How to remove clay from a carpet?

Well, which of us in childhood did not like to play with plasticine, sculpt any figures from it? In the same way, our children, they also love it and leave spots on the surface of the carpet. Of course, they are not on purpose, but there are still spots, so you just need to act. Therefore, if the mother’s experience could not be adopted on time, we will tell you how to remove clay from the carpet.
to contents ↑We organize the right approach
Correctly removing a sticky bright mass from the surface of a carpet is possible only if:
- find out in time that your carpet is dirty;
- choose the necessary cleaning method;
- immediately begin the process of removing material for stucco from the surface of the carpet;
- finally, clean the greasy spots from the stucco mass.
to contents ↑Important! It will not be superfluous to be puzzled by prevention - protecting the carpet before you decide to do sculptural work with your child.
How to eliminate plasticine from the carpet surface?
To correctly clean the carpet from plasticine, you can use refined gasoline, acetone, mineral spirits and tools to eliminate stubborn dirt.
Option 1
A step-by-step method will include the following actions:
- Take a fresh sponge, soak it in a solvent, thoroughly blot the dirt from the sticky mass.
- After 2-3 minutes, wipe the contaminated area, for this move the sponge from the edge to the center.
- To finish cleaning the stains, wipe the area on the carpet with a clean, damp cloth.
Important! Try to eliminate as many stains as possible so that your carpet quickly becomes clean and fresh.
Option 2
Traces of such a “decor” can be deduced with a soap solution:
- Prepare a concentrated soap solution in the usual way.
- Apply a foamy soap solution to the contaminated area of your carpet.
- After cleaning, wipe the surface of your cleaned mat with a damp microfiber cloth.
Option 3
If the plasticine is not smeared as a thin layer, and the rug itself is very small, try to clean the thing by freezing - put it in the freezer for about 2-3 hours.
Important! Paraffin, which is part of the children's modeling material, hardens thoroughly, as a result of which, the pieces will begin to separate perfectly from the surface of the fabric.
If the floor decor is of impressive size, just apply pieces of ice to the mass for sculpting. The effect will not be so fast and high-quality, but still you will be able to remove the bulk of the clay from the carpet.
Option 4
When you have managed to rub plasticine deep into the fibers, iron the coating with a warm iron. Just put on both sides an ordinary napkin or the same toilet paper, folded in several layers.
Option 5
You can also clean clay from the carpet with a product that is designed to clean the car interior:
- Apply to all damaged areas on your carpet.
- Leave for the time specified in the instructions so that the components of the cleaning agent can fulfill the task assigned to the tool.
- As time passes, wipe all treated areas with a damp and soft cloth.
Option 6
This procedure includes several stages:
- To begin with, pull out with the help of a piece of white plasticine the entire main part of the bright sticky mass, gently pressing, and then abruptly tearing off.
- After that, cover the remaining material with an ordinary paper towel, and then work on it with a hairdryer. Hot air will make your sticky piece soft as well as supple.
- You just have to get wet with a white paper towel or a piece of toilet paper.
Remove greasy stains
As a rule, the problem of cleaning the flooring is not only to remove the clay from the carpet, but also to remove greasy stains after it. Try removing them with a special carpet cleaner, such as Vanish. In this case, the usual washing concentrate for dishes is also suitable - it copes with any greasy stains on fabrics and products made from natural, synthetic fur.
to contents ↑Prevention methods
Avoiding all these worries is easy if you properly prepare your workspace so that your child can play calmly and show his sculptor skills without limits. Lay on your carpet, which surrounds the child’s table, newspaper or oilcloth. Explain to your child that playing with plasticine is only possible in the space allocated for this action.
to contents ↑Stock footage
Now, you are insured against the case when your child randomly stains the carpet with plasticine, and if such an opportunity happens, then you know how to eliminate the consequences.
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