How to wash a computer keyboard?

In the age of technology progressing every day, it is easy to imagine how you can have breakfast, lunch, dinner near your favorite gadget, computer or laptop. In this case, the crumbs always, even with the most accurate meal, will settle on the keyboard. And if you add dust to this, we get a dirty surface that does not contribute to the workflow. Therefore, the question of how to wash a computer keyboard is relevant. Let's deal with everything in order.
to contents ↑Reasons to clean the keyboard
Here are the symptoms of the most neglected cases, and so - even an ordinary layer of dust can push to cleaning such an important part of the computer:
- The keys began to sink.
- When you press the keys, they do not respond the first time or make strange uncharacteristic sounds.
- On the buttons and on the entire surface of the keyboard, stripes, stains are noticeable.
- And, of course, if the crumbs and pieces of dirt are already very noticeable between the buttons.
Light pollution
This includes dust, small debris, crumbs in small quantities. It is also very important for this method of cleaning the computer keyboard so that all these pests are not under the keys, because this method does not get them.
- Turn off the computer and disconnect the keyboard from it.
- Next, choose a hairdryer with a cold mode, an ordinary vacuum cleaner, a USB vacuum cleaner (you can purchase it in specialized computer stores) or compressed air in a spray can. One principle - to blow out all the crumbs and dust.
- This item can be skipped. But to achieve the best result, you will also need a thin, narrow brush. Use it to process all the voids between the keys so that nothing is left exactly.
- At the end, wipe the top of the keys with a wet, lint-free cloth or special computer napkins.
Moderate pollution
Quite often, people miss the moment of light pollution and exacerbate the situation. How to clean the keyboard on the computer in this case? Do not despair, and we found the answer to this question:
- Repeat the first two steps to clean your computer from light contamination.
- Moisten a cotton swab in alcohol and carefully remove traces of fat from the keyboard, processing both the top of the keys and the side.
to contents ↑Important! Alcohol can corrode low-quality paint. Before use, we recommend checking its effect on one of the buttons so that cleaning is completed without unnecessary consequences.
Heavy pollution
To wash a computer keyboard if it is already thoroughly “dusted”:
- It is also necessary to turn off the computer and disconnect the keyboard.
- Next should be armed with a screwdriver. Turn your keyboard over and unscrew all the screws. Fold them in a pocket or in a small bowl so that they are not lost during the cleaning process.
- Remove the cover. Lay the two remaining halves upside down on the table. Do not forget to check for the so-called “hidden” cogs, which can be located under the stickers.
- Then carefully squeeze out all the keys. Pay particular attention to the Shift, Enter, and Space buttons. Usually they are installed additional fasteners.
- Next, take a small bowl or bowl and fill it with warm water. For greater effectiveness, add a mild detergent.
- If the coating is quite strong, first soak all the parts in this solution.Wash each button thoroughly with your hands or using an unnecessary toothbrush, then lay them out on a newspaper or towel to dry. To speed up the process, a hairdryer is recommended.
- Then wash the empty cover. Never touch the housing with microcircuits with water. This will render the entire keyboard unusable.
- After all the parts have dried, reassemble the keyboard.
to contents ↑Important! Before disassembling the keyboard, we advise you to photograph the location of the keys so that everyone returns to their places. This will allow painless computer keyboard cleaning.
We clean the laptop keyboard
Unfortunately, with a laptop it will be more difficult. Light dirt is removed in the same way as on a computer keyboard (the method is described above). But to carry out a general cleaning with pulling out the buttons is unlikely to succeed, you can simply break everything if you do not have the appropriate technical experience. If you are nevertheless configured to clean your laptop keyboard with your own hands, step-by-step instructions for this process are described in another article on our site.
Therefore, we recommend that in case of severe pollution, give the laptop to a special service that will return you a faithful assistant and ally in the purest form.
to contents ↑Stock footage
We hope you now not only know how to wash your computer keyboard, but also understand a clear algorithm of the procedure and are confident in their abilities. So - you will be able to tidy your gadget and do not have to carry it in for repair or change to a new one.
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