How to clean the humidifier from scale at home?

Dry air can cause various diseases, but a humidifier can be a solution to this problem. This is especially true in families where there are small children and the elderly. Such a device will create an ideal microclimate in the room, it will help to transfer the heat more easily and stay in good shape. But such a technique needs regular care - it is not enough just to purchase, put it on and turn it on. For prolonged use without cleaning, scale and even mold may form inside the appliance. To prevent this from happening, it is necessary to periodically clean the humidifier from scale. Water from the tap is saturated with salts of heavy metals that settle on the walls of the device. Plaque needs to be cleaned every 8-10 days, otherwise it will harden and it will be even more difficult to get rid of it. This will worsen the operation of the device and create favorable conditions for the growth of bacteria. So, how to clean the humidifier from scale at home? We will now deal with this issue in this article.
to contents ↑Device types
There are several types of devices with different operating principles, each of which has its own pollution characteristics.
Important! Improper care of any equipment of this type leads to the following problems:
- the formation of solid deposits on the inner walls and parts of the device, followed by a decrease in the functionality of the device;
- bacterial growth, fungus formation, water bloom.
Here, the entire load falls on the cartridge, which receives water. It is he who is covered with a coating, but it is easy to change. The water in the tank must be changed more often so that it does not stagnate and does not serve as a breeding ground for various microorganisms.
It works on the principle of a teapot: the water inside boils and turns into steam. Therefore, the main problem is the formation of plaque on the heating element. Cleaning is almost no different from the descaling process with electric kettles.
The most modern type of humidifier in which, with the help of a membrane, water turns into cold steam. Such devices require constant care.
Such devices, in addition to humidifying the air, also solve the problem of its purification. The air stream is driven through a wet filter.
to contents ↑Important! The most popular is the ultrasonic device, which not only moisturizes the air with high quality, but also will delight us with its original design.
Humidifier cleaning
Before cleaning the device, it is necessary to completely de-energize it by turning off and unplugging the cord from the outlet.
Next, do the following:
- We empty the tank from water.
- Rinse thoroughly under running water.
- We clean the base and wipe it with a sponge.
The tank cannot be cleaned with metal brushes - this can damage its walls. Standard detergents are not suitable for such cleaning. To effectively clean the humidifier from scale at home, you can use the following methods:
- In 1 liter of water, add 2 tablespoons of acid and stir until completely dissolved. Pour this mixture into the tank, leave for a couple of hours. If necessary, the procedure can be repeated, even leave the mixture overnight. Then rinse the container under running water.
- Helps to get rid of scale and table vinegar.Vinegar also has antifungal and antimicrobial properties. Dilute 50 ml of vinegar in 1 liter of water, pour into the tank. After cleaning, rinse the tank well under running water.
- The working part of the device is wiped with a cloth moistened in a weak solution of vinegar. Do not use abrasive substances - they can damage the surface.
Caring for the humidifier also involves disinfecting the humidifier. Disinfection is recommended once a week. And in the hot season you can even more often.
The best way is to use a chlorine-based product:
- We clean the water tank in the usual way.
- Pour a solution of a chlorine-containing agent into the tank. For 1 liter of water is 1 teaspoon.
- Leave for an hour.
- We drain the liquid, collect clean water.
- We put the device into operation.
- As soon as the steam begins to stand out, turn it off.
- Drain the water, rinse the container thoroughly.
- Repeat the procedure until the smell is gone.
Chlorine is a toxic substance and everyone loves to use it. With the same success, it can be replaced with hydrogen peroxide. A glass of peroxide is poured with water, and the disinfectant solution is ready.
to contents ↑Important! It is best to carry out disinfection in the fresh air, for example, on a balcony.
Prevention measures:
- The best thing you can do is not to bring the device to a state where you cannot do without the use of special chemicals. Clean and disinfect regularly.
- Another important point is soft water. Hard water contains a large amount of salts, which subsequently settle on the walls and other parts of the device. What can be done and how to purify water for a humidifier? A good option is to buy distilled water. You can purify water by passing it through a filter or letting it settle. This will not completely eliminate plaque, but will reduce its formation. A more radical method is the installation of a magnetic transducer. The magnet creates a force field and prevents salts from being deposited in the liquid.
- Do not allow water to stagnate in the tank. This creates a comfortable living environment for various pathogenic bacteria.
- To reduce scale formation, do not operate the humidifier at full power. Once the air is sufficiently humidified, disconnect the appliance from the mains for a while.
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Regular and gentle care of the humidifier will extend its service life, ensure its safe and high-quality operation. And you will not worry about the fact that your health may be at some risk due to the fact that the climate technology is populated by fungi and contaminated with lime.
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