How to clean the chimney in the stove of a private house?

Private house, fireplace, nature. This is probably the dream of most people, because it is so great to sit in front of the fireplace with aromatic coffee or with your favorite book and give yourself to enjoy a relaxing holiday. But no matter how beautiful it may sound, the fireplace needs to be cleaned, and not only the fireplace, but also the chimney. Therefore, those who are the happy owners of a fireplace or stove should know how to clean the chimney in the stove of a private house, in order to really enjoy their presence, and not expose themselves to the risk of gas poisoning. In this article, we will teach you this, as well as talk about the causes of clogging of the chimney and other useful points.

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Chimney pipe cleaning using folk methods

Many stove-makers use popular methods of cleaning, because the work of cleaning chimneys is dangerous. And you can clean the chimney in the stove of a private house in more harmless ways.

Rock salt

The most common method is to pour rock salt into the wood during the combustion process. You should know that this salt is most often used so that soot does not appear.

Potato peelings

Thoroughly heat your fireplace or stove, and then put a large number of potato skins into the fire. The steam released will decompose the soot that has fallen into the chimney.

With all this, heavy pieces will fall into the bottom of the stove, which will need to be cleaned.

Important! Cleaning with potato peelings is not complete. They are suitable only as a means that helps soften soot and makes it easily lag behind the surface of pipes.

After carrying out such preparatory work, it is necessary to clean the chimney in the furnace with the usual manual method.

Aspen Firewood

If you have aspen firewood, you can clean the stove and chimney quite simply. To do this, simply burn a small amount of aspen wood.

This method is somewhat unsafe, because cleaning is performed by obtaining a very high temperature in the chimney structure itself, during which the soot begins to burn.

Important! If you plan to use this method, make sure that your chimney can certainly withstand heavy loads, and not be damaged after this procedure.

If there is a large layer of soot deposits in the pipe, we recommend that you do not risk it, but use a safer and easier way.

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How to use manual methods to clean the chimney?

The chimney sweep, which has extensive experience, will clean the chimney pipe efficiently and quickly, and can also audit the entire structure for any cracks, evaluate the working condition of the heating device, and the presence of draft.

If you decide to clean the chimney yourself in the stove of a private house, the correct sequence of work will be as follows:

  1. At the very beginning you should close all openings. This must be done so that the soot could not fly into the room.
  2. Close the oven door. If the stove is open, we recommend hanging a wet cloth on the firebox.
  3. Clean the chimney exclusively in dry weather. There should be no wind during cleaning. Be sure to use insurance.
  4. If your stove has not been in operation for a long time, first of all, make sure that there are no bird nests inside the structure. In the event that you can’t get the nest or debris from the top of the structure, push it down using improvised means.
  5. Clean the chimney when the soot layer on the surface of its walls is more than 2 mm. If the soot layer is smaller, you may not have to clean it completely. In this case, use alternative methods.
  6. If the soot is fairly thick, clean it with a scraper first. Only after that use a brush or a brush.
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Remove core blockages

During the cleaning process, clogging can be detected inside the chimney structure to prevent the tools from moving on. The blockage can be in the form of any rubbish or bricks that fell out of the masonry. In any situation, it is necessary to clean the chimney in the stove of a private house.

Important! In the event that the chimney has been in operation for a long time, then the probability of finding such garbage in it is quite large.

The blockage must be pierced with a heavy steel core fixed with a carabiner on a rope. Throw it in the center of the hole in your chimney structure, while trying not to touch the inner surface of the pipe wall.

Metal brush with load

The kernel can be used not only to eliminate congestion, but also in the role of weighting compounds for a brush or brush. A brush with a load falls into the chimney, while he not only removes soot, but also eliminates foreign objects. Thus, you will be able to clean the chimney in the stove of a private house.

Connect the cable, the brush, and also the core to each other using carabiners that allow you to change the structure, eliminating any section from it.

Important! Choose a core size that will be able to cover at least 2/3 of the diameter of the chimney.

Instead of a core, you can not use sports weights or any other objects that have great weight and a shifted center of gravity. These items can turn over and then become stuck in the chimney channel for a long time.

Important! If the core cannot remove jammed objects, dismantle the entire chimney design.

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Metal brush

Open stoves, which have a direct chimney, can be cleaned not from the roof itself, but from the side of the stove. To do this, you will be forced to use metal brushes on an elongated handle.

After you have finished cleaning the oven, carefully open all the openings in order to clean and remove all existing dirt with a brush and dustpan or a spoon that is designed for soot.

Important! With the help of a home vacuum cleaner, you can eliminate all residues of soot. At the end, open and clean the fireplace insert, and also do not forget about the blower.

The smoke damper also needs cleaning. In order to carry out this work, use a vacuum cleaner or a brush for the fireplace.

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How to clean the chimney using chemicals?

The most effective and common chemicals that can help you clean the chimney in a private house stove are as follows.

Carbon Composition

This powder is intended for cleaning the entire chimney structure. Burn it with the fuel without spilling it out of the package. The consumption of this product is normalized: 100-160 g of powder will need 1 ton of fuel.


In one package there are 5 packets of 15 g each. This amount is enough for about 3 months of preventive procedures.

Important! “Kominichke” is recommended to be used if the soot layer is small. The maximum layer thickness should be 2 mm.

The tool allows you to clean the chimney in the stove of a private house from soot and soot.With the help of it, a reaction will be triggered, during which the soot turns into a kind of oxide - it burns out even at low temperatures.

This tool is used quite easily: put 1 bag in the firebox directly on burning fuel, then close the door. Due to the effect of high temperature, the granules will emit elements that are capable of dissolving soot on the surface of the walls of the furnace, as well as inside the chimney structure.

Important! Before you purchase any chemical substance, carefully read the operating instructions and manufacturer's recommendations regarding the use of funds in heating devices of various types. Not all funds are global; some are allowed to be used only in closed furnaces or in wood-burning stoves.

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How to understand that it’s time to clean the stove?

In order to understand whether it is time to clean the chimney in the stove of a private house:

  1. Pay attention to the smoke, because a change in its color indicates that it is time to clean the stove.
  2. Check the draft - it becomes very bad, and the stove burns poorly. So the chimney is already clogged.

Important! If the oven is used correctly, the color of the smoke should be transparent or white. But if the chimney is dirty, then the color begins to be black, and becomes darker and darker. This means that the soot has settled on the entire surface of the chimney and does not allow it to function as it should.

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Causes of soot accumulation

There are a fairly large number of reasons why soot and other combustion waste accumulate on the surface of the walls of the smoke exhaust structure:

  • Violation of the technology of laying structural components of the stove, fireplace or chimney.
  • Improper operation of these facilities. Under improper operation is meant a concept such as burning raw fuel in the furnaces, which contains a large amount of tar, as well as other wastes of the chemical industry, for example: polyethylene, plastic and other similar household waste
  • Poor quality material that was used during the installation of the chimney design.
  • Entering into the chimney structure of excess objects in the form of small birds, insects, debris that is carried by the wind.
  • Lack of a protective umbrella on the top of the pipe.
  • During the laying of the chimney, the parameters of the internal clearance must be observed. If they are less than the normative ones, as a result, over time they will become fouled with soot burning waste. And from this, accordingly, the thrust decreases - to ignite the stove or the fireplace becomes quite problematic.
  • Residues in the middle of the influx pipe also accelerate clogging of the chimney pipe.
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Now you know everything about the care of chimney structures, and it will not be difficult for you to keep them clean and tidy.

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