will also help get rid of the smell.

Security measures

Do the cleaning, observing some safety rules:

  1. During the cleaning process, wear only rubberized shoes with thick soles.
  2. Wear thick and chemically resistant rubber gloves.
  3. Respiratory organs and eyes protect with glasses and a mask or a respirator.
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Cleaning by specialists

If you are afraid of self-cleaning and removal of burning, contact a special cleaning company. The positive aspects of such a decision:

  1. Specialists will do cleaning faster and better.
  2. They have extensive experience and quickly determine the degree of loss and the ability to recover damaged property.
  3. The profile masters have special devices. They are used only by trained specialists, and for general use without appropriate skills it is highly recommended not to take them. These tools and tools speed up cleaning several times with much higher quality.
  4. Specialists themselves remove unnecessary things, clean up soot and burning of everything that is in the apartment: furniture, carpets and even small items. And their responsibilities include preparing for repairs.
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Stock footage

Protect your house or apartment from fires to avoid such a disaster, henceforth, check if everything is turned off when you leave the house.


