How to clean a samovar

Modern electric kettles save a lot of time, but can they compare with a delicate drink made in a real samovar? Of course not! Therefore, if you have such a relic in the house and you use it, you definitely need to know how to clean a samovar at home. Only in this way will it work properly, and the taste of tea will not deteriorate from scale and green plaque.

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Where to begin?

Before you begin intensive cleaning of your samovar, check its age and the material from which it is made. If your samovar is old, seen, most likely it is made of copper or brass. Perhaps it is expensive and in the hands of you may well be real antiques. Look carefully at the manufacturer’s stamp on the surface.

Important! Did you find clearly old, poorly read labels? Before you try to influence the samovar in any mechanical way, take it to an antiquarian specialist for evaluation. He must look at the thing and be sure to enlighten you on the subject of how much your “miracle of technology” can cost. If the amount is not prohibitive - you can safely clean the samovar at home and use it as much as you like. Noticed that the antique dealer became agitated and began to persistently offer to buy a family heirloom? Think about it - maybe you should just put the rarity on the shelf and show off to its neighbors.

How to clean a samovar outside?

Please note that light patina on copper products is allowed, moreover - it gives the product an old and noble look. If you find a dense layer of gray-green color on the surface or individual parts - this means that the metal is in the stage of active oxidation.

Important! Do not attempt to remove plaque yourself. Contact a professional restorer - he will return your item a radiant look.

Are the stains and dirt insignificant and the samovar is not in such a deplorable state? Try to cope on your own.

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How to clean a samovar?

Before embarking on such an important event, check the contents of your lockers. In the kitchen or in the first-aid kit, you will surely find suitable remedies. It can be:

  • flour;
  • salt;
  • vinegar;
  • soda;
  • lemon;
  • lemon acid;
  • ammonia;
  • dentifrice;
  • medical alcohol;
  • potato peelings;
  • carbonated drinks (Coca-Cola, Sprite, Fanta).


For a more serious cleaning of the surface you will have to acquire such substances as:

  • paste GOI;
  • oxalic acid;
  • acetic acid;
  • petrol;
  • soda ash.

To process a samovar, you will need the following materials:

  • latex gloves;
  • felt;
  • soft flannel fabric;
  • clean cotton cloth;
  • crumpled newspaper;
  • brush;
  • kitchen sponge or washcloth;
  • bucket.
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How to clean an old samovar?

We do not advise you to use the "grandmother" methods. In the old days, housewives competed with each other, whose samovar shines more. To clean it, river sand or “brick dust” (grated brick) was used. Such abrasive substances may be effective, but the look of your rarity after their use will not be very attractive - “streaked” and all in scratches.

To get started, try using gentle cleaning agents, and only in extreme cases use toxic chemicals or mechanical cleaning with polishing.

Important! It is advisable to disassemble the samovar before cleaning: remove the handles, crown, stand, faucet, key.

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How to clean a copper samovar?

A copper samovar can be cleaned using one of the following methods. Choose the most convenient for you, based on those tools that are “at hand”.

Method 1

  1. Make a mixture of flour, coarse salt and vinegar.
  2. Wipe the surface of the samovar.
  3. Polish with a soft cloth or a piece of crumpled newspaper.

Method 2

  1. Take a slice of lemon.
  2. Wipe the samovar outside.
  3. Brush.
  4. Rinse with water.


Method 3

Use a solution of acetic acid (5-10%):

  1. Put on gloves.
  2. Moisten a piece of soft tissue in a solution of acetic acid.
  3. Wipe the surface.
  4. Rinse off with a damp cloth.
  5. Wipe dry.

Important! To clean the small parts of the samovar from copper, boil them for 30 minutes in a solution of soda ash (20 g per 0.5 l of water).

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How to clean a brass samovar?

Other means are suitable for this alloy. The principle of their use is described in detail below.

