How to clean a carpet at home

Carpeting, like any floor covering, is most susceptible to contamination. How to clean the carpet at home, we will tell you in this article. With its ease of use, there are several specific care methods, but in order not to expend unnecessary energy and keep the appearance of the home decoration clean, use the following tips when cleaning such a coating, and it will regularly serve you and please the eye for many years.

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What is a carpet?

How to clean a carpet at homeThere are several types of carpet foundations:

  • From natural materials - categorically does not accept washing cleaning, especially if a product with a long pile, it dries with difficulty and mold can form.
  • Coating with natural pile of wool is cleaned by all types of vacuum cleaner.
  • Synthetic base - characterized by ease of care and the use of wet cleaning. This type of carpet is not afraid of high humidity and does not change its structure after cleaning.
  • When cleaning a glue-based carpet, you need to limit the amount of water, since it can dissolve silicate glue and the product is deformed, and stains will remain upon drying.

Important! Remember that when choosing a carpet cleaner, you need to consider the density of the pile and the type of base coat.

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How to clean the carpet?

In order to clean the carpet, use improvised and chemicals for cleaning the carpet:

  • soft brush;
  • sponge;
  • ammonia;
  • vinegar;
  • soda;
  • detergent;
  • liquid and powder detergents for carpet cleaning.

Important! If you have a washing vacuum cleaner - consider that the problem is how to wash and clean the carpetresolved. Use special carpet cleaners, or the Vanish Oxi Action universal carpet cleaner. But keep in mind that it is not suitable for natural pile.

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How to clean the carpet?

To simplify your task, follow these simple rules:

  1. Divide the surface to be visually divided into parts.
  2. Pre-treat the surface with a vacuum cleaner with a cylindrical brush with a soft bristle to improve the penetration of cleaning agents.
  3. Treat with reagents that quickly dissolve the dirt.
  4. If you use stain remover or other chemicals, try them on an inconspicuous area of ​​the coating, as they have a very significant drawback: they can change the color of the pile, this applies to materials made from natural fibers.
  5. Do not rub the contaminated areas, but pat them with a damp cotton cloth until the stain is completely removed.
  6. If a stain of thick consistency has formed, remove it in the direction from the edges to the center with a knife or spoon.
  7. Pay special attention to particularly contaminated areas. Walk through more problematic areas several times.
  8. Clean individual spots crosswise.
  9. Use a vacuum cleaner to remove any remaining cleaning agents.
  10. Dry the carpet thoroughly.
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Cleaning Methods

Before you clean or wash your carpet at home, determine which method will be more convenient for you. Consider the features of the canvas, so as not to spoil it during the cleaning process.

Method 1

If the carpeting does not have strong pollution, use dry cleaning - this type of cleaning allows you to extend the life of the coating without exposing it to aggressive liquid detergents. Follow these guidelines:

  1. Use a spiral-shaped vacuum cleaner. Carefully combing the pile, it removes virtually all the dirt from the inside and outside, preserving the structure of the pile.
  2. Use a special dry powder to clean the carpet, it has an absorbent effect.
  3. Spread it over the entire surface for the time indicated on the product packaging. The action of the powder is that the granules contain a small amount of moisture, which, absorbing pollution, evaporates.
  4. Wait for the product to absorb dirt.
  5. Vacuum any remaining cleaning agent.

Method 2

Another type of dry cleaning is dry foam:

  1. Dilute the product in accordance with the instructions before the formation of cool foam.
  2. Apply foamed substance with a sponge or brush.
  3. Over time, the foam begins to absorb dirt and settle.
  4. Upon completion of the reaction, remove traces of foam with a vacuum cleaner.

Method 3

Remove penetrated dirt in the base of the coating with the help of special equipment by wet cleaning:

  1. Make a warm cleansing composition using special shampoos or products that penetrate deeply into the fibers, pushing dirt to the surface.
  2. Pay attention to the chemical composition of these products so that they do not leave sticky traces on the surface, in order to avoid the formation of new contaminants.
  3. Pour into a special container, place in a vacuum cleaner.
  4. Install a special nozzle for washing carpets.
  5. Using a vacuum cleaner, distribute the foam over the coating with a special nozzle, rub the product into the coating.
  6. Collect the "spent" tool.
  7. If necessary, rinse and remove any remaining moisture using spray extraction.
  8. Dry the coating during the day, if possible, lift the coating from the floor.

Important! We recommend often not to use this type of cleaning in order to avoid deformation or waterlogging of the carpet, which leads to mold and unpleasant odors.

Method 4

How to clean a carpet at homeUse manual cleaning - thoroughly brush over the entire surface with a brush. To prevent damage to the pile, use a sponge or brush with a soft bristle brush and the following tools to remove all kinds of dirt.

Important! Remember that the choice of one or another method directly depends on the type of spot, its old age and size.

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How to wash a carpet from difficult spots?

The best helpers for cleaning stains from wine, juice, coffee, tea and beer from the carpet will be dishwashing detergent and vinegar:

  1. Clean contaminated area with detergent.
  2. Rinse with a damp cloth.
  3. Wipe with a solution of table vinegar with water.
  4. Then apply carpet cleaner.
  5. Remove residues with a tissue until completely dry.

Liquid ammonia is the main fighter of household pollution:

  1. Remove most of the contamination with detergent: lightly soak the contamination with water, apply the substance, foam, leave for a few minutes.
  2. Rinse off with a damp cloth.
  3. Treat with ammonia.
  4. Drain.

Solvents will help you to clean the carpet from ink, nail polish, tar and soot:

  1. Moisten a contaminated surface slightly with water and treat with a solvent.
  2. Leave for a few minutes, rub with a cloth dampened in solvent.
  3. Rinse with detergent.
  4. Clean with a damp cloth until all traces of dirt and odor are completely removed.

Important! Use aggressive solvents carefully, they can damage the color and texture of the pile.

To remove acid mixtures use soda:

  1. Wet the problem area with a solution of soda water with ammonia in a ratio of 10: 1.
  2. Leave for a while.
  3. Dry without rinsing.

Remove traces of wax, chewing gum, plasticine with the help of cold:

  1. Put a few pieces of ice in a plastic bag.
  2. Attach to the stained area.
  3. Leave to harden completely.
  4. Scrape off with a knife.
  5. Wipe with a varnish remover if necessary.

To wash blood stains from a carpet:

  1. Make a soap solution with a ten percent alkali content.
  2. Wipe the blood.
  3. Dilute the vinegar with water in a proportion of 1:10.
  4. Apply for a few minutes.
  5. Rinse with warm water.
  6. Dry.
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Useful Tips

  1. When using chemicals, work in a well-ventilated area.
  2. Follow the instructions for cleaning products - do not increase the concentration during dilution and the exposure time.
  3. When cleaning the flooring, be careful not to stain the furniture with various types of solutions.
  4. Try to clean the carpet 1-2 in a week.
  5. Fresh stains are always easier to remove than old ones.
  6. Use special anti-static and dirt-repellent products to ensure long-term coverage.
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Now you know all the rules for cleaning carpet. Follow them and you will not have big problems when cleaning, and you will have to spend much less time on this process.

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