How to get rid of bad smell in the house доме how to eliminate, means to eliminate

The aroma that reigns in your home is no less important than beautiful furniture and stylish wallpaper. From the smell of fresh borsch or pies from your apartment, even your neighbors will salivate, and the smell of freshness and cleanliness will make it clear to an occasional guest that happy and successful people who care about their well-being live in your house. But what if the apartment smells not at all what you would like, and no airing helps? How to remove the unpleasant odor in the apartment at home, without involving a cleaning company, you will now find out.
to contents ↑Where did the smell come from?
Before eliminating the smell in the apartment, it is necessary to understand its nature and establish where it came from. Most often, housewives have to deal with odors:
- animals;
- chemical substances;
- burnt food;
- cigarettes;
- specific “dressing" amber;
- mold in the bathroom and in the kitchen;
- mustiness from old furniture and stale fabrics.
Inspect the apartment
Before you remove the unpleasant odor in the apartment at home, it is necessary to restore some order and conduct an audit of the possible places of appearance of dubious aromas. Maybe you don’t need to use special means, it will be enough just to remove the smell source and ventilate the apartment well.
Act according to plan, not forgetting a single tricky place of the following:
- Look in the trash bag.
- Explore the places your cat or dog likes to visit the most.
- Look to see if there are any cigarette butts left in the ashtray and whether it is well washed.
- Open the refrigerator - maybe something went bad there.
- Take a peek into the oven and microwave.
- Inspect all kinds of sponges and rags - for cleaning floors or dishes.
- Look into the ventilation holes.
- Make sure the sewage system is not clogged.
- Closely inspect upholstered furniture and carpets.
to contents ↑Important! It may well be that the source of the smell is not at all in your apartment. If you can’t install it, call the plumber or the master from the Housing Office to check the ventilation and sewage.
The smell in the bathroom and toilet
Sometimes even the most accurate housewives have to deal with this problem. If the sewage system is in order, it will not be difficult to deal with it, and you will find the funds at home or in the nearest pharmacy. You need:
Option 1
An excellent absorbent is activated carbon. It has the ability to collect not only harmful substances, but also odors:
- If you have a separate bathroom, a small area toilet will require 2 packs of 10 tablets.
- There are 4 packs per bath, respectively.
- If the bathroom is combined, four packages will be enough.
Important! Place activated charcoal tablets in places that are not striking (under the bath or under the toilet, for example). Soon there will be no trace of smells. To prevent unpleasant odors from appearing again, periodically, about once a week, change the tablets.
Option 2
Coffee beans “work” no worse than activated carbon.And if they are also laid out in beautiful glasses, they will give your bathroom a sophisticated look. Change them, like coal, you need once a week.
Important! Not only will they remove nasty odors, but they themselves smell very nice.
Option 3
In this case, in order to remove the unpleasant smell in the apartment at home, you do not need to lay out anything anywhere. It is enough to wipe all surfaces in the bathroom and toilet with your own prepared solution during cleaning:
- Take a glass of apple or other food vinegar.
- Add a few drops of essential oil to it.
- Wipe all surfaces in the bathroom and toilet with this solution.
Kitchen “aromas”
The most fragrant place in the apartment, of course, is the kitchen. However, not all the smells that periodically occur there will delight your household and arouse their appetite. For example, you have to periodically remove the smell from the oven or microwave.
We remove the smell from the oven
It won’t take much time. You need:
Method of application to eliminate odor in the apartment:
- Pour water into a saucepan and place it in the oven.
- Set the thermostat to maximum.
- Bring water to a boil and boil for ten minutes.
The smell will disappear.
Important! If there are dry orange or lemon peels, for greater effect, you can add them to the water before boiling it. Then an unobtrusive pleasant fruity aroma will be floating around the house for at least a day.
Smells in the microwave
Cooking in the microwave, although it is considered the cleanest way, however, troubles can be with it. For example, if one of your household has a habit of heating food without using a special container. Over and over again, an almost imperceptible coating appears on the walls, and then the smell of burning. There are several ways to remove the unpleasant odor in the apartment from the microwave, and which one to use depends on how much time you have.
