How to clean the hood above the stove at home?

In order for work in any field to be of high quality and safe, it is necessary to periodically clean the equipment used. The same applies to the filter from the hood in the kitchen, because its role in the safety of residents and the cleanliness of the apartment is very large. Only thanks to this device the apartment not only gets rid of unpleasant greasy deposits on appliances and furniture, but also from unpleasant odors. About how to clean the hood above the stove at home, you will learn from this article.

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How often do you need to clean the hood?

Many housewives wonder about the frequency of cleaning such a device. There is no exact schedule for washing hoods - it all depends on your free time, the frequency of cooking and your cleanliness.

If your family is quite large and the preference is for fried food rather than boiled or steamed food, then the service life of the filter used will be reduced several times. Usually housewives clean the device once every six months, but there are times when such a structure needs to be washed once a month, wiping the external grill every week.

Important! Recently, more and more hoods with replaceable filters have been produced, which need to be replaced as they become dirty. It is recommended to buy several such parts at once with the device itself - this is justified by the fact that the manufacturer can stop the production of individual parts.

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What to use?

Before carrying out this procedure, it is necessary to decide how to wash the fat from the hood at home, so as not to damage the structure. There are only two options:

  • Use of household chemicals.
  • The use of folk remedies.

Both options are very effective, but you yourself must understand which one of them will be the best in relation to your “assistant”.

We are equipped with household chemicals

In order not to bother with the preparation of suitable means to combat fat, you can buy in the store household chemicals, which will greatly simplify the task. The best enemies of fat deposits are the following:

  • "White".
  • Gel for washing dishes.
  • Any remedies that include formic acid.
  • The means by which they clean the pipes.

Important! In addition to household chemicals, there are folk remedies for cleaning extracts from fat, which cope with their task no worse than the above.


We resort to folk methods

There are a lot of options for cleaning the hood using improvised means, consider the most popular ones:

  • Baking soda - perfectly copes with even the most neglected pollution.
  • Many experienced housewives observe the excellent effect of using laundry soap.
  • Lemon juice, vinegar and mustard will help to wash the filter of the hood from fat.
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Basic cleaning principle

After reading and a detailed analysis of the instructions, the hood must be disassembled. To do this, you need to remove all the elements that have fat deposits on them. If some parts are screwed on, they must be unscrewed, then remove and remove small parts so that they are not lost.

Below, the basic procedure will be discussed. For you, it may be a little different - everyone’s hoods are different, but in general the algorithm is the same:

  1. Unplug the cord from the device from the outlet.
  2. Remove filters that trap grease. If their use is not reusable, prepare a replacement filter in advance.
  3. If possible, remove the air duct. If the design does not allow this, you will have to clean only the user-accessible part.
  4. Clean all accessible surfaces from soot.
  5. Thoroughly clean the grill.
  6. Replace disposable filters if necessary.
  7. Dry all processed parts and assemble the appliance back.
  8. Insert the cord back into the outlet.
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Cleaning the grate depending on the degree of contamination

Particular attention should be paid to how to clean the grill from the hood. If everything is clear with average pollution, then how to clean if there is almost no grease on the surface? Also a huge problem is pollution, which is very difficult to remove due to a long lack of cleaning.

Light pollution control

So, if the dirt on the grate is still fresh and has not had time to dry, getting rid of them is easy enough. The main way to get rid of dirt is very simple - absolutely anyone can handle this procedure:

  1. Choose a container in which you can load the whole filter and fill it with hot water.
  2. Using the detergent of your choice, clean the exhaust hood and filters from grease.
  3. Leave a container with filters for about an hour - so they clean better.
  4. Rinse all processed parts with warm and then cold water.

Important! Cleaning agent must not remain on the surfaces of the part, since it can significantly damage the operation of the device.


If the net is not laundered

If no remedy has helped you, do not give up. There is always a solution to the problem, but in this case, drastic measures will have to be taken.

Important! Often to come to the use of the method, which will be described below, is extremely undesirable, because this can significantly harm the operation of the device. For the same reason, it is better not to bring your equipment to such a state.

So, consider an algorithm that will help solve this problem:

  1. Before you wash the cooker hood from fat, you need to buy a special tool that helps fight blockages. They are of three types: liquid, powder, granular. Contact a store consultant to choose the one that suits you best. Together with this tool you need to buy gloves that will protect your hands from unpleasant chemical influences.
  2. Carefully read the instructions of the purchased product.
  3. Immerse the grill in a sink or other stainless container.
  4. Pour the used product into it. If powder or granules are used, fill the part with them and pour a small amount of hot water.
  5. Leave the grilles in this position for about 5-7 minutes, then rinse with plenty of cool water.
  6. Dry the part and insert it back into the device.
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In this article, you learned how to remove grease from a cooker hood in the kitchen, depending on different types of dirt. In order to often not resort to cardinal methods, the device must be cleaned at least once every six months. And what means to use at the same time - improvised or chemical, you already decide for yourself, based on your preferences.

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