How to remove odor from an aquarium

Aquarium is a great way to bring special comfort to the house, create an interesting and beautiful place for a relaxing holiday. But how can the whole impression of scurrying beautiful fish in water go bad if a problem arises and stinks of rotten meat, how to remove the smell from the aquarium, which is far from pleasant to its owner. In this case, it is necessary to find out the cause of such a process as soon as possible and resolve it. How to do this, we will tell you in this article.
to contents ↑Where does the bad smell in the aquarium come from?
- Siltation of soil and water.
- The death of fish and other pets and the decomposition of their corpses.
- Use of poor or inappropriate feed.
- Incorrect feed dosage.
- Special types of vegetation in the aquarium.
- The number of fish that does not match the size of the tank.
- Not enough oxygen.
- Incorrect cleaning mode or poor performance.
How to quickly remove unpleasant odors from the aquarium?
Find out the cause of the pungent odor is possible only in a practical way. The same process will become methods for removing such a fragrance. To deal with the problem of how to remove bad breath from the aquarium with minimal effort, proceed in stages, as suggested below.
Stage 1
Find out how the food is suitable for your fish. For this:
- Change the water in the aquarium.
- Buy another feed.
- Try it for several days in a row.
- If the smell disappeared - this was the cause of the unpleasant odor.
- If not, try changing the feed a couple more times.
Important! If all the actions did not help, then the reason was not a bad feed. Continue to resolve the issue of how to remove bad breath from the aquarium.
Stage 2
If you are sure that the food is of high quality, maybe you just pour a lot of it into your pets. Fish are actually not so voracious and finicky. Try:
- A couple of days do not feed the fish at all.
- Next time feed less than usual.
- Notice if the pungent smell is gone. If so, the reason lies precisely in your incorrect approach to the diet.
Important! The essence of this phenomenon is that organic uneaten residues settle to the bottom and decompose there, mixing with the soil.
Stage 3
If you recently set up an aquarium and even started doing such a hobby for the first time, most likely you simply incorrectly selected the number of fish in pursuit of beauty. As a result, there is not enough space for all animals, and each of them still has the ability to regularly excrete feces. Bottom line: in a crowded and overpopulated aquarium, water quickly becomes cloudy and takes on a characteristic aroma. The solution to this problem begs itself - you have to buy a large or another container of the same size, a house for fish, or thin out the fauna.
Important! Take a good look at the aquarium - maybe some of the fish have already died and now their remains are decomposing, causing you to ask: how to get rid of the unpleasant smell from the aquarium?
Stage 4
Improperly designed decorative vegetation can also be a major problem in the case of how to remove the smell from the aquarium. In such a situation, proceed as follows:
- Contact the store where you bought the plants.
- Provide them with a list of your favorite species.
- Explain the size of your container and ask the seller to check which of these plant varieties give off an unpleasant odor.
- Replace the ones that caused your problem.
Important! Such situations most often occur in owners of small aquariums. In large-scale structures, the effect of herbs is noticeably small.
Stage 5
- Install a better and more powerful compressor.
- Replace the filter with a more advanced forced circulation model.
- Invite a specialist to adjust the oxygen supply to the aquarium in the right amount.
Proper cleaning of the aquarium
If all of the above actions did not help enough, ask yourself the question: Is the aquarium clean? How long have you been cleaning it? Did you do it right? If you are not sure that it is really clean, proceed immediately to the procedure, following the sequence below.
Important! In order not to hesitate with any of the processes, prepare the necessary equipment before cleaning the aquarium:
- temporary water tank for fish;
- bucket;
- water in the right amount, prepared in advance;
- thermometer;
- scraper;
- a net;
- pump;
- glass cleaner in the aquarium;
- a tool to determine the pH level.
Working process:
- Take out the net of all the fish.
- Place them in a temporary container of water.
- Turn off all equipment.
- Arm yourself with a scraper and scrub adhered algae and plaque from the walls.
- Place the pump at one end in the aquarium and the other in a bucket.
- Pump out part of the water: 15-20% if you clean the tank regularly, up to 50% if you have not been involved in such a procedure for a long time.
- Place a capron sock on one end of the pump tubing.
- Run the pump on the ground at the bottom.
- Remove all trash.
- Take out all the decorations.
- Prepare a slightly concentrated solution of water and bleach and place all objects there for 20-30 minutes.
- Remove and scrape a little with an unnecessary toothbrush to remove any residue.
- Rinse with running water and dip in boiling water - you can leave the product in such water for about 5 minutes.
- Lay the decorations on a towel to dry, and then place them again in the aquarium.
- Check the water prepared in advance - whether the temperature is appropriate.
- Add it to the fish tank to the desired volume, using a pump to do this carefully.
- Wipe the outer walls - make sure that there are no stains on the glass.
- Connect the equipment.
- Run the fish into the aquarium.
to contents ↑Important! If you did everything on points, carefully and carefully, the question of how to remove the smell from the aquarium you no longer have. The main thing is to adhere to the frequency of such cleaning.
Useful Tips
to contents ↑Stock footage
In order to continue to facilitate the care of fish for yourself, hook up special orderlies. Swordsmen, guppies, ancistruses, mollies, armored catfish are not only attractive enough, but will also constantly do some of the work for you - remove plaque from the walls of your house, and clean the bottom and plants from mold. For the rest - just follow our advice and you won’t have to worry about how and how to remove the unpleasant odor from the aquarium, you will just contemplate the measured movement of vegetation and beautiful fish in the water during the moments of rest.
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