How to wash a crystal chandelier with pendants?

Crystal chandelier has always been a symbol of luxury, taste and refinement. It gives festivity and solemnity to the interior, adds artistry. Dazzling crystal shimmers under the sun's rays and artificial lighting. However, over time, falling into dust, all this beauty fades, ceases to transmit light to the fullest. The dust heats up and gives off a musty smell, and the chandelier from a beautiful element of the interior turns into an object dangerous to your health. Any housewife begins to wonder: “How to wash a crystal chandelier with pendants?”.
to contents ↑General rules for the care of crystal
To keep your chandelier pleasing to the eye and last a long time, follow some rules:
- While cleaning, brush dust with a special soft whisk.
- Wipe the base of the appliance with a dry, clean cloth to prevent deposits and contamination.
- Periodically treat the surface with special antistatic sprays. The resulting layer will repel dust.
- If you are leaving for a long time and there will be no one to carry out dry cleaning, then make a protective cocoon around the chandelier: wrap it with a clean sheet. Upon arrival, carefully remove the cover, dust left over the dust pan.
- In no case do not use a vacuum cleaner for cleaning - you can damage the fragile crystal parts of the chandelier.
To properly wash a crystal chandelier with pendants, you need to know not only the basic rules and recipes for washing, but also have information about what absolutely is not worth doing. Limitations are as follows:
- Do not use abrasive or aggressive detergents to clean the crystal. soda ash and soap. Abrasives and soda scratch the surface, and a greasy film remains after the soap. This leads to a loss of luster of crystal products.
- Do not wash crystal in hot water, because microcracks form due to the high temperature. The result will be disastrous: the chandelier or dishes will fade, over time, cracks will lead to the scattering of the product.
How to clean a crystal chandelier
There are two ways to tidy up fragile grandeur. Which one to choose is the business of every hostess. It all depends on the degree of pollution, the type of lighting decor, the availability of free time and the type of product at hand.
Dry cleaning method
If the chandelier is covered with a small layer of dust, this method will be more effective. Wipe all crystal parts with a dry, soft cloth. You can use a special brush with soft bristles - a duster that has antistatic properties.
Act very carefully, as even touching each other, the pendants can be scratched and broken.
Important! The highest quality crystal can only be cleaned in this way.
Wet cleaning method
To clean the crystal chandelier with pendants in a quality manner, follow these instructions:
- First turn off the power on the general shield or unscrew the plugs.
- Remove all parts of the chandelier, put it in a plastic basin and wash it using special or home remedies.
Important! Some secrets will help you. wash crystal chandelieru safe:
- It is better not to use an iron basin so as not to break fragile details.
- Perform the entire process with soft, lint-free gloves so as not to leave greasy fingerprints.
- The water temperature should not exceed 27 degrees, otherwise the crystal will fade.
- When you wash the pendants, rinse them in cold water with the addition of 9% vinegar. Such a trick will make the crystal incredibly brilliant and radiant.
- We place the washed pendants on a clean soft towel in a row.
- Wipe fixed elements and a metal base with a solution of water and ammonia. Bronze is easily cleaned with a mixture of tooth powder and ammonia.
- Hard to reach places are conveniently treated with a toothbrush and toothpicks.
- Wipe stains from flies with vodka. Dry all parts after all.
- Assemble the chandelier.
- For a couple of hours, do not turn on the light, let all moisture evaporate.
How to wash a crystal chandelier without removing it from the ceiling?
What to do if the chandelier does not understand and there is no way to remove it from the ceiling? - Do not worry, there is even a way out of this situation. Although the whole process will be more time-consuming, you will be able to proudly show your friends and mother-in-law shining magnificence.
Important! Be prepared for painstaking work; you will have to rearrange the stepladder more than once.
Method 1
How to wash a crystal chandelier with pendants without removing it from the ceiling:
- Disconnect the chandelier from the power supply.
- Prepare a solution of water and ammonia: add 1 tablespoon of ammonia per 1 liter of warm water.
- Gently wipe each crystal element with a soft, clean cloth dampened with a solution.
- We also process metal parts in this way.
- Move in a circle, gradually cleaning the crystal chandelier from dust and dirt.
- Then wipe dry.
Method 2
For cleaning on weight, you can use a special tool. In this case, follow these instructions:
- Lay down newspapers on the floor under the chandelier, cover with dry rags. These preparations are necessary so as not to spoil the flooring.
- Apply generously a special spray to all parts of the chandelier.
- Wait for the time specified in the instructions - usually it takes 5-10 minutes.
Important! The product reacts with dust and dirt, dissolves them and flows down. Do not be alarmed when a dirty slurry is poured - this clever substance has done an unpleasant job for you. You just have to wipe the chandelier dry, collect dirty newspapers and mop the floor.
After a few hours, you can turn on the light again and enjoy the iridescent tints of the crystal miracle.
to contents ↑How to wash the crystal so that it shines?
You started a grandiose cleaning and decided to wash not only the crystal chandelier, but also all the vases, glasses, wine glasses? Then for work. Armed with our tips on how to wash a crystal chandelier so that it shines, you can easily cope with this task:
- Prepare a solution of 1 liter of warm water, 1 tablespoon of vinegar and 0.5 tablespoon of salt. Wash the dishes with the chandelier, wipe dry. Such a solution will help to cope even with a green bloom in the vases after fresh flowers.
- Decanters, wine glasses, glasses from stains of juice and wine are soaked in a warm soda solution for a couple of hours. Then rinse in water with the addition of vinegar, be sure to wipe dry.
- If the crystal is cloudy, first soak in a dishwashing detergent, and then rinse in water with vinegar.
- Potato broth will cope with severe pollution. Put your crystal in a warm potato bath for 30-40 minutes. Complete the procedure by rinsing.
- Potato will help in another case. Antique crystal tends to turn yellow over time. Cut the raw potatoes and grate the product. After that, rinse in the blue solution. For lack of such a weak solution of brilliant green will do.
- You can clean dishes or pendants with potato starch. Sprinkle it on a soft cloth and then wipe it thoroughly.
- Are your glasses clean enough, but somehow not shiny? It doesn’t matter: wipe them with alcohol and wipe them dry with a soft flannel.
- Please note that items with gold-plated elements are washed in clean, warm water, followed by rinsing in a vinegar solution.
Important! Crystal never leave to dry as ordinary dishes. After rinsing, wipe dry with a lint-free soft cloth.
to contents ↑
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Careful care and proper handling will help your chandelier and crystal ware shine, delight you for many years and create the atmosphere of a wonderful holiday. And with our tips you can easily cope with this task.
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