Option 1
If time is not very much, it is better to start making coffee for yourself. You will enjoy the drink, and coffee grounds will be an excellent means of removing unpleasant odors. Coat the walls of the microwave with coffee grounds, then rinse. And the microwave is clean and there is no smell.
Option 2
If you can tolerate and do not use the microwave for about three hours, peppermint toothpaste, which can be bought in many stores, will help you. The cheapest is suitable:
Remove odor from the stove
If the smell of burning arose due to the “fault” of the electric stove, it’s also better to quickly figure it out:
- Sprinkle a layer of table salt on the burner.
- Cover it all with a damp cloth.
- Wait half an hour.
- Wipe the stove.
What to do with the fridge?
The most vulnerable spot in the kitchen is perhaps the refrigerator. Especially if you have a habit of stuffing it to failure. Smells of stale, and even spoiled, products occur quite often - as a result, even fresh products sometimes start to smell so that they don’t want to eat anymore.
If such a misfortune befalls you, wash the refrigerator thoroughly. Do not miss a single shelf and not a single section. Of course, the products will also have to be sorted out. And in order to get rid of this problem once and for all, do the following:
- Empty the tea bag from the infuser.
- Grind pieces of five tablets of activated carbon.
- Put the powder in a bag.
- Seal the bag and hang it in the center of the refrigerator.
to contents ↑Important! To avoid odors, it is best to wash the refrigerator with a solution of baking soda and lemon juice.
The smell of cigarettes - how to get rid of?
The tobacco smell, especially stagnant, is extremely unpleasant, even to those who smoke themselves, not to mention non-smoking family members. But getting rid of him is not so difficult. It is necessary to hang wet cotton towels in different places of the apartment (primarily where they smoke). They perfectly absorb the smell of nicotine.
By the way, with the help of towels you can remove the unpleasant smell in the apartment at home, not only from the air, but also from clothes, which can also be a source of uncomfortable amber in the apartment:
- Turn the jacket inside out.
- Lay it on the table or on the floor.
- Cover with a large wet towel or sheet.
- Wait for the towel to dry.
- Dry your clothes.
to contents ↑Important! After all the manipulations with the towels, the apartment needs to be ventilated.
If the house smells like a pharmacy
Even if there is a person in the apartment who is constantly taking medicine, there should not be any hospital smell. As, however, and other technical or chemical odors. A store spray will not help here, as well as another aromatic agent.
The best option to eliminate an unpleasant odor in an apartment is to buy a photocatalytic filter. He is able to rid the apartment of all unnecessary aromas. Such a filter works around the clock and does not have any harmful effects on households.
to contents ↑The smell of old rags
A musty smell can bring a lot of trouble to the hostess. It comes from upholstered furniture, old clothes, and deposits of fabrics. Extra clothes and cuts from which “someone will ever sew something” must be disposed of in a timely manner. Go through your cabinets and throw away all the excess. No one will notice that unnecessary things that your hands will never reach have disappeared from the apartment, and the air will become noticeably cleaner.
In addition, shelves with linen should always be in perfect order. To avoid the smell of mustiness or dampness, linen should be carefully ironed.
Important! On the shelves you can put small bags of lavender or other substance, the smell of which is pleasant to you.
But there are objects that cannot be thrown away in any way, but they smell of musty. A household ozonizer can help you. It will not only save your favorite sofa from the unpleasant odor, but also refresh the air throughout the apartment.
to contents ↑Important! The ozonizer cannot work for more than half an hour, so it must be turned off in time.
Should I use store fresheners?
Of course, if you like some kind of aroma and you want it to constantly dominate your home - you can buy such a freshener. But just do not forget that any air freshener does not remove an unpleasant odor, it brings a different aroma. And if you spray with a freshener in the apartment, without first removing the stink that bothered you so much, the result may be very unexpected.
to contents ↑Stock footage
Therefore, always follow the rule - first, the smell of freshness and purity should appear in the house, and then it can already be slightly improved by the aroma of your favorite flowers. Removing odors in the apartment gives positive results only when the conditions for their occurrence are eliminated.
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