How to wash wax from dishes?

Candles ... When you pronounce this word, it immediately becomes warm and cozy, the quiet flickering of the lights has a calming effect. But candles are not only a source of heat and light (especially during a power outage), but also a source of stains on dishes, furniture and clothing. So we’ll figure out how to wash the wax from the dishes, regardless of whether you were forced to use it in the dark during an accident at a power plant or for a pleasant time with your loved one.
to contents ↑What is wax like?
Out of habit, any candle material is called wax. However, this judgment is not entirely true. Specifically, wax is now used in the cosmetic and medical industries, but candles are made from paraffin and stearin.
Important! In the Western analogy, waxes are considered to be the entire class of wax-like substances, but TSB provides a division into natural and artificial waxes.
Natural materials include:
- Beeswax. It is produced by bees for the construction of honeycombs.
- Lanolin. Otherwise, wool wax that protects the skin or coat from an overly aggressive environment.
- Spermaceti wax. Derived from spermaceti sperm whale oil.
- Various plant waxes covering leaves, seeds and other parts of the flora of our planet and protecting them from the effects.
Important! Jojoba oil, widely used in the cosmetics industry, is also a natural plant wax.
- Epicuticular wax. It covers most plants, reflects an invisible spectrum of radiation.
- Fossil wax (ozokerite). Most often consists of saturated hydrocarbons.
Of the artificial ones, the most famous are paraffin and stearin. In principle, if you need to wash the wax from the dishes, then the actions will be similar. In some cases, only some features are possible.
to contents ↑What is paraffin wax?
Paraffin is a wax-like mixture of solid hydrocarbons made from petroleum. The melting point of the substance is 45-65 degrees, which allows you to actively use this material not only in the production of candles, but also in the composition of lubricants of various designs, food and cosmetic industries.
In some cases, paraffin is confused not only with wax, but also with stearin.
Stearin is a solid and greasy to the touch substance, translucent in appearance with a melting point of 53-65 degrees.
to contents ↑Important! It is advisable to know the specific name of the material before cleaning the contaminated object, since you see that the temperature of the change in physical condition is slightly different.
How to wash dishes from wax?
In most cases, physical action is required to remove wax droplets - scrape with a knife and rinse with water. But how to wash dishes from the wax, the use of brute force to which is impossible (complex carved candlesticks, crystal glasses or Teflon dishes)?
Depending on the volume and condition, you can use one of the following methods.
Method 1
To clean the stains without damaging or scratching the dishes, you must simultaneously degrease and remove the substance itself:
- Draw water into a large pot or other large-volume cookware.
- Add detergent to water and stir.
- Immerse the dirty dishes and put it all on the stove.
- When the water boils, all the wax will melt and lag behind, and the product will not allow it to stick back.
Important! This option is the most gentle in relation to products, even from glass, crystal and finest porcelain.
Method 2
Another way to wash the pan from wax is by steaming or boiling hot water:
- Boil water in any container, it is safest to use a kettle.
- Take the soiled dishes and keep over the steam those parts that need to be cleaned.
- After the procedure, thoroughly wipe the melted wax with a clean, dry cloth or soft absorbent cloth.
Method 3
If you are away from the benefits of civilization, you can use any source of fire (bonfire, burner, stove and others):
- Gently immerse dishes in a fire and heat the wax.
- Remove molten material with improvised materials.
to contents ↑Important! For such processing it is better to use heat-resistant tongs or at least gloves.
How to wipe wax and propolis from furniture?
In order to wash the wax from the dishes, it can be scraped with a knife and boiled in water with a detergent, but using such methods to clean furniture is fraught with buying a new one or repairing it at least.
Therefore, we act in one of the following ways.
Option 1
If the upholstery of the sofa turned out to be dirty, then you should do the following:
- Iron the fabric with medium-density clean paper or a paper towel.
- Lift the pile with a brush.
- Brush textiles for suededipped in a solution of water and ammonia (3-5 drops per glass of water).
Option 2
If the wax has spilled onto wooden surfaces, then:
- It is necessary to physically remove droplets with any plastic object (kitchen scapulas or even a discount card store are perfect).
- Treat the same place with a hairdryer.
Important! Do not use too high a temperature, as the material may deteriorate.
- Wipe the heated wax with a napkin or soft paper.
- Use a soft cloth to polish the surface.
Option 3
To remove a substance from a tree, you can also:
- Cover the stain with paper towels.
- While the paraffin is not absorbed into the paper, treat the place with a slightly warm iron.
- Wipe off the former stain with a rag dipped in vinegar while it is still warm and wipe dry.
to contents ↑Important! Furniture varnished must be polished after stains have been removed.
How to remove wax after depilation?
For ladies who decide to remove excess vegetation by waxing, the issue of cleansing the remnants of wax from the skin is relevant. If the procedure is carried out independently, then it is necessary to accurately and accurately treat the skin with wax, and after removing the strips immediately use a special lotion or wipes.
If the wax remains on the skin, you can do the following:
- Soak a cloth or cotton pad in slightly warmed oil, then wipe off the effects of hair removal.
- Apply the fattest cream or lotion to the adhering substance, leave for a while, and then remove all with cotton wool.
- A very effective but traumatic way is to treat the remnants of the wax with a hairdryer.
to contents ↑Important! There is a risk of injuries and burns, be careful!
How to wash paraffin from fabric coatings?
To remove paraffin smudges from the fabric, you will need an iron and any absorbent paper. Sequencing:
- Coat the stain with soft paper on both sides.
- Lay fabric (flannel) on top.
- To smooth a spot with a not very hot iron, periodically changing the paper.
to contents ↑Important! After removing colored paraffin, wash the item in the washing machine.
How to wash paraffin wax from a carpet?
When drops of paraffin fall on the carpet, many are scared and act incorrectly, but there are several ways to clean it:
- If the composition allows, then you can use the same method as for cleaning fabrics, with the exception that the paper is placed only on top.
- Sometimes heat is critical for carpet material, then you need to replace it with cold:
- Put the ice wrapped in cellophane onto a stain.
- When the stain freezes well, clean the surface with a knife.
to contents ↑Important! After removing the paraffin wax, remove it with a standard stain remover from the carpet after removal.
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After reading this article, you can clean any surface and any material from stains of wax or paraffin. Now you don’t need to change or throw out your favorite things because of one annoying speck.
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