How to wash glassware to shine?

Today, more and more housewives are thinking about how to wash glassware to shine, because products from this material are becoming more and more popular every year. Given the fact that at the same time, the popularity of everything that is environmentally friendly and natural is growing, people are trying to wash personal items with safe compounds. Despite the fact that today, for the most part, household chemicals are considered harmless to the human body, old, proven folk remedies still lead. For example, to clean glassware to shine, you can resort to the help of many improvised components. In this article we will tell you which ones.

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How can I wash glassware?

In the presence of limescale, drops of fat and food debris in the grooves, significantly spoiling glassware, you can use the following tools.

Baby soap and food foil:

  1. Take a piece of food foil and thoroughly crush it, turning it into a “metal sponge”.
  2. Place a glass thing under a stream of hot water and begin to wipe its surface with foil.
  3. After achieving the desired result, rinse the product well with warm water mixed with shavings of baby soap.
  4. Then wash the dishes with cool running water and rub them with a linen cloth.

Important! To wash products covered with an old layer of fat, first they should be rolled in fine table salt, left for 30 minutes. After that, clean the dirt mechanically and proceed with cleaning using one of the above methods.

Mustard Powder:

  1. Type warm water into a basin or sink and dilute two teaspoons of dry mustard powder in it.
  2. Prepare another basin of warm water.
  3. Soak glass in mustard solution for literally five minutes.
  4. Then remove them one at a time and wipe them with a damp cloth, then rinse in warm water.
  5. Washing products directly in mustard water is not necessary.
  6. If the first time it is not possible to achieve the desired result, repeat the procedure.


An effective way to remove drops and stains from glassware so that it shines and sparkles:

  1. Immediately before using items, soak them for one hour in a solution that is prepared from water and ammonia (teaspoon of alcohol per liter of water).
  2. Next, wash items with a soft cloth and warm water, wipe dry (without rinsing) and expose for thirty minutes to fresh air.


9% vinegar

This method is best applied immediately after using glassware:

  1. Cleanse food debris and soak in a sink or basin with warm water and two tablespoons of vinegar (9%).
  2. For a good result, wash each item for at least one minute.
  3. After that, rinse the dishes in clean water and dry.

Baking soda

With its help, you can effectively clean massive products that are covered with persistent stains:

  1. First rinse the item in warm water, and then dip the sponge in soda and rub the surface for a couple of minutes.
  2. Processed dishes should be washed first in warm, then in cold water.

Crushed eggshell

Using it, you can easily wash inside the household items from glass, which have a narrow neck:

  1. Crush the washed and dried egg shells into powder and pour them into the dirty dishes.
  2. Then add some water mixed with shavings of baby soap.
  3. Holding the neck, carefully shake the subject for several minutes.
  4. Rinse with warm and cold water.
  5. If necessary, repeat the procedure again.

Potato chips

It can be used in the same way as in the previous method, or it can rub the surfaces of massive objects with it. The main thing is to wash with careful movements, without pressing strongly, and then rinse the product thoroughly under cold water.

Important! All these methods will help not only wash glassware from grease, stains or plaque, but also prevent the formation of stains, chips, rust on the surface.

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How to make glass utensils stay clean and shiny longer?

A couple of centuries ago, people learned how to process glassware before using it to increase its resistance to external influences and dirt.

This procedure is called hardening, and it looks like this:

  • Take a deep pan and pour a layer of sand on its bottom.
  • Put the glassware in one layer, fill everything with cold water.

Important! It is desirable that the water be purified, and not just from the tap.

  • Bring the liquid to a boil, reduce the heat to a minimum, keep the dishes in hot water for another 15 minutes;
  • Add 2 tablespoons of salt, boil for another 30 minutes;
  • Remove the pan from the heat, let the liquid cool naturally.
  • Only when the water has cooled, remove all objects from the pan, rinse them in cool running water.

Important! Remember, sudden changes in temperature can ruin glass products. It is better to make smooth transitions - from hot to warm, and only then to cool water.

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Useful Tips

To wash glass dishes did not cause trouble, use the following recommendations:

  • Before cleaning, be sure to remove all jewelry from your hands. Otherwise, there is a risk of scratching or damaging fragile dishes.
  • For this type of dishes, you can use only soft sponges, brushes of medium hardness.
  • Washing powder cannot be used for these purposes.
  • Avoid sudden temperature changes.
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Stock footage

Using the above methods, you can always maintain glass utensils in perfect condition. Remember that soda copes with any kind of pollution perfectly, and ammonia and salt will return the shine to the dishes.


