How to wash iodine from the floor?

Sometimes it happens that iodine or zelenka is poured on the floor, and an ugly stain has formed on an impeccable, shining clean surface from a laminate, parquet board or linoleum. In fact, iodine is a volatile substance, and after a while it will evaporate without a trace. However, this will take about a week. What to do if pollution needs to be disposed of immediately? Let's try to figure out how to wash iodine from the floor without damaging the coating. We hope that our tips will help you.

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Baking soda

Of all cleaning agents, this is the most common:

  1. Wipe the contaminated area with a damp soft sponge.
  2. Put soda on the surface, cover with damp textile.
  3. Hold the baking soda on the surface for half a day, then rinse the problem area with water and detergent.

If you can’t get rid of the blot, repeat the manipulations again.

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Potato starch

Of all the ways to combat iodine, this is the most economical. Cut the potato into 2 parts and rub the stain.

Pure potato starch can also be used. Dilute it with water to a pulp consistency. Put the resulting mixture on the contaminated area, cover with a piece of textile for 10 hours. After this, it remains only to remove the starch and wash the problem area with a detergent solution.

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Lemon juice

Another way to remove iodine from the floor is to use fresh lemon juice. Cut the lemon in half, drip juice onto a piece of cotton wool and wipe the speck.

Important! This method works great if the stain is fresh.

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Alcohol solution, vodka

Ethyl alcohol is an excellent stain remover. If there is no alcohol or vodka, any solution containing ethanol is suitable: cologne or perfume. The process of removing the stain is extremely simple: with a cotton swab dipped in alcohol, rub the stain until there is no trace of it.

Important! Make sure the liquid is colorless.

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Vitamin C

There are actually quite a few options for washing iodine from the floor. Here is another simple way:

  1. Dissolve a tablet of ascorbic acid in 2 tablespoons of water.
  2. Rub the resulting solution into the stain using a cotton pad.
  3. Keep rubbing until it brightens.

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Chlorine-based product

You can use tools such as “Sanfor” or “White”, but due to the bleaching effect, care must be taken. Be sure to dilute the product with water in a ratio of 1:10.

Important! It is better to use on coatings of a light shade and not apply on the laminate.

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Cleaning powder

To combat the iodine stain, such a powder for cooking stoves and cleaning pots as “Comets” is suitable. It consists of: soda, alkali, as well as an abrasive component. It is enough to pour the composition on a stain, leave it for 5-6 minutes, and then gently rub. It will either disappear, or, in the worst case, become inconspicuous.

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You can remove iodine stains from the parquet surface using a substance called sodium thiosulfate Na2S2O3. It reacts with iodine. The result is colorless compounds.

Where to get this thiosulfate? It is widely used by photographers, it is sold, respectively, in a photo goods store and is called a fixer.Therefore, to eliminate iodine stain on the surface of the parquet, prepare a 20 percent aqueous solution of sodium thiosulfate and treat the stain on the floor.

Important! The reaction occurs almost instantly, so literally in a couple of seconds you will forget that there was an iodine spot on the surface.

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Stock footage

If, when using any of the above methods, the flooring begins to discolor, immediately cease its actions. Laminate and linoleum can be of different quality and differently tolerates exposure to chemicals. In this case, you will have to wait a week or two until the iodine evaporates completely naturally.


