How to clean the mattress from urine 🥝 and remove the smell

Most people think about how to clean the mattress from stains, but do not think about the fact that you need to not only know how to clean, but also need to take care of it if no dirt and dust are visible on the surface . Let's figure it out with you how to clean the mattress from stains at home.
to contents ↑Get rid of dust
The main rules of care are as follows:
- When changing bedding, you should in no case forget that you should at least once a week walk around the mattress with a vacuum cleaner, and also turn it over so that the bed is “fresh”.
- In addition, the bottom of the bed should be wiped with a rag from dust accumulation. Perform such actions daily.
The most important thing in the bed is, of course, the mattress, because it should just shine with freshness. To do this, it is enough to do the following:
- If there is no vacuum cleaner at hand, take the mattress outside and knock it out properly so that there are no dust, dust mites, or fungal spores that can multiply in dust inside the mattress.
- Even better is to knock out under the sun, because it is the best disinfectant. What do we end up with? Healthy sleep, clean lungs, and a great continuation of life.
- Well, if you can’t take the mattress out into the fresh air, then you should wet the sheet, which should be spread out around the entire perimeter of the mattress. Then gently knock it out like a carpet. Such cleaning will be effective and thus it is easy to clean the mattress from dust at home.
Wet cleaning
Not every mattress can be cleaned with a soft brush. Basically, this method is suitable if the filler is polyurethane foam or coconut coir.
Usually, such cleaning is carried out using dry foam, which can consist of at least powder or ordinary soap, and you can also use gel for dishes. All of these substances are freely sold in hardware stores.
To clean the mattress from stains if there is only a slight deposit of dirt on the surface:
- To begin with, using a sponge, foam is applied to the problem area. We do this as quickly as possible, due to the fact that the mattress quickly absorbs moisture.
- After you apply the foam, wait a little time and wash the foam with a barely damp rag along with the stain.
- Then, using a paper towel, dip the place where our spot was.
Important! If the stain still remains, then you can dry this place with a hairdryer.
This method will work inefficiently if the stains are of different colors of absolutely any origin, even if it is urine. So how then to be? Now we will tell you how to clean the mattress from stains, as well as how to clean the mattress from urine at home.
to contents ↑How to clean different stains?
The most convenient tool for cleaning the mattress, of course, is a vacuum cleaner, the main function of which is to clean the house of dust and other small particles, but it is not able to clean stains that have a liquid base. It is also able to partially remove dirt with a thick base. But if you have a washing vacuum cleaner or steam cleanerthen you can remove 99% of all the contaminants that you might come across. And this is a significant relief from domestic work.
Universal way
The most common of all contaminants is a coffee stain.In the case of coffee, as with most other stains, an ammonia weak solution will help. To clean the mattress from stains at home:
- A dessert (tea) spoon of ammonia is added to a large glass of water.
- It is necessary to wipe the stain from the edges to the very center of the stain.
- Then keep the solution on the surface for 1.5 minutes, and then rinse off the cleaning agent.
- Wash the mattress with soap and then dry it in the sun.
How to clean your mattress from stains, urine and other contaminants?
Cleaning stubborn stains, as well as stains that are outdated and hardened, is done using special tools. Usually you always have such substances in your home:
- Any acid is able to remove many colored spots, such as urine, vomiting or juice. You can use lemon juice, vinegar, or citric acid diluted with water as a cleaner. Proportions are usually taken 1: 1. To begin with, use a sponge or cloth to gently spread the cleaner over the surface. Then, when the bed dries, sprinkle a place with soda, and after a day vacuum. Also, this method removes some odors, for example, the same urine or cigarette smoke.
- Blood on the mattress can also appear under the most unexpected circumstances. Remove it easily and simply using hydrogen peroxide. An important condition - do not wet with hot water so that the blood components, proteins, do not coagulate.
- Medical alcohol will easily clean your bed of lipstick stains. Or, if you decide to eat a sandwich with oil, which accidentally hit you in the mattress.
- If you poured red wine onto the mattress, then you will need salt. Pour salt into the problem area and then wash the treated area with dry foam.
- Fungus and mold stains may appear on the mattress due to the high humidity level in the room. In such an environment, mold multiplies rapidly. Of course, for a person this is very bad, because the fungus causes asthma, allergies or other unpleasant diseases. In order to deal with them, it is necessary to dry your mattress effectively and in a short time. To do this, you either need to use a heat gun, or take your product to fresh air for at least a day. Then vacuum it, prepare a solution that consists of water and isopropyl alcohol. Wet the sponge with such a solution and wipe the product.
to contents ↑Important! After you have vacuumed the places where fungus and mold have accumulated, in no case leave a filter or a dust bag in a vacuum cleaner. They must be disposed of immediately.
Say goodbye to unpleasant odors
A mattress is just a storehouse of smells, because it attracts smells, like metal objects the most common magnet. If you smoke in bed, then for a short time the mattress will smell like tobacco. But in such a mattress it is generally impossible to relax, and finally fall asleep. In order to prevent any odors - even urine, even tobacco, pour baking soda and wait two days. Then vacuum the area with a vacuum cleaner.
to contents ↑Important! If needed remove the smell of urine from the mattress, such as vinegar, potassium permanganate can also help you. These are excellent disinfectant and absorbent odors. For use on a mattress, it is necessary to prepare a weak solution with water and wash the surface with a rag or brush.
General recommendations for cleaning mattresses
In order for your care not to take up very much time, we suggest you use a small selection of tips that will definitely come in handy to quickly and effectively clean the mattress from stains at home.
Simple tips for cleaning mattresses:
- When combating dust mites, be sure to wash your bedding.
- If your house has a vacuum cleaner, then do not be lazy, at least a couple of times a month, walk it on the mattress, because it is here that most of the household dust accumulates.
- To reduce the amount of dust, you can purchase a special cover that will reliably protect your mattress not only from dust, but also from any other unforeseen situations.
Important! Not all mattresses will be ready for mechanical cleaning. Be sure to study the purchased products directly in the instructions from the manufacturer - there are indicated the preferred methods and means of cleaning each model.
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Now you most likely understand how to clean the mattress so that it is always in a proper and safe condition for your health. We hope that our article helped you solve the question of how to clean the mattress from stains at home.
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