How to clean the carpet at home quickly and efficiently?

Guests should come to you and before their arrival there are only a few minutes, and your carpet, to put it mildly, has not the most pleasant appearance? If you use the tips on how to clean a carpet at home quickly and efficiently, from this article, you can tidy up your flooring in 15-30 minutes.

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Folk ways

For proper care of floor mats it is not at all necessary to buy a whole arsenal of household chemicals. It is quite possible to get along with improvised cheap means, and the effect of them will be no worse.

Common soda

Baking soda perfectly absorbs odors, and absorbs dirt and dust just as well. To clean your carpet quickly and efficiently at home with this universal cleaner:

  1. Fill the entire dirty surface with 5 tbsp. l soda.
  2. After 30-40 minutes, carefully vacuum or sweep with a broom.

Pile will take a neat appearance and will be clean.

Important! By the same principle, you can even clean a snow-white carpet, only replacing the soda with fine salt, starch or freshly grated potatoes.


He proved himself to be an effective and cheap stain remover:

  1. Stir 10 ml of ammonia with 1 tsp. any washing powder and 0.5 liters of water.
  2. Apply the grout to the stain and then rub with a soft brush.
  3. Wipe off with a dry cloth and let dry.

Lemon juice

Lemon juice eats away even the most persistent impurities that are left from ink, berries, and dried mud. To clean the carpet from dirt at home:

  1. Apply in undiluted form to a contaminated area.
  2. Set aside for 1.5-2 hours.
  3. Then, with a sponge of warm water, treat the cleaning area so that the carpet does not remain sticky.
  4. Dry your carpet at room temperature.

We use laundry soap

Laundry soap can cope with almost all stains: coffee, tea, wine, but it can make the pile washed. Therefore, you can not directly soap the carpet, it is best to use a much more gentle soap solution - 5 g of grated soap in 500 ml of water.

For its use:

  1. Using a brush, disperse the solution in a contaminated area, wash with light movements, and then reprocess.
  2. After washing, wipe the carpet with a slightly damp cloth.


Sauerkraut is one of the most environmentally friendly methods for restoring carpet appeal. To clean the carpet quickly and efficiently at home, use this unusual method:

  1. Take the most ordinary sauerkraut, which does not contain vinegar.
  2. Wring it out, rinse, so that there is no strong unpleasant odor.
  3. Spread cabbage evenly over the carpet.
  4. Brush, rolling sauerkraut over the surface of the carpet.
  5. When the cabbage becomes gray, collect it with a broom, rinse and scatter again.
  6. Repeat the procedure until the cabbage is clean.
  7. Then collect it, let the carpet dry.

Important! Cabbage will help not only to clean fine dirt from the flooring, but also to collect wool from animals.

Table vinegar

In the very case when you do not know how to clean the carpet at home, dilute 2 tbsp in 700 ml of water. l table vinegar.

Using a brush and vinegar, intensive rhythmic movements begin to clean the contaminated area.

Important! The smell of vinegar after cleaning your carpet will go away after a very thorough ventilation.

Cool water and snow

With a brush and cold water, in a few minutes you can clean the spots that are left from the blood, traces of animals and fresh dirt:

  1. Using heavy movements, clean your carpet, not forgetting to dip the brush in water.
  2. After the procedure, carefully dry the product.

Important! Do not use it until it is completely dry.

Even a snow-white carpet with a fairly long pile of ordinary snow refreshes and cleans very well. If you have an ability:

  1. Take your carpet outside, then knock it out with a broom or with a stick.
  2. After that, with the broom, mark a small layer of snow on the carpet, and then quickly clear and re-mark the snow on the carpet.
  3. Having arrived home, let the carpet dry in good faith.

Important! And if you leave it for 24 hours in the cold, then absolutely all dust mites will die.

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Mechanical and chemical carpet cleaners

Folk remedies are good because they are always at hand and allow you to quickly get the desired effect. But still their application requires some effort on your part. Therefore, in practice, few do without special-purpose household appliances and professional chemicals. What do you need in the house to clean the carpet quickly and efficiently?


A very famous bottle of bright pink color, which contains an easily soapy concentrated solution. With “Vanish”, the task of cleaning the carpet by itself disappears - the strong foam of this product eliminates even the most difficult pollution.

