How to remove wool from the carpet

The carpet is the largest collection of contaminants in the house, so it requires careful care and cleaning. Everyone who has pets in the house is worried about how to remove wool from the carpet. This is especially difficult to do if thin and short fibers penetrated deep into the coating and interwoven into it. Take the advice of our experts and you will certainly easily solve this problem.
to contents ↑How to remove wool from the carpet?
Before you remove the wool from the carpet, arm yourself with the necessary tools and equipment. For this process you will need:
- broom;
- a vacuum cleaner;
- mop;
- fabric softener;
- baking soda;
- tea leaves from large-leaf tea;
- brush;
- Scotch;
- a roller for cleaning clothes.
How to clean a carpet from six?
We offer you proven methods for how to remove wool in the apartment. Choose and apply the most suitable for you and you will undoubtedly cope with this task without spending a lot of time and effort.
Method 1
The most popular method, which is simple and cheap:
- Take a broom.
- Sweep the carpet for them.
- Collect the rest of the pile with a vacuum cleaner.
Important! To guarantee a high-quality result, do this procedure daily or at least once every 2-3 days.
Method 2
This cleaning method is quite painstaking and thorough. It requires a lot of time, but it is very effective. To use it, do the following:
- Pour water into the basin.
- Wet the brush in it.
- Use a damp brush to brush over small areas.
- Wash the brush in the basin as it becomes dirty.
- Change the water periodically to clean.
Important! Start brushing the palace from the edge, gradually move along the entire length. Thus, you will qualitatively clean the entire pile, even in the most advanced cases.
Method 3
A quick way to resolve the issue is how to clean the hairs of the palace. To use it, do this:
- Take 200 ml of fabric softener.
- Mix the product with a glass of water.
- Place the resulting solution in a spray bottle.
- Spray fluid over coating.
- Take the vacuum cleaner and walk it all over the surface.
Method 4
If you want to easily remove hair and hair from the palace, do the following:
- Take the used tea leaves.
- Spread it over the entire coating.
- Sweep gently with a broom.
What else to remove wool from the carpet?
In addition to the above, there are several more methods for high-quality cleaning of floor decor. Which one to choose in order to solve the problem, how to remove wool from the palace or carpet, decide for yourself, given the fact that you have exactly what you have from tools and equipment at hand.
Option 1
This method is most suitable for a low-pile palace:
- Vacuum the coating.
- Take a mop with a sponge nozzle.
- Moisten the working part with water.
- Walk the cover several times.
- Collect the fibers that have rolled on it with your hand or use a vacuum cleaner.
Important! If you do not have a mop with such a nozzle, take an ordinary one, wrap a damp cloth on it and treat the surface in the same way.
Option 2
Baking soda will be a good helper for cleansing the palace if you apply it as follows:
- Take baking soda.
- Brush it evenly over the surface.
- Vacuum the treated surface thoroughly.
Option 3
Use adhesive tape and you will save your palace from unnecessary pollution. For this:
- Take the tape.
- Wrap it with adhesive side out.
- Walk him on the carpet.
- Repeat the procedure as necessary.
Important! Instead of scotch tape, you can use an adhesive roller to clean clothes. Use it to remove unwanted wool. The principle of use is similar.
Option 4
A fairly simple and quick method for removing unwanted lint from an animal.
- Take a mitten for combing animal hair - you can get it at a pet store.
- Walk the rubberized side of the mitten on the floor and collect the pile with it.
- Vacuum the treated surface.
How to reduce the appearance of wool on the carpet?
In order to not so often ask yourself the question of how to clean the carpet from cat hair, try to minimize its loss and carefully take care of your pet. For this:
- bathe him as often as possible;
- comb out excess hair with a special rubberized comb;
- moisten your hand with water and stroke the pet with it, thereby you will collect dropping-out villi from it;
- lay on the pet’s favorite place the bedding where it will leave a significant part of its drooping pile there;
- Watch for the proper nutrition of your pet, as an excess of vitamins leads to excessive molting of the animal.
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We hope that the advice of our experts came in handy and brought you only benefit. Surely you have cleaned your house of unwanted wool and cleanliness reigns in it again. But remember that a problem is easier to prevent than to solve it later. Therefore, do not forget to take care of your pets in time and clean the house in a timely manner.
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