How to clean the apartment?

Every housewife from time to time is faced with the question of how to quickly clean an apartment and make this process as easy as possible? Ideally, after cleaning the apartment, it would also be nice to maintain a good mood and physical alertness. How pleasant an indescribable feeling of cleanliness at home, when you feel your importance and pride in yourself, will understand the one who has done a huge amount of work more than once. After all, when everything is already behind, you can enjoy the fruits of your labor with a light soul. In a clean apartment it is much more pleasant to be, but with order in the house comes order in our thoughts. We will not dwell on the positive aspects of the cleanliness of our apartment, we’ll better consider tips on how to quickly achieve this cleanliness.
to contents ↑How to clean the apartment?
So, we are all different people with different characters and temperaments.
We clean every day
Some of us are excellent housewives, and are able to maintain cleanliness in the house every day. It is easier for such people to spend about 15 minutes. time every day to remove any one zone of the apartment, and spend 30 minutes on the weekend. for mopping and the overall clean look of the apartment.
On the one hand, it’s easier, because you do not have time to get tired and you are constantly clean. On the other hand, when you come home from work and you still have to wait for cooking, children who want attention from you and your husband has the same requirements, you don’t want to spend even 15 minutes on cleaning. your precious time.
We clean the whole family on the weekend
Then we are waiting for a big cleaning of the apartment at the weekend. But here the problem is - like a day off, but you still work, only at home. The main principle that all self-respecting hostesses must adhere to is that no one is a warrior in the field. If you do not live alone, then you should not clean the house yourself. Connect all households to this mission, organize them and your work, and then this process will not become so terrible.
Tip: Give specific instructions to each family member separately. Do not give instructions such as: “clean your room”, or “order in the bathroom on you.” Give precise concrete instructions: “remove the toys”, “put your things in the closet”, “vacuum the apartment”. In cleaning, it is important not the number of participants, but the correct command of them.
We clean the apartment “bachelor”
If you live alone, then the problem of cleaning the apartment goes to another stage - self-organization. It is important to properly configure yourself and create a clear plan so as not to waste time in vain for secondary matters and aimless movement around the apartment. That is, everything must be done clearly and quickly.
Tip: For some people, “timer” cleaning is appropriate. This is when you set aside for the entire cleaning of the apartment, for example 1 hour. Set a timer for this time and begin the cleaning process. Since you know that time is running out, it is limited and timed, you will more purposefully move around the apartment, and not be scattered about unnecessary things.
Quickly clean the apartment before the arrival of guests
If cleaning the apartment should be quick due to the unexpected arrival of guests, then the principle is triggered - everything can not be cleaned instantly. Therefore, we hide the dirty dishes in the cabinet, we free all surfaces from objects and also hide (we will deal with them after the guests leave), quickly sweep away dust from tables, chests of drawers and nightstands, wash my sink in the bathroom and vacuum it.Believe me, your apartment will look clean in a short period of time.
Important little things
One of the important factors for a good and high-quality house cleaning is your emotional attitude. To boost your “fighting” spirit, turn on your favorite music. A few moments after the start of cleaning the apartment to the music, you will feel that things are going faster and more fun.
So, favorite music plays, tasks for all residents of the apartment are given instructions for their implementation, the mood is excellent - we begin cleaning!
to contents ↑Kitchen
The state of the kitchen is the visiting card of any housewife. Due to the constant preparation and constant stay of people in it, this is not the cleanest room in the apartment, but it should be one. Therefore, the kitchen requires constant cleaning, and this is best done as follows:
- If you are waiting for a mountain of dirty dishes, then fill it with water and detergent in the sink and leave it for a while - let it get wet. In the meantime, do other things.
- Remove all unnecessary items from countertops and tables in the kitchen, wipe all surfaces with a damp cloth. Do not forget about the technology, because on it, as a rule, dust settles most of all.
- Wipe the stove.
- Sweep the floor and wash it.
- Now you can return to the dirty dishes. During this time, it is well soaked and you just have to rinse it quickly. Thus, you have saved your time on wiping plates and pots.