Important! There are two drawbacks to this tool: the high cost, as well as its volume is small - it only lasts for 2-3 full carpet cleanings.

A vacuum cleaner

An ordinary vacuum cleaner (any model you like and suitable for the price) is the very basis for cleaning any carpets. With a vacuum cleaner, cleaning begins, and if the contaminants are not suckable by the device, then additional options are used.

Vacuum cleaner carpet


Vacuum cleaners steam cleaners and minimoyki of this brand are created to clean pollution on different types of carpets at home. These devices are very compact and easy to carry by hand, they will do all the dirty work for you and thereby give rest to your tired hands.

However, their price is their main drawback. If you are ready to pay a tidy sum for this miracle of technology, you can consider that cleaning the carpets with the help of Karcher from now on will be a joy to you.

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All types of carpets and differences in their cleaning techniques

The funds we have listed for you are not global. Each of the carpets differs in its material, its structure, and the result from using even ordinary soap will be different. In order to know how to clean the carpet from stains at home, we advise you to pay attention to recommendations for looking after different types of carpets and floor coverings of various colors.

Long pile

Carpets with a long pile are distinguished by the most time-consuming cleaning process. They clog into the very base of the pile: hair, wool, but if you scattered something - even using a vacuum cleaner, you will not be able to completely and completely clean the carpet quickly and efficiently in one cleaning cycle.

Important! You can not rub a long pile with a stiff brush, because you can ruin the glue base.

The best way to remove stains from such a product is to use soap suds. It penetrates the very middle of the pile and dissolves all the dirt. Next, vacuum the carpet, and if you have a Karcher steam cleaner, walk through the dirty areas of the carpet.

Short pile

The most common type of carpet is precisely with a short long pile. You can clean them with wet and dry cleaning.This type of floor decorative coatings, as a rule, is not whimsical, pollution is removed from it quickly enough.

If you want to slightly revitalize the shade and give it a more neat appearance:

  • In the spray bottle, dilute the water mixed with the shampoo, as well as a small amount of ammonia.
  • Before you clean your carpet at home in order to disinfect the surface, you can add 1-2 ml of tea tree extract.
  • Treat the entire carpet with this product, dry it at room temperature, and then vacuum it.

Carpets made of natural materials

This type of carpet is subject to the most gentle cleaning process. For example:

  1. Silk does not tolerate moisture, which is why a silk carpet can only be cleaned using a vacuum cleaner.
  2. Wool, sheepskin, and also fur - are cleaned with a soft brush and baking soda.

Natural fiber is much more susceptible to frequent dirt, because it can be attacked: moth, if there is a large accumulation of dust under the pile, mold or fungus - it can appear in a room with a high percentage of humidity, as well as during frequent wet cleaning.

Carpets made from synthetic fabrics

The synthetics are unpretentious, but the service life of synthetic carpets is not eternal - after 6-7 years of constant use, the fabric looks scruffy and crumpled. Pile, which is pressed by a sofa, cannot restore its appearance; after a heavy press, the carpet will remain so forever.

The synthetic carpet does not lose its shade, nor does it fade. It is enough to vacuum it 2 times a week, and if necessary, brush it with soda solution.

Dark and light carpets

A light carpet cannot be cleaned using lemon juice, as yellow stains may form from it. If you choose from inexpensive means, it is better to use shavings of laundry soap. Soap solution will wash even the most contaminated areas, dissolve a sufficiently large number of spots in a few hours.

If you need a faster result, processing with Vanish will save. Apply foam to the contaminated area, and after 5-6 minutes, apply a second portion of the diluted foam to the light pile. Let dry, and then dry the carpet.

Important! Dark carpets are not allowed to be cleaned using starch, soda, or potatoes, because they eliminate pollution, but they leave white stains that are incredibly difficult to get rid of.

In this case, the most suitable substance is ammonia, which you must dilute with water and a brush to spread over the entire surface of the carpet. The pile will become softer and the spots will completely disappear.

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Now, after reading the information in this article, you know exactly how to clean the carpet at home quickly and efficiently. So homework will become more enjoyable and not so tiring.

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