How to clean the limescale mixer?

Tap water contains various mineral substances, the amount of which depends not only on the hardness of the water, but also what your mixers will become after some time. It is mineral salts that lead to the formation of white stains and spots on the chrome surfaces of the taps. How to clean the mixer from limescale so as not to spoil the product during the cleaning process? Let's talk about this in more detail.
to contents ↑Household cleaning products
The most common way to remove contaminants and plaque from kitchen taps and bathroom faucets is with modern household chemicals. But here it should be noted that the use of such funds has some nuances that you need to know about:
- Mixers and taps should only be cleaned with specially designed products for these materials. Otherwise, there is a huge risk of damaging them.
- Do not use drugs and products that you bought to remove rust and bleaches. This is due to the fact that the chrome with which the taps are coated is a very active metal. In the process of interaction with acids, which are often contained in household chemicals, the metal gradually breaks down. As a result, the appearance of the products deteriorates: dark spots appear on the cranes, which are very difficult to remove.
- Always read the composition of the preparations - the composition should not contain chlorine, hydrochloric and other acids (usually sulfuric and phosphoric).
Also pay attention to the following if you want to remove limescale on the mixer quickly and safely:
- Do not use chemistry in the form of powders, because the small particles that are part of the products will lead to microcracks.
- It is undesirable to mix different products - this can lead to the formation of a substance that is harmful to chromium, and even fumes from such compounds are unlikely to be safe for your health. Risk of getting a chemical burn of the mucous membranes and internal respiratory organs.
- Always protect your hands with rubber gloves during the cleaning process.
Folk ways
Not every housewife likes to use chemicals to remove various kinds of stains. In addition, today there are still many folk recipes with which you can no less effectively remove dirt from various surfaces. The advantage of their use is safety.
Home recipes:
- Soap solution. It is best to use laundry soap, which copes wonderfully with various kinds of pollution. Grate it and mix in hot water, then with this solution clean the contaminated surfaces. A small amount can be added to improve the effect. calcined or baking soda.
- If the dirt is too severe, clean soda can be used. Dip a sponge in the product, and wipe the surface with it. Then just rinse with water, and make sure that you managed to remove limescale on the tap so quickly.
- You can use a weak solution of vinegar. It is better to take a 9% solution, dilute it halfway with water. Soak a cloth in the mixture, wipe the faucets.
- Use lemon (citric acid will not work here), then the main thing is to rinse the surfaces well with water later.
- If you need to remove dirt in hard to reach places, you can use a toothbrush.
to contents ↑Important! If you regularly clean faucets and taps with a soft, clean cloth, then the problem of severe contamination on your surface may not occur at all.
Clean the faucet - step by step instructions
Now we will tell you in detail how to remove limescale from the tap. To do this, you need a wire, boiling water, any of the cleaning products, a needle, an adjustable wrench, a screwdriver.
So what to do with different types of cranes if they fail due to the lime itself:
- It happens that due to too hard water, the mixers are not only covered with scale, but also break. To fix the damage, close the valve and carefully insert the wire into the hole. In order for the blockage to be broken, wire should be moved in different directions.
- To clean the ball valves, first you need to unscrew the screws from the handle, slightly loosen the ring and remove all parts that can be unscrewed. Then dilute three tablespoons of vinegar in two liters of water, dip all removed parts into the resulting liquid. After some time, rinse the parts with cold running water, assemble the structure again.
- If the disk valve is dirty, then you need to unscrew the index cap, remove the handle and screw. Lift the cover on the case and remove the cartridge. Put all the spare parts in a pan with vinegar, and after an hour, rinse them in warm water.
Proper faucet care
In order not to damage the product during the cleaning process, you should follow some rules:
- Use only on a soft sponge - hard products that can scratch taps should be avoided.
- In order not to damage the metal, do not leave detergents on the taps for a long time.
- After cleaning, it is advisable to polish the taps well, just wipe the surface with a soft towel.
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We told how to clean the mixer from limescale at home. We hope that our tips and tricks will help you eliminate even the most severe pollution. Do not forget to regularly look after the plumbing immediately after each use, and then the cleaning will be much faster and easier.
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