How to clean the sink from clogging at home?

Probably there is no such mistress who would never have encountered problems associated with home plumbing. Small particles of various origin, falling into the drain hole, form blockages. Even the most accurate housewife is not safe from such a nuisance. Gradually, blockages accumulate in the drain pipe and reduce its permeability. The most problematic in this regard is a bent pipe section, or a water seal. If, however, the sink is clogged, it is not necessary to call the plumbing. From this article you will learn how to clean the sink from clogging at home on your own. The methods described in the material have been tested by many people who have experienced all the "charms" of plumbing surprises.

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This is the easiest way to eliminate clogging in the sink. The tool consists of a rubber cap mounted on the handle. The principle of operation of the plunger is based on the creation of a water hammer. Under the influence of hydroblow, the waste stuck in the drain pipe advances towards the sewer riser.

Mode of application:

  1. Fill the sink with water to cover the rubber part of the appliance.
  2. Press the cap firmly against the drain hole and make a few sharp translational movements in the direction from top to bottom. As a rule, 3-5 shocks are enough to restore the flow of the drain pipe.
  3. If the water still does not leave or leaves too slowly, the procedure is repeated until a visible result is achieved.
  4. Dirt that emerges from the drain must be removed immediately so that the sink does not clog again.

Important! If your house uses an old sewer system with rough cast-iron pipes, you may have to try again several more times. Sometimes the first time the attempt is ineffective.

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A few folk recipes, or how to eliminate a blockage in a soda sink

All of these methods are time-tested, but they are based on the property of soda to dissolve fat in the blockage, thereby reducing its volume and density.

So, here are these recipes on how to clean a sink from clogging at home:

  • Pour 3 tablespoons of baking soda into the drain, then pour a large volume of hot water.
  • Pour 3 tablespoons of soda with one glass of 9% vinegar. Pour the mixture into the drain, then fill it with hot water. In this case, a chemical reaction will occur with the dissolution of the fat component of the garbage “cork”. Thus, the pipe will again become passable.
  • Pour an equal amount of soda and washing powder into the drain, then pour vinegar into the drain hole. Wait 20-30 minutes until a chemical reaction occurs, then rinse the mixture with hot water.

Important! Soda and vinegar are often used when cleaning kitchen sinks, since it is in the kitchen drain that fat accumulations most often form, which must be dissolved.

  • Here is another good prophylactic. Prepare a composition containing 1 part citric acid and 2 parts soda and salt. Pour the mixture into the drain, add two parts of boiling water. Rinse off with water after 5 minutes. Perform prophylaxis once a week.

Important! Recipes on how to clean the clog in the sink in the kitchen at home with soda and salt are good for placing the kitchen. If you need to clean the drain of the bathtub or washbasin, it is best to use the mechanical method.

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Household chemicals

Along with folk remedies, to clean the blockages use special tools that are sold in household chemical stores. Using these drugs is easy. It is enough to fill the sink drain with the amount of the agent provided for in the instruction, and after a certain time (again with the instruction!), Wash it off with water. In this case, dissolution and rapid elimination of blockage occurs.

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Mechanical cleaning

Of course, this manipulation cannot be called pleasant, but in order to effectively clean the pipes, while maintaining their integrity, the mechanical method is fully justified. How to clean the sink drain at home?

PVC siphon

There is a siphon under the sink, which serves as a kind of sump for sedimentation. This prevents the ingress of contaminants into the pipe, due to which cleaning can be quite difficult. If the siphon is made of plastic, then it must be cleaned and disassembled by first releasing water from the sink.

Important! After cleaning the siphon, it is necessary to check whether the corrugated branch is dirty. After this, the siphon is twisted again

Cast Iron Siphon

If the siphon is cast-iron, then cleaning it is somewhat more complicated. This is a non-separable structure, which in case of contamination must be cleaned with a special cable and rinsed. After all these manipulations, you can install the siphon back.


If you do not want to disassemble the siphon

To clean the sink drain without dismantling the siphon, you can use a special plumbing cable, which is inserted into the drain and rotated in different directions. The drain is cleaned quite high quality and reliable.

The procedure in this case is as follows:

  1. Insert the end of the drill cable into the drain hole. Use a drill to point the cable to the intended clogging location.
  2. Push the cable through the pipe while turning it around its axis. It is advisable to do this manipulation with an assistant. Working alone is not very convenient.
  3. While holding the cable taut, push it through the pipe.
  4. When in contact with the cork, scroll the cable first in one direction, and then back. Push the plumbing cable forward and pull back.

If your attempts were unsuccessful, the most reasonable way out is to call the plumber from the housing office.

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Hydraulic pump application

Using a conventional hydraulic pump, you can create a strong water stream directed towards the sewer. If the blockage “sits” too tightly and it cannot be washed off with a stream of water, then you can try to shift the “plug” using the suction method.

The algorithm is as follows:

  1. Dampen a piece of cloth with water.
  2. Cover the overflow hole with a cloth.
  3. Type water into the pump.
  4. Press the pump must to the drain hole.
  5. Bleed the pump by releasing water into the pipe and suctioning it again.
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Everyone knows the proverb that the disease is easier to prevent than to treat. The preventive measures given will allow for a long time to avoid clogging the drain and questions about how to clean the sink from clogging:

  1. Clean siphon regularly from food debris and grease. After each dishwashing it is enough to leave hot water for half a minute.
  2. Sewer pipes are well washed with hot water. After the pipes are washed, you need to work as a plunger.
  3. Use special nets on plums. If you do not pour the rest of the coffee and tea leaves into the sink, there will be no problems.
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Now you can eliminate clogging in the sink at home on your own. Using simple preventive measures, you can avoid clogging of pipes for a long time.

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