How to clean the carpet at home from the smell of urine?

Has a child appeared in your family? Have you got a cat or other animal? Of course, this is a huge happiness. However, very often small children and animals cannot restrain their physiological needs. As a result of this, wet pools often appear in your home.
It seems that it could be easier than wiping the yellow liquid with a rag soaked in water with bleach? If such a stain formed on a hard floor, then there is nothing easier than getting rid of it. What to do if a yellow spot appears on the carpet? The soft coating absorbs liquid, color and odor. No matter how our children love to play on the floor, if there is such a blot, it is worth abandoning this venture. Every housewife is faced with the problem of how to clean the carpet at home from the smell of urine. There are several ways to fix this problem. We will consider them in this article.
to contents ↑Removing urine odor by any means
The smell of baby liquid stool in a carpet is one of the most common and, at the same time, complex problems. Carpets have an excellent ability to absorb odors. After the lapse of time this “aroma” not only does not disappear, but also intensifies more. Let's talk in more detail about how to clean the carpet at home from the smell of urine.
At the first stage of removing the yellow spot from the carpet, you need to free the textile surface from the puddle itself:
- To do this, it is recommended to arm yourself with a napkin or rag.
- The puddle should be eliminated by simply blotting the stain.
- If the yellow liquid has already managed to soak into the carpet, then it is recommended to pour a small amount of clean water on this place and thoroughly wet this area. Thus, you will reduce the concentration of feces on the textile product.
Using baking soda
The first place in deciding how to remove the smell of urine from the carpet at home, is the use of soda. For this:
- You need to cook gruel from this substance and a small amount of water.
- With an ordinary brush, you can even use a toothbrush, rub a solution of soda and water into the fibers of the carpet.
- Leave this area with the remedy for a quarter of an hour.
- Then you need to vacuum the entire textile product. The washing unit is best suited for this. You can also simply knock out the carpet.
to contents ↑Important! The use of soda and water is only suitable for less “aggressive" urine. In this way, you can remove children's "surprises." To remove feline or canine yellow fluid, it is better to use other methods to combat this deficiency.
Using vinegar to control the smell of urine
To clean the carpet at home from smell, the use of wine vinegar and any detergent is great.
Important! For this purpose, shampoo, dishwashing liquid, carpet cleaner or other similar substance will suit you.
To clean the carpet and eliminate odors:
- Take one liter of clean water, a tablespoon of detergent and as much wine vinegar.
- Mix all the ingredients well.
- The area on the carpet marked by your pet must be cleaned with this solution.
to contents ↑Important! As practice shows, to completely remove odor and stain, this procedure must be repeated several times.
The use of potassium permanganate and iodine
If you solve the problem of how to clean the carpet at home from the smell of urine, and your textile product is dark, then iodine and potassium permanganate will come to your aid:
- It is necessary to pour 15-25 drops of iodine per one liter of water and add potassium permanganate. This substance should be taken “by eye”. About at the tip of a knife.
- Stir the resulting solution thoroughly.
- In an inconspicuous small area of the carpet, it is necessary to test the solution. To do this, apply the product and leave for ten minutes. If after passing this time, the carpet product has not changed color, then you can try it on the stain that has formed after pets or your little child.
Important! A solution of water, iodine and potassium permanganate acts in such a way that microparticles of excrement turn into water-soluble particles. As a result of this, you will eliminate the smell, and the remaining water will be washed off with water.
After applying and using the above solution, it is recommended to rinse the area by applying potassium permanganate with water.
to contents ↑The most effective way for old urine stains:
- Take 100 ml of tablespoon of 9% vinegar and 400 ml of water. Mix until smooth.
- Apply to contaminated area on carpet.
- Wait for the bowel movements to interact with vinegar.
- At this stage, it is necessary to remove the previous solution of vinegar and water with a dry rag.
- Sprinkle a yellow spot with soda.
- While soda is struggling with liquid excrement, dilute 100 ml of hydrogen peroxide with one tablespoon of liquid powder or dishwashing detergent.
- Apply hydrogen peroxide with gel to the stain.
Important! This mixture must first be tested in an inconspicuous area of the carpet. If the shade of the textile product has not changed, you can further clean the yellow spot. To do this, rub the solution with a brush into a yellow blot.
- Clean the blot area with ordinary water or a vacuum cleaner.
- Enjoy perfect cleanliness.
Using store tools
If you contact the store with a problem, than to clean the carpet at home from the smell, you will be advised to chlorine-containing liquids. For this, the product must be diluted according to the instructions written on the back of the bottle. Then apply it on a stain, leave for 10-15 minutes, remove with water or a vacuum cleaner.
to contents ↑Important! Removal of urine with chlorine-based products is not the best solution to eliminate this drawback. This is due to the fact that it can eliminate only children's products of vital activity, they can not cope with cat urine. And if you do not completely clean the carpet from bleach, this can adversely affect the health of the baby, who always crawls on the carpet.
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We told you several ways to clean a carpet at home from the smell of urine. We advise you to use folk remedies, as they are absolutely harmless to the health of children and do not cause allergies. With our tips, your home will always be in perfect cleanliness!
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