How to clean pan 🥝 inside and out of an old burn

Over time, any kitchen utensil loses its attractive appearance and beauty from the outside, even with careful care. This upsets many housewives, because I want the dishes to be not only functional, but also look good. A layer of oil and fat sticks under the influence of high temperatures, and it is very difficult to get rid of it. Most often, this problem occurs with pans, it is on them that we fry, soar our food several times a day. Let's look at how to wash a pan from soot and old fat at home
to contents ↑Our ally is chemistry
Detergents and cleaners deal well with the problem of light soot. Therefore, wash the pans immediately after using them. Dishwashing liquid will perfectly cope with this task. There are many chemicals that destroy fat. They are able to get rid of even a thick layer of soot - “Seth”, “Comets”, “Silite”, “Sanita”.
Before cleaning, be sure to wear gloves to protect your hands from aggressive products. Such funds are recommended to be applied for several hours, so that the agent has time to interact and break down fat.
Important! Some housewives use compositions designed for cleaning toilets for these purposes. In any case, after using chemicals, it is necessary to wash the dishes very carefully, because then you will prepare food for the whole family, including children.
In addition, you need to know that some types of materials used to make pans do not tolerate aggressive chemistry. These include aluminum utensils, as well as their “brothers” with teflon coating.
to contents ↑Important! If you are going to tidy up kitchen utensils, evaluate the condition of countertops and cabinets. Perhaps everything will be convenient to do “in one fell swoop” - for this, use our tips, how to wash fat from kitchen furniture.
Mechanical carbon removal methods
The thickest carbon layer is formed on the outside of the pan, it is very difficult to remove. What to do and how to clean the pan from strong soot? This is best done by mechanical cleaning methods:
- The cast iron skillet can be cleaned with a metal scraper. This is a long and laborious process, and in order to facilitate and speed it up, you need to periodically heat the pan over any fire.
Important! This method is also suitable for an aluminum frying pan, you just have to act more carefully so as not to damage the metal. Aluminum can not be kept for a long time over the fire. Instead of a scraper, you can use a knife.
- Blowtorch may help. With its help, you need to heat the pan and remove the pieces of soot. It is better to do this in the fresh air or in the garage.
- You can use a grinding machine or drill with a special nozzle. But here it is better to give this work to men who will cope with it much better. Work better on the street, with goggles and a respirator.
to contents ↑Important! These methods are not suitable for Teflon and ceramic pans.
Universal solution
There is a special tool that is easy to cook at home and which is suitable for any type of pans.It consists of the following components:
- 500 grams of baking soda;
- bar of laundry soap;
- two packs of silicate glue.
In addition to this, you will need a large container for cooking the pan.
Important! If the pan has a wooden handle, you need to remove it.
We do the following:
- We fill the container with water, put it on a fire for heating.
- Rub the soap, add to the water.
- Then we add silicate glue and soda there.
- All components must be dissolved and mixed well. Then put there a pan or other utensils with soot.
- Bring to a boil and leave it on fire for another 15 minutes. After that, turn off, close the lid and leave for 2-3 hours.
- Then wash with a regular sponge. You can use a metal scraper to remove pieces of soot.
- After cleaning, the pan should be washed well in running water.
to contents ↑Important! Open windows and windows, turn on the hood, as this solution has an unpleasant odor.
Folk cleaning methods
There are many time-tested folk ways, how to clean the pan from soot at home. Our grandmothers also used them, though they are mainly suitable for cleaning cast-iron, aluminum pans and stainless steel products.
This is the most affordable method that we inherited from our grandmothers. It is usually used to tidy up stainless steel pans:
- To do this, take half a glass of salt and sprinkle it evenly along the bottom.
- Then you need to leave the utensils for several hours and then remove the remnants of soot with a regular sponge under running water.
Another popular method is how to clean the aluminum pan from soot at home, which is used by more than one generation of housewives. Ordinary soda will help you. You need to pour a little powder on a sponge, washcloth or piece of cloth and rub the problem areas.
Important! This tool will also help you tidy up other surfaces in the kitchen. Read more tips on how to wash the hood from grease.
To clean the cast-iron skillet use vinegar with water, in a ratio of 1 to 3. Pour the solution into the pan and need to be heated over low heat. After cleaning, you need to boil the dishes in a soda solution to get rid of the smell.
Vinegar, salt and soda
If each component individually failed, then they can be mixed in the following ratio:
- Pour vinegar so that the bottom of the dishes is completely covered with liquid and add two tablespoons of salt.
- Bring this mixture to a boil, then add 70 grams of soda there.
- Boil over low heat for about 10 minutes, and then drain the mixture, wash the pan as usual.
This is a dish cleaner that has come to our aid for centuries, and is still relevant:
- Pour sand into a cast-iron pan and heat for 2-3 hours.
- Then just rinse with water.
Laundry detergent and vegetable oil
This method is suitable for cleaning any kitchen utensils, including for a multicooker bowl:
- A little washing powder is poured into the container, 2-3 tablespoons of vegetable or sunflower oil are added.
- Bring the solution to a boil, leave it to soak for a while.
- Then you just have to wash the dishes.
Important! Use hand wash powder.
Ammonia plus borax
For this cleaning method, you will need a glass of water, 10 grams of borax, a couple of drops ammonia. Put the mixture on the dishes, leave for a while. After that, wash the dishes thoroughly with a dishwashing detergent.
Activated carbon
Grind 10 tablets of coal, sprinkle on the surface of the dishes. Add some water. After an hour and a half, dishes can be washed in the usual way.
to contents ↑Important! This method is also suitable for capricious ceramic pans.
How can I clean Teflon and ceramic pans?
- One of the popular methods for cleaning such pans is boiling in a solution of water, soda ash and dishwashing detergents. For 3 liters of water is 200 grams of detergent and 50 grams of soda. You need to take a large container, pour the mixture into it, put a “fire burner”. Boil for 30 minutes. After cleaning, wash as usual, wipe with a towel.
- The second method is also based on boiling, only for the solution they use washing powder, silicate glue. The duration of boiling depends on the degree of contamination of the dishes.
Important! Ceramic pans are advised to wash with special tools using soft rags. Do not lower such a frying pan immediately after use in cold water for soaking - they are very sensitive to temperature extremes.
When all the dishes shine clean, it's time to carefully arrange them. And you can make this task easier for yourself - click on the link and read about different ways, how to place pots, pans in the kitchen.
to contents ↑Dishwasher safe
The lucky owners of this miraculous aggregate can use another way to clean the pan of dirt and soot. Dishwashers have a mode for removing a layer of sticky fat. It is enough to put the dishes in the unit, turn on the desired mode - everything is ready!
to contents ↑Important! True, there are some nuances here: modes with a sharp change in temperature are not recommended for ceramic utensils. Read the article for more detailed instructions on what you can, and what can not be washed in the dishwasherso as not to aggravate the situation and not cause damage to the device itself.
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Now you have plenty to choose from, thinking about how to wash the pan from soot and fat at home. Take a look at what is right at hand, take the right ingredients, and act so that your kitchen utensils are always in good condition and it is pleasant and safe to prepare tasty and healthy food on it.
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