How to clean a sofa from dirt at home?

It is impossible to imagine a house or an apartment in which there would be no sofa. It is very convenient when hosting guests, for sleeping, reading, watching TV shows, and indeed it’s universal. But not many people know how to properly care for him and how to clean the sofa from dirt at home, because it is incredibly important for maintaining health - yours and your loved ones. Especially for you, we have collected in this article the most effective ways to clean the sofa from dirt.
to contents ↑How to clean the sofa upholstery from accumulated dust?
An uncovered sofa, which is made of such material as, for example: velor, chenille or flock and matting, tapestry, has the ability to absorb dust no worse than soft toys. In that case, if sitting on the upholstered furniture, your nose starts to itch very much or you want to sneeze - it says that the time has come to clean the sofa from unpleasant dust. But even if you do not have a sufficiently subtle sense of smell, then at least once a year it is simply necessary to carry out a procedure to eliminate dust from the upholstery of the sofa, so as not to make allergies and other unpleasant diseases.
So, how to quickly clean the sofa from dirt at home?
Knocking out
You will need a sheet, which will not be a pity, and a fixture called a knocker:
- Make the sheet moist by wetting it slightly, and then squeezing it carefully, put it in the washing machine and start it in the rinse + spin mode, this will produce the ideal humidity you need.
- Spread wet material on the surface of the sofa and begin to knock out dust. Beat the entire area of furniture.
Important! Dust is absorbed into the sheet during knocking out and will not fly out as usual into the air. This procedure will allow you to breathe calmly and without panting, clean and tidy the entire sofa at home.
Vacuum Cleaner
If you have a nozzle for furniture - plug your device into a power outlet, and then brush around the entire perimeter of your sofa. An ordinary brush for the floor is also suitable, but you can’t get it to the corner places, so in the corners it’s best to remove the nozzle and clean it with a hose.
Important! The greater the suction power of your appliance, the more efficiently you will get rid of dust.
This method will require a minimum of effort from you and it can be carried out even more often than once a week, so as not to leave a dust mite on the couch the slightest chance.
to contents ↑How to remove stains? Overview of the most common causes and effective remedies
Almost any pollution at different stages at home can be cleaned with a chemical agent, for example: “Vanish”. This is an acquired solution, which with water is whipped into a fairly strong foam. Then the foam is applied to the problem area, several intensive movements with an ordinary brush, 15 minutes - and your sofa is clean.
But such a cleaning, with the help of “Vanisha” can cost you a pretty penny, in addition, at the right time this tool may simply not be at home. Therefore, we will tell you how to clean the sofa from dirt and stains by other generally available methods.
Tea, coffee, beer
The stains that remain from the listed drinks are eliminated with soap:
- Use a soft sponge to wet the dirt a little.
- Grate the soiled surface with laundry soap.
- Using a brush, make circular motions, thoroughly soap the stain.
- Leave on for 10 minutes, then carefully, but carefully, using a sponge, remove the soap under warm running water.
Fresh blood contamination can be washed off the sofa with cool water and a soft sponge, without the use of other means. The hardest thing is to get rid of such a stain on a bright sofa. Therefore, if you need to clean the sofa from stains at home, add 1 tbsp. To the water. l table vinegar, and after washing with water, soap the contaminated area with soap.
To prevent the stain from spreading:
- Blot it with an ordinary paper towel or towel.
- Then sprinkle it with food salt, it absorbs all the moisture.
- After 10-15 minutes, clean the salt with a brush, and wipe the stain with a napkin that you moisten in vodka or alcohol.
Important! In order to clean the sofa from stains without streaks, after a short amount of time, lather the dried up dirt and clean it again with a brush.
In the event that you have a small child at home, then this item will obviously be of great interest to you. She does not so much leave a stain behind herself, but rather a very specific smell brings trouble. To clean the sofa at home in such a situation:
- First of all, dry the wet spot on the sofa - the quickest way you can do it is with an ordinary hair dryer. In extreme cases, you can try to dry with a towel - blotting the surface without much effort and pressure so that the urine does not sink deeper into the tissue.
- Next, treat the surface with a soapy solution, namely shampoo + water.
- Dry the treated area again.
- In conclusion, make a pink solution of potassium permanganate, which excellently disinfects the upholstery material of the sofa.
- Brush the solution over the surface of the sofa.
- Flushing it is not necessary.
Important! In the event that the sofa is light, then potassium permanganate should not be used.
- Fill the oily stain with salt or soda, starch.
- Leave the contamination for 5-10 minutes.
- Then with a sponge moistened with dishwashing detergent, clean and rub the stained area.
- Rinse with clean water using the same sponge after 15 minutes.
Ink left over from a ballpoint pen
Perfectly washed off with acetone, alcohol, as well as nail polish remover. Using a cotton dampened in one of these products, wipe the marks from the handle.
Important! If the dirt is small, you can try to clean it with a stationery pencil eraser.
On a sofa made of leather, ink can be incredibly eaten into the material, and in this case it is almost impossible to remove it with improvised means. Therefore, act as quickly as possible.
Chewing gum
In the event that you sat on the chewing gum, and besides unsuccessfully, that is, so that it stuck to the surface of the sofa, what should I do? Here is the only possible option. The chewing gum can be easily removed from the surface if it hardens.
For this:
- Remove the ice molds from the freezer.
- In turn, apply ice cubes to the chewing gum. You will need only 2-3 cubes before the gum hardens.
- Then carefully using the blunt side of the knife from the surface of the sofa, separate the chewing gum.
- At the end of this procedure, clean the area with a damp cloth.
Other types of spots
It is possible to clean all other spots from food, various drinks, dirty soles, or stained paws of an animal with a solution of shampoo, in which you need to add 10 drops of ammonia:
- Thoroughly soap the contaminated area.
- Let the mud dissolve over 5-7 minutes.
- Rinse with a light blotting sponge along with warm water.
How to clean a sofa that is made of leather?
There are several ways to clean a leather sofa from stains and dirt:
- One of them is the use of adhesive tape, as well as eraser.Apply adhesive tape to the stain, then remove. The procedure is repeated until the pollution disappears. Remains of the stain are removed with an eraser.
- The second method of cleaning is the use of alcohol, which you soak in the sponge. After that, remove the stain with a sponge, and then, treat the problem area with warm water.
- Also, for more effective and thorough cleaning of leather sofas, specialized tools are used that are very easy to find in stores in a wide range - sprays, shampoos are suitable.
to contents ↑Stock footage
We wish you and your sofa to always be clean, because all of the above means will help you maintain the excellent accuracy of your sofa.
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