Option 1

  1. Take ammonia.
  2. Apply to the flap with a soft cloth.
  3. Wipe the surface.

Option 2

  1. Wear rubber gloves.
  2. Dilute 200 g of oxalic acid in 1 bucket of water.
  3. Apply to the surface of the samovar for 5 minutes.
  4. Rinse with cold water.
  5. Clean with baking soda.
  6. Rinse again with water.
  7. Dry with a soft cloth.
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How to clean a samovar from stainless steel?

If you purchased a new stainless steel samovar - be prepared for the fact that over time it can also fade and become stained. Try cleaning it in the easiest way:

  1. Dampen a cotton swab with 9% vinegar.
  2. Wipe the surface thoroughly.
  3. Polish with a soft cloth.
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How to clean any samovar outside?

Universal cleaning products for metal products also exist. Use them if you already have them.

Solution 1

GOI paste will clean and give shine to both copper and brass products:

  1. Take a piece of GOI paste.
  2. Rub it on felt or a soft flannel rag.
  3. Apply to the surface.
  4. Wipe.
  5. Polish to a shine.
  6. Remove the rest of the paste with gasoline or medical alcohol.

Important! Apply the paste to the surface gradually - and immediately wipe. Having processed a small area, proceed to the next. Thoroughly dissolve and wash the remaining paste from the recesses on the surface.

Decision 2

Tooth powder and ammonia also give a good cleansing effect:

  1. Take 50g of cold water.
  2. Dissolve 15g of tooth powder.
  3. Add 30g of 10% ammonia solution.
  4. Shuffle.
  5. Apply the mixture on a piece of soft cloth.
  6. Wipe the surface and polish.
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How to descale a samovar?

Once you have completed the external cleaning, start updating the samovar from the inside. First of all, you have to cope with the scum that spoils the taste of tea.

Method 1

  1. Take a potato peel.
  2. Rinse them well under running water.
  3. Put in a samovar.
  4. Pour in cold water.
  5. Boil for about 30 minutes.
  6. Leave on for 2-3 hours.
  7. Take out the cleaning.
  8. Rinse the samovar with clean water.
  9. Wipe the inside with a washcloth with a small amount of soda to remove any residual scale.
  10. Pour water into the samovar.
  11. Boil again.
  12. Allow to cool.
  13. Drain, repeat if necessary.

Method 2

  1. Take soda - “Sprite”, “Coca-Cola” or “Phantom”.
  2. Pour into a samovar.
  3. Boil for 30 minutes.
  4. Drain the liquid.
  5. Remove softened scale with a brush.
  6. Rinse the inside with running water.
  7. Repeat the procedure if necessary.


Method 3

  1. Pour cold water inside.
  2. Add 2-3 sachets of citric acid.
  3. Boil it.
  4. Leave for half an hour.
  5. Pour the solution.
  6. Clean the inside of the samovar with a kitchen sponge to remove any remaining scale.
  7. Fill with clean water.
  8. Let it boil.
  9. Drain the water.
  10. Repeat the action again.

Method 4

  1. Fill the samovar 2/3 with cold water.
  2. Add 1/3 of a 9% vinegar solution.
  3. Boil it.
  4. Leave on for about 2 hours.
  5. Drain the water.
  6. Rinse off any scale residue with a kitchen sponge.
  7. Pour in clean water.
  8. Let it boil.
  9. Drain.
  10. Repeat 2-3 times to wash the remaining vinegar.
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Useful Tips

  • Regularly clean the samovar - both outside and inside.
  • After use, always drain the remaining water to prevent deposits of salts on the walls and prevent scale formation.
  • Brass samovars do not tolerate moisture well, so store them exclusively in dry, warm rooms.
  • Do not allow the appearance of gray-green plaque on copper samovars.
  • Do not use abrasive cleaners to avoid damaging the surface.
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We hope that our simple tips will help you clean your samovar at home efficiently and carefully. Have a nice tea party!


