How to wash a carpet Karcher?

The carpet in the interiors of the rooms is still quite common and, whatever one may say, requires periodic cleaning. There are many ways to make it clean, but the most optimal at home and similar to the methods of cleaning such products in special companies is to use Karcher. In this article we will talk about how to wash a carpet with Karcher.

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What is Karcher?

This device is a mini-wash - a device that delivers water under high pressure. The pressure can range from 120 to 160 bar. If you have a similar device, then cleaning the carpet with it will not be difficult. You just have to stick to some recommendations to make the cleaning really successful.

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Carpet cleaning by Karcher. Precautionary measures

This method of cleaning is not suitable for all types of carpet flooring, because a strong pressure of water can damage the material. Therefore, when thinking about cleaning Karcher's carpets, you should know in which cases it is contraindicated:

  • For carpets that include woolen fibers, this type of cleaning is not suitable.
  • Do not wash carpets with such a device if the loop of fibers on the wrong side of the carpet is fixed with glue. Such products under an intense stream of water may suffer - the glue will begin to crumble and fall off in pieces, as a result, the coating will crumble in parts.
  • For fabric decorative patterns, contraindications are not so categorical. You can successfully wash the carpet with Karcher, the main thing is not to apply too high a pressure so as not to destroy the structure of the fibers.

Important! In this situation, experts recommend using a device that has a class of K2 or K3.

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How to wash a carpet Karcher? Procedure

If your carpet does not have any contraindications regarding exposure to strong water pressure, then you can safely proceed to the process of using Karcher.

To wash the carpet with Karcher, follow these steps:

  1. First you need to find a suitable place for this. Cleaning will most simply be done on a concrete or paved area. If there is one near your house - wonderful.
  2. It is necessary to take into account that the place had the opportunity to ensure that the minimoyk is connected to the mains. Use a conventional extension cord for this.
  3. Sweep the pad and flush it.
  4. Vacuum the carpet to clean it of debris.
  5. Lay out the flooring on the site, carefully folding all the folds.
  6. Wet the carpet and apply evenly the detergent.

Important! Use household chemicals very carefully. After such a treatment, it is necessary to thoroughly wash all the remnants of the product. Unwashed particles will attract dust particles, as a result - soon your carpet will become dirty again.

  1. Karcher, as a rule, is equipped with a special foaming agent. Thanks to this, foam can be easily spread evenly over the surface.
  2. After applying the foam, the floor should be washed with a stream of clean water under pressure.

Important! If the surface on which the carpet is being cleaned has a slight slope, this will greatly improve washing. After all, all the dirt will leave itself.

  1. It is recommended to keep the nozzle of the device so that the angle between the surface being cleaned and the jet is 15-20 degrees.So you can remove the maximum amount of dirt.

Important! Do not direct the jet at an angle of 90 degrees to the surface of the carpet. In this case, dirt and dust will simply penetrate deeper into the product.

  1. After all the procedures done, the carpet should be thoroughly dried.

Important! The remaining moisture can lead to the formation of mold or moss inside the carpet fibers, as well as provoke the development and reproduction of harmful microbes.

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Carpet Cleaning

Carpet cleaning is not always possible, because not every owner of such a floor covering has such a device in his arsenal of household appliances. In this case, people often go to the car wash, where they offer such services. Is such cleaning effective?

Advantages and disadvantages, as well as important nuances of contacting a car wash:

  • Handling such a problem in a car wash, you save your strength and nerves. You just have to take care of transporting the flooring. This is quite a significant plus of this choice of cleaning.
  • Make sure that your carpet after drying will not dry in a suspended state, because such a location can lead to deformation of the material.
  • One of the basic rules for choosing a car wash to clean the carpet is its remoteness from a major highway. Otherwise, during drying, the flooring absorbs particles of asphalt and toxic dust.
  • Specialists working in a car wash do not always have the necessary qualifications, and chemicals for cleaning the inside of a car can cause irreparable damage to the carpet pile and the base of the decorative coating. Therefore, you should make sure that the car wash workers have sufficient knowledge and guarantee their work.

Important! If the carpet is excessively affected by moisture, its base is deformed, the glue will become sour, and the pile may fade. Threads under high water pressure can unwind and form heterogeneous patches on the coating. All this can lead not only to the loss of the appearance of the carpet, but also can cause an allergic reaction in humans.

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When planning to clean rugs with Karcher at home, be careful because ruining the rug is very simple. Listen to the recommendations given in this article, and you will protect yourself from disappointment, unplanned waste and make your favorite carpet fresh and clean.


