How to clean a sofa at home quickly and efficiently?

As a rule, a sofa is a favorite resting place for all family members. The adult population likes to lie on it and watch movies or read books. The baby uses as a trampoline. Yes, and four-legged friends, if any, despite the strictest prohibitions, do not mind climbing on it. When guests arrive, the load on this convenient place is further increased. And as a result - after a while the sofa blooms with different types of spots. How to make upholstered furniture longer retain its original appearance, how to clean the sofa from all kinds of stains and greasy? Ideally, before buying a sofa, you need to determine what kind of load will fall on it and buy upholstered furniture that matches your lifestyle. In order for the sofa to serve you for a long time, then use the following recommendations on how to clean the sofa at home quickly and efficiently.
to contents ↑Helpful hints:
- If you have a large family and you are all going to the hall, hosting guests there, then choose upholstered furniture with upholstery that is easy to clean.
- If you have small children and pets, then do not buy upholstered furniture with leather upholstery. In such circumstances, it will be difficult for you to protect her from the claws of your pets and the pranks of your kids.
- Purchase or sew a cover on the sofa.
- Do not snack while sitting on the couch.
- Clean the sofa at least once a month, even if it seems to you that it is clean enough and there are no spots on it. It is important to clean the sofa of dust, otherwise - over time, stains will appear on the upholstery.
How to clean the sofa at home from dust?
to contents ↑Cleaning the sofa from dirt and dust
It is possible to remove dust and not stubborn dirt well in the following ways. Choose from them that which seems to you more convenient and successful in terms of expenditure of energy.
Vacuum cleaner sofa
The easiest way to clean upholstered furniture from dust is to vacuum it. If you have a special nozzle, this will facilitate your task.
For more effective cleaning, you can wrap the nozzle with gauze soaked in a solution of water and salt. To do this, prepare a solution: add 2-3 tablespoons of salt to warm water. This will not only save you dust, but also refresh the color of the upholstery.
Important! You can not vacuum the sofa with velor or velvet upholstery - this can ruin the structure of the pile.
We knock out a sofa
In addition to the vacuum cleaner, there is another method - knocking out:
- Dissolve 2 teaspoons of salt and a tablespoon of vinegar in 1 liter of warm water.
- Dampen a sheet or other suitable cloth in this solution.
- Wring it out well. The fabric should be wet.
- Spread the sheet over the surface of the sofa.
- Knock it out thoroughly by periodically rinsing the fabric.
All the dirt will settle on the sheet. Do not use the sofa until it is completely dry.
Vanish Cleaning
In addition to folk remedies, household chemicals can also be used. For this purpose, “Vanish” is suitable:
- Dilute the product according to the instructions. To do this, dissolve 1 part of the product in 9 parts of water. If the contaminants are strong, then a more concentrated solution can be made.
- Beat the solution until you get cool foam.
- Apply foam evenly to the upholstery, clean it in a circular motion and leave to dry.
- After a while, vacuum the furniture.
Getting rid of greasy
If the sofa has not been dusted for a long time, then shiny spots appear on it.
Leather and leatherette
On thick leather upholstery, these stains are easy to remove with a sponge dampened in soapy soda solution. As an alternative, you can dissolve any dishwashing liquid in water and treat it with a leather sofa. These methods are also suitable for cleaning leatherette upholstery.
But how can I clean a sofa with fabric upholstery?
- Lint-free upholstery can be cleaned with a brush and soapy water. Instead of soap, you can take a dishwashing detergent. Beat the foam, apply on the stains for 5-10 minutes. Rinse with clean water and dry well with an absorbent cloth or napkin.
Important! Make the general cleaning solution not very saturated. So that later you do not have to wash the remnants of the product from the surface of the sofa.
- Fleecy coatings need to be treated with a foam sponge. As a cleaning agent, a solution of laundry soap or dishwashing detergent is suitable.
to contents ↑Important! It is always more difficult to clean light furniture - in addition to removing stains, you will have to clean the entire upholstery to eliminate the risk of stains.
Features of cleaning different coatings
Cleaning methods depend on the material on which the sofa is upholstered. What is good for the skin may not be suitable for cleaning fabric upholstery. Knowing some tricks, you can clean the sofa at home quickly and efficiently.
Leather or leatherette:
- This coating can be cleaned with a damp cloth, but it is not recommended to wet the skin strongly.
- You can use special napkins to clean leather and leatherette products.
- Egg white will hide all cracks and give the skin a shine. Beat several proteins in a container and apply with a gauze or cotton cloth to the sofa.
- Egg white can be replaced with cow's milk.
- Wine stains are removed with an alcohol napkin or a cotton pad dipped in alcohol or vodka.
- Traces of a pen or felt-tip pens can also be removed with alcohol or removed using tape.
- Dilute in 1 liter of water a tablespoon of vinegar or liquid soap. Cleaning is best done with microfiber cloth. Do not press hard on the trim so as not to damage the pile.
- Pet hair, hair and other debris can be brushed off.