Useful Tips:
- To wash the microwave quickly, you need to put a glass of water in it and heat to a boiling point. If you add lemon to the water, then any smell from the microwave will disappear. And so that the microwave is not so dirty, when heating any food, use a special lid, because it is much easier to wash it.
- If you have animals, put a paper towel, a piece of beautiful linoleum, or a newspaper under a bowl of food. Thus, abandoned food will be easier to clean. Lubricate the brush on the vacuum cleaner with glycerin - this will simplify the cleaning of wool from carpets.
- Every evening, do not be lazy to put the kitchen in order, it's so nice to start the day with cleanliness!
Start cleaning the bathroom with hot water in the shower. Yes, yes, that's right! Just turn on the water and do something else for a while, for example, fill the toilet with a toilet cleaner, or wash the dishes in the kitchen.
Returning to the bathroom, turn off the water and begin cleaning this room. The steam that coated the surfaces in the bathroom will greatly facilitate their washing. Wipe all surfaces and wash the sink well.
Do not forget about the mirror. To wash it, you can use a glass cleaner or a simple vinegar solution.
to contents ↑Tip: To prevent plums from clogging, pour cool boiling water into them once a week. And if you have available steam cleaner - cleaning the entire apartment, and in particular the bathroom, will take you a little time. They can easily remove even the thickest deposits of rust and limescale.
- Pour the toilet with a special cleaning agent, or just shake it well with soda and add vinegar after 10-15 minutes. Leave for some time that can be spent on cleaning other areas of the apartment.
- Do not forget to wipe the toilet bowl, as often a lot of dust is collected there, but for some reason they forget about it.
- Change the toilet brush regularly.
- After some time, after applying the cleaning agent to the toilet, use a brush to wash the toilet and flush a couple of times with water.
to contents ↑Tip: Inaccessible places can be cleaned with an old toothbrush.
- Start cleaning the room by freeing the surfaces of the table and nightstands from unnecessary and “not there” things. The fewer things that stand on these surfaces, the cleaner the room will look.
- After cleaning the surfaces, wipe them with a damp cloth.
- If there are plants in the room, wipe the large leaves, and freshen small ones with water by spraying.
- Place all chairs and other furniture that can be raised on a table or sofa. This will facilitate and speed up the process of cleaning the floor with a vacuum cleaner. Do not avoid this assistant, because he does a great job and nothing can replace him. Vacuum the floor - it will immediately become cleaner and this will be visible even with the naked eye.
- After - wipe the dust floors with a damp cloth. Do not forget about skirting boards.
Tip: Accustom yourself and your household to make your bed in the morning. How would you not rush in the morning - remove your bed. This habit should be akin to brushing your teeth. After all, an untidy bed creates the effect of a mess in the room. And it’s not very pleasant to return to such a room even.
to contents ↑Do not litter your home. Throw away all unnecessary things immediately.
Things that make cleaning your apartment faster and better
So that cleaning the apartment is no longer an overwhelming, awe-inspiring obligation for you, use the right tools. Here are some simple solutions that will help you establish your home life and make your life easier:
- Do not save on care products for polished surfaces, glass and the like. High-quality products not only facilitate your work, but also save your valuable time.
- Washcloths, moisture-absorbing rags, squeezed mops - this is not a simple commercial move. All of these things really work. Having bought such a product once, you will not be able to refuse it because of the convenience and comfortable use provided by it. They again save your time, as cleaning the apartment is faster with them.
- Do not forget that the skin of the hands of a woman should always look perfect, and therefore always use gloves. Since many detergents are very aggressive and can easily harm the skin condition of our hands. Even if you used gloves, wash your hands well after cleaning and apply hand cream on them.
to contents ↑Tip: If you find a tool that you are 100% satisfied with, then take the time to write its name and brand in some of your notebook, or a recipe book. After the funds have ended, it may happen that other members of your family throw the bottle away, and visually all the bottles and cans of similar products are similar to each other.
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How? Already? Is the apartment cleaning finished? I can’t believe it, but it's true, because the problem was not in cleaning, but in its beginning! Having started the cleaning process in an organized manner, you will not be able to stop until you finish everything to the end. Congratulations on the cleanliness of the apartment and a lot of free time in stock that you can spend on yourself, your beloved, and relax on your rightful day off!
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