- If there are difficult spots on the velor sofa, it is better to use the services of specialists.
Nubuck or suede:
- For cleaning it is better to use a porous soft sponge or a soft brush.
- Grease stains are removed with an eraser, rock salt or alcohol solution.
Important! Protect your sofa - buy a special water-repellent impregnation. It will protect the upholstery from water and other liquids.
- For this type of coating, dry cleaning is best. If moisture gets on the tapestry, the color or texture of the material may change.
- If dry cleaning does not save the situation, you can make a solution of shampoo and warm water. But stains need to be applied only with foam, it is not worth rubbing them with water.
Get rid of stains and bad smell
How to clean the sofa at home from stains and smell? Any stain requires a special approach. There is no universal remedy for getting rid of all types of stains. When stains appear, remember the following:
- Try to remove the stain as soon as it appears. Stubborn spots are much more difficult to remove.
- Before you start the fight with the stain, clean the sofa from dirt and dust: vacuum or knock it out.
- Start by using more gentle measures, and only then move on to more aggressive ones.
- Test the product in a small inconspicuous area. Wait until the site has completely dried, and only then draw conclusions.
- Clean the stain from the edge to the center so that it does not spread even more on the surface.
- Increase cleaning agent concentration gradually.
So, we proceed to the removal of spots of various types.
Greasy spots:
- If a greasy stain appears, sprinkle with chalk as soon as possible. It absorbs all the fat. Sweep with a brush and sprinkle the powder again. If the stain does not disappear at all, it will not be so noticeable.
- Instead of chalk, you can fill the spots with talc, starch, salt or soda. Leave for a few hours, then brush off or vacuum.
- The remaining stain can be removed with any upholstery cleaner.
Beer stains:
- Wipe off the contamination with ordinary soapy water, then treat with a mild vinegar solution.
- To remove this kind of pollution, you can prepare a decoction of soap root. Pour a liter of water in a container, add half a spoonful of soap root and boil for about an hour. Then cool the broth and clean their spots.
Blood stains:
- If the pollution is fresh, then make a paste of talcum powder and water, apply it to problem areas. After the cleaning agent has dried, it can be brushed off with a brush.
- Instead of talcum powder, you can use starch or cornmeal.
- Treat a fresh stain with laundry soap and cold water.
- If the dirt is old, crush the aspirin tablet in 200 ml of water and wipe the problem areas with the solution.
- It is better to clean a light sofa with saline. Dissolve a tablespoon of salt in 1 liter of water and treat areas with traces of blood. Leave for an hour. If not departed, the procedure can be repeated.
Stains from urine
If a child stained the sofa, then try to dry the sofa immediately with napkins. Then treat these places with alcohol or citric acid diluted in water. Wash the stains with soapy water or Vanish.
Ballpoint pen marks
How to clean the sofa if there is a nuisance in the form of traces of a ballpoint pen?
Such traces are well removed by alcohol. But do not rub hard, otherwise, the ink will blur and the surface of contamination will increase even more. Apply cotton wool moistened with alcohol to the stains, change cotton swabs more often.
Juice stains:
- Such contaminants are easy to remove diluted in water. ammonia.
- You can mix ammonia with vinegar in a ratio of 1 to 1 and clean the problem areas with this solution.
- You can use nail polish remover, acetone or alcohol.
Coffee or tea stains
Add a little vinegar to the soap solution, rinse the stain with this solution.
Jam, chocolate or condensed milk
Let the stains dry so that the stains do not spread out on the upholstery. Then remove the crust, and the traces can be treated with soapy water and dried with a cloth or napkin.
Wine stains
Blot the stain with a napkin or paper towel:
- Sprinkle traces of red wine with salt and brush. Then you can treat it with a soft cloth dipped in alcohol.
- Traces of white wine are easily removed by alcohol.
Stains on velvet or plush upholstery:
- It is not recommended to clean such upholstery with water or a soapy solution. If you make a soap solution, then you need to apply only foam. You need to clean in the direction of the pile. Use a soft sponge or microfiber cloth for cleaning.
- Clean the dirt with alcohol or refined gasoline.
- Complex stains are best left to dry cleaners.
How to refresh the sofa upholstery at home?
The sofa is the main resting place of the whole family, so it is not surprising that after a while it can lose its original color, as well as become saturated with various unpleasant odors.
How to refresh the sofa upholstery at home?
- This is easy to do if you use a steamer. With it, your favorite sofa will be clean, fresh, as on the first day of purchase. Hot steam will destroy all the microorganisms that have settled on your furniture, remove all odors.
Important! Let the furniture dry well after such processing.
- A pet toilet litter can help with a long-standing smell. Scatter the balls on the surface of the sofa and crush them a little. Let them lie there for an hour. During this time, they will remove all unpleasant odors.Then you can simply sweep them with a broom, and vacuum the surface of the furniture.
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As you understand, any pollution on upholstered furniture can be dealt with, and putting it in order is not so difficult. The main thing is to set yourself such a goal and act. And how and what exactly - you now know